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PPM365 Peru

PPM365 is a continuous effort to build up, encourage, and assist the local Church 365 days a year

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by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | October 28, 2023

Great time with all pastors from amazon rivers during pur Pastors' conference.


It is always a joy to hear from Pastors

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | October 4, 2023

After several weeks Pastor Heber was able to meet with PPM staff and share his anecdotes and plans for the work of God. We had an extensive conversation in which I also extended the invitation to our Pastors' conference on October 27 and 28. Pastor received this invitation with great joy.

It is always a joy to hear from Pastors

Visit to see the doctor

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | October 3, 2023

From his community Panguana II Zona Pastor José came to Iquitos city  to do his general tests and abdominal ultrasounds. Additionally, Pastor José was able to get  prescription eyeglasses. His wife was also able to consult with the doctor.

Visit to see the doctor

Church Service in Capironal Village

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | October 1, 2023

The jungle communities of Peru lack electricity. To light their homes they use gasoline generators which can often be very expensive in these remote areas. Despite this, the brothers in the church do not stop praising our God. Tonight the youth organized a special service to vindicate the calling that God gave to them and made a promise to gain more souls for Christ

Church Service in Capironal Village

Lost contact for a while

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | October 1, 2023

A few weeks ago we lost communication with Pastor Reynerio. We decided to visit him to see what was going on. He told me that the cell phone with which he could make calls had been lost during a visit to the city of Iquitos. From that moment on he lost all contacts in his phone. Not knowing what to do he waited for our visit. He was filled with joy to see us again. We were able to talk about many things and we stayed for the evening service. It was beautiful to spend some time with Pastor Reynerio.

Brand new Eyeglasses!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | September 28, 2023

No more headaches and dizziness when reading the Bible. Pastor Cesar had suffered from these discomforts for a long time because he did not have prescription eyeglasses. Today he received new glasses!

Brand new Eyeglasses!

Visit to Pastor Jose's Home

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | September 23, 2023

It is always a joy to visit Pastor José. We visited him on this occasion to invite him to our pastors' conference to be held this month. His family was very happy to see us again.

Visit to Pastor Jose's Home

Pastoral Vacations!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | September 21, 2023

Pastor Jovino has been a widower for some years. He has to work hard to take care of the church, his children, and himself. PPM has been a great blessing to him as he has been able to enjoy the benefits of 365 program. Today he came to Iquitos to take some time off and do some local tourism. We accompanied him to enjoy different tourist sites. Today I was his tour guide. Pastor Jovino deserves that and much more!

brand new prescription eyeglasses

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | September 21, 2023

Pastor Jovine came all the way from his village for his annual check-up and today he got his brand new prescription eyeglasses. He used to get very cheap and not accurate eyeglasses before that caