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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Briarwood Church

Serving In South Africa
July 11, 2012
Staff: Christopher Fry


by Christopher | July 11, 2012 4:45 PM

After an early morning to leave for Dallas and many hours on three different planes, we finally arrived in Cape Town, South Africa. While it is 4:45 back at our homes, it is 11:45 pm in Cape Town and we are settling in for some nice rest at the Mushet Manor. Tomorrow morning starts our hands on ministry, the ministry we have been planning for and praying over for months. We can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us this week.

First full day

by Betty Ilioi | July 12, 2012 2:14 PM

We just finished up our first day in Cape Town, South Africa and one thing is for certain: we absolutely love it! After getting in late last night and spending the last 24 hours acclimating ourselves to the area in which many of us would be spending our first mission trip, we have learned a few things about the country so far. First, everyone is so friendly and welcoming. And second, although it is as beautiful as can be, we were not expecting it to be this cold. Actually, cold is quite an understatement. I think it’s safe to say the majority of us have been freezing since we flew into Cape Town. Coming from 100+ degree weather, the South African winter is something we will have to get used to. After arriving at the church, we were able to meet a number of the ladies that attend the school at the church and spent some time getting to know them, followed by a devotion and prayer. They opened up to us right away and they seemed so excited to talk to us. After the fellowship, we had our orientation, where we went through the tentative schedule for the next few days, learned about the service projects we would be a part of, and even got to meet one of the men whose house we would be working on. We then set up for the Vacation Bible School we had prepared for the neighborhood children. Running through the puppet shows, skits and songs took up the rest of the morning. We wanted to be ready to go and all set up to give the kids’ an amazing three days of VBS. After being served a traditional South African lunch, we split into four groups and had the opportunity to walk around the neighborhoods of Belhar and got to experience more of South African life, while passing out invitations to VBS. Once again, we were in awe of the kindness and hospitality found here. Although it was freezing outside and even started to rain at one point, we enjoyed meeting people and conversing with them. It was such a culture shock to see how people here lived though. One of the groups was invited into the home of the first house they passed by. The tiny three-bedroom home with a common area and kitchen looked like most of the houses in the town. We couldn’t believe our ears when we were told that about twenty people lived in that small space! As we were making our way in, there was less and less room to even stand – that’s how many people were in there. And yet they all appeared to be so grateful for what they had and they welcomed us in with open arms. The neighborhood walks and getting to chat with the locals was definitely the best part of the day for just about all of us. After that, we played a game of South Africa trivia and spent some more time with some of the kids and teenagers that were helping and hanging out around the church. We enjoyed their company and ended it with another delicious meal prepared for us by the pastor’s wife and a few of the gracious ladies from the church. As we were making our way back to the guesthouse in which we are staying, the jetlag started settling in again. We are going to call it a night soon, but we are anticipating the next few days, excited about what God has in store and just so thankful to be here.

VBS preparation

by Christopher | July 12, 2012 2:15 PM

The puppets practice and get ready for VBS to start tomorrow.
VBS preparation


by Christopher | July 12, 2012 2:16 PM

Mrs. K leads devotions for the students of the training school that is supported by the church.

Greeting from Pastor Matt

by Christopher | July 12, 2012 2:41 PM

Friday - VBS adventure

by Christopher | July 14, 2012 3:15 PM

Today we had our chance to get our hands dirty - literally. The morning started with working on a couple of houses for service projects. We split into two separate groups and work on the homes of Willem and Tersha. For the team working at Willems house, a home that is provided for him with government subsidy, we are putting a fresh coat of pant on the exterior. He and his wife decided to have it done in a light purple color. Tersha's house also consisted of a exterior paint job. However there was quite a bit of prep work to do prior to being able to paint. The exterior walls had been coated with a cement texture that needs to be scraped off before being able to paint it. While some walls did not have the texture on them, and could receive a first coat, others spent time removing the texturing. Tersha also has a daughter who is confined to a wheelchair. One of the other projects we are working on for her is to remove a reinforcing rod from the bottom of her desk that prevents the wheelchair from being able to go under fully. Once removed we will have to construct a new way to restabilize the desk. VBS was scheduled to start today at 2:00. Past VBS at Belhar Baptist Church have had on average about 90 children at it and pastor said the first day is usually smaller. We were expecting about 60-70 on the first day. I think we knew we were in for a few more when at 1:00 there were already 100 children waiting for the start of VBS. As 2:00 started getting closer and closer, more and more children from the community continued to pile into the church. By the time VBS was truly underway, close to 240 children had come to hear the Word of God through song, puppets, and skits and Bible memory. Mrs K did a fantastic job in modifying some of the crafts and projects to accomodate the increased numbers. Pastor was amazed at the number of kids who came and was very excited as many of them do not attend any churches in the community. By the time VBS was completed we were all exhausted and resting for the youth jam that was to come later in the evening.

Prayer day

by Christopher | July 14, 2012 3:24 PM

Saturday started very early in the morning as we loaded the vans by 5:00 am to make it to downtown Cape Town. We had been excited to participate in a prayer time in legislative chambers of the South African government in Cape Town. Matt led the devotions and the team prayed with other leaders covering a variety of issues facing Cape Town, the surrounding communities and South Africa. What an honor and privilege to ask God to be a part of the decisions that are made in this space. We then journeyed to a remote orphanage that Belhar Baptist Church has been ministering to for several years. The orphanage, which can hold 150 children, was only partially filled as many children were returning from a school break. This allowed us to focus on ministering more intentionally with the children that were on site. After receiving a tour of the grounds and facilities we spent time with the children, giving high-fives, playing soccer, throwing and kicking a rugby ball, and receiving lots and lots of hugs. The children just could not get enough of being with us and laughing at the way that we would dance. We conducted a short program of songs and some puppet skits and then it was time to say good-bye to some of our new friends. We are being challenged to wrestle with some of the ways that God is interacting with us this week. Whether it be to pray for our local government, or to serve the orphans in our areas, to possibly just seeking God's calling in our own lives every day.

Rain go away - Sunday

by Christopher | July 16, 2012 4:18 PM

Sunday morning and we have a chance to worship with our new friends at Belhar Baptist Church. Joe and Kayla gave testimonies and Betty shared her motivation for coming on a mission trip to South Africa. Matt was the preacher and gave a rousing message on Mark 8 with Jesus feeding the 4000 and then healing a blind man. We were all amazed at the energy and enthusiasm of the worship. Song after song was sung with passion as a true offering to God. We were also wo welcomed by every member of the church and were amazed by the hugs given to each of us by the church members during the welcoming song. Since the weather outside was rainy and cool, we modified our plans a little bit and took a trip down to the Cape of Good Hope. The journey there on the Indian Ocean side was amazingly beautiful and we were awestruck as to the beauty of this land. When we arrived at the Cape, many of us took the tram up to the top of the point were there is a lighthouse and observation area. God was really granting us favor as for a couple minutes while we were at the top He parted the clouds and allowed us to see out into the oceans. When we arrived back at the parking area we were fortunate enough to see some of the native baboons. These baboons are used to people, so they will come up fairly close and have been known to take food, cameras, and cell phones straight from people's hands. While we were fortunate enough to not have any electronics stolen, one walked right up to the van as we had the door open. Cager emphatically "encouraged" us to close the door before the baboon could get in. We took a quick drive down on the lower road while took us right down to the ocean and the Cape Point sign. Along this brief drive we had the chance to photograph some wild ostrich. These large birds were amazing to see up close, and some were happy that they didn't want to come in the van. The return back to Cape Town had us driving up the Atlantic Ocean side and the scenery was just as breath taking as the Indian Ocean side. We would have liked to have been able to see more, but between the rain and the setting sun it soon became too dark to see the landscape. We have been extremely blessed today to be able to worship our God with our brothers and sisters in Christ and then see this amazing creation.

Cape of Good Hope

by Christopher | July 16, 2012 4:24 PM

The team stands in front of the sign at the Cape of Good Hope. This is where the point where Indian and Atlantic Ocean's meet
Cape of Good Hope


by Christopher | July 16, 2012 4:25 PM

One of the baboon's we saw at the Cape of Good Hope.

Another message from Matt

by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:00 AM

Matt shares from the top of Table Mountain, overlooking Cape Town.

Monday - The sun will come out

by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:15 AM

Monday we returned to our full day on ministry. While the morning started drizzly and overcast, that did not stop us from being a part of the devotions at the training school. Kayla shared the Word with the students and started their day off before the Lord. The remainder of the morning was spent back at our work project houses. We continued panting the exteriors of Willem home and painting the exterior and sealing windows at Tersha's home. With the urgency to get the projects finished we worked right up until lunch. I don't think either of the homes would have been done without the homeowners working alongside of us. We appreciated so much being partners with them in the projects being done. The afternoon was focused on the children of the community and leading VBS again. Since the children were coming straight from school, we were not sure what to expect and how many would return. We started a little slowly, but children continued to trickle in and soon the church was again full of kids dancing, singing, and reciting scripture. The games were played outside as the sun started breaking through all the clouds and warming up the land. On Monday evenings Belhar Baptist Church hosts a drug and alcohol support group. This is a place where local community members can get encouragement, support and prayers as they battle addictions. The team was moved when hearing from young men who have been addicted to a meth like substance for over 17 years. We had the opportunity to pray with them and share with them some scripture. On the drive back to the guest house some of the team members expressed how much that time meant to them. While some were dreading the time, they found that they also came away from group feeling supported and encouraged. God can work in mysterious ways.

VBS games

by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:53 AM

Some youth from Belhar play a game during VBS
VBS games


by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:53 AM

Tara works on painting Willem's house

Indian Ocean

by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:54 AM

Even though it was cold and rainy we couldn't resist the chance to stand in the Indian Ocean
Indian Ocean


by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:55 AM

Aubrey, one of the young adults at Belhar Baptist Church dances as a part of worship.

South Africa

by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:55 AM

Some of the beautiful South Africa landscape.
South Africa

More beauty

by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:56 AM

More of the amazing country of South Africa
More beauty

A new friend

by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:57 AM

Betty spends time with a young child at the orphanage.
A new friend


by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:58 AM

A young boy swings at the orphanage.

Can I see?

by Christopher | July 17, 2012 9:58 AM

A young child at the orphanage stands on the chair in hopes of getting a better view of the puppets.
Can I see?

Tuesday - the sun is still out

by Christopher | July 19, 2012 7:41 AM

We awoke this morning to clear skies. Chilly and cool, but the rain has ended and we are looking toward a nice day. We spent the morning heading back down to the Cape Town area and the opportunity to ride the tram to the top of Table Mountain. Since the weather had been rainy and windy for so many days, many other people had the same idea as well. So after a short wait we were riding the cable car to the top of the mountain. The view from the top of the mountain is absolutely breath taking. From this vantage point you can see how large of a city Cape Town is, view Robben Island, see many of the beautiful beaches and the mountains heading south. After descending the mountain we were back in Belhar for the final day of VBS. The numbers were increasing again and we ended up with 185 kids hearing the Word of God. We were sad to say goodbye to the children that we had spent time with over the past week. Lots of hugs and tears. This evening we had a workshop for the church on puppet ministry. The missions team is leaving the puppet stage with the church in Belhar along with 5 puppets. The workshop taught some of the basics and fundamentals of doing puppet ministry. We were surprised to see that not only youth from the church were in attendance, but also several of the church women. It was fun to see them with puppets on their hands singing to the music. Tomorrow is our final ful day in South Africa, and we look forward to all that God has in store for us.


by Christopher | July 19, 2012 7:46 AM

Our final day in South Africa started early in the morning. We had to get up and hit the road a little earlier than normal as we were heading up north to the Aquila Game Reserve. This game reserve hosts the African Big 5 (rhino, lion, cheetah, buffalo and elephant), along with many other native animals. The 2.5 hour tour took us through the game reserve where we were able to see 4 out of the 5. The cheetah alluded us, but we did see one in the rehab center. Some of the elephants were very curious about this group visiting and actually came very close to the team. The evening concluded with Matt leading a Bible Study. As is tradition at the church, the Bible Study started with a time of praise and worship. The dance team performed 2 dances for the team and church members in attendance. The girls for the mission team joined them for a 3 dance as well that they had practiced the previous day. After Matt finished the study it was time to say good-bye. It is always difficult to say good-bye to new friends and relationships that were developed. We hope and pray for the opportunity to return again.

puppet ministry workshop

by christopher | July 21, 2012 12:47 AM

Some of the church members practice with puppets.
puppet ministry workshop


by christopher | July 21, 2012 12:48 AM

One of the zebra's from the herd at the game preserve

Cape buffalo

by Christopher | July 21, 2012 12:49 AM

One of the Big 5 see at the game preserve
Cape buffalo

Marching along

by Christopher | July 21, 2012 12:50 AM

A pair of elephants walk towards us to check us out. They actually came much closer to us and one of the guides used a vehicle to block them from getting too close.
Marching along

"Lion" around

by Christopher | July 21, 2012 12:52 AM

Another one of the Africa big 5, we came across some lions during the drive through the game reserve. They guide said they will sleep up to 15 hours a day. Such is the life!!!!
"Lion" around

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Dori Miller

July 19, 2012 8:35 AM

Sounds like you have had an awesome time! No doubt you jave bleased many lives there, and i am aure yours have been blessed also! I can't wait for y'all to get home so we can hear all the stories! Praying for safe travels as you head out!

Jerry Brock and boys

July 18, 2012 9:54 PM

heys guys glad things r going good would u have cindy call or something if she can the boys really want to hear from her

Joe and Joan Mabry

July 16, 2012 6:04 PM

Still praying for you daily as you finish up your days in Cape Town and begining your trip home. What an awesome experience God has blessed you with! May he continue to guide and bless you and give you a safe trip back.

Kevin Intemann

July 15, 2012 10:09 AM

Praying that God blesses each of you and your service. May the Lord guide and direct you, keep you safe and protect you, and use you to His glory.

Kevin Intemann

July 14, 2012 9:58 PM

Praying that God blesses each of you and your service. May the Lord guide and direct you, keep you safe and protect you, and use you to His glory.

Pat M

July 14, 2012 5:18 PM

Praying that each of you will have strength for every day to share God's word in every way possible.

Lisa Gibson

July 12, 2012 12:03 AM

Glad you are there! We are praying for you everyday in VBS at FBC, Pampa. Can't wait to see everything y'all are doing!!

Jerry Brock and boys

July 11, 2012 9:57 PM

Glad u guys made it LOTS AND LOTS PRAYERS UR WAY

Mandy Clark

July 11, 2012 9:49 PM

Yay!! So good to see those smiling faces! I am so excited for all of you and am ready to hear how God blessed each of you and used you to be a blessing too! Continuing to pray for good health, protection, and God's will over each of you as you show His love.

Michele Mitchell

July 11, 2012 9:43 PM

Coolest picture I've seen today! That's blue pelican shirts in South Africa! Thank you team for taking this step!!! The teams here in Miami are praying for you. Can't wait to watch your week unfold.

Jason Clark

July 11, 2012 12:52 PM

I am praying for each of you as you serve the people of South Africa. Thank you for being God's willing servants!

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Our customizable mission trips allow each person on your team of adults to find a place to serve, regardless of their interest or skills.


Africa's many countries boast a wide array of beauty, culture and needs. Destinations include Kenya and South Africa.


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College students are looking for a place to make a meaningful impact. Amplify that impact by partnering alongside a local church.


This is your opportunity to serve alongside a local church and experience God in a different culture—from Belize, to Cuba, to South Africa and beyond.


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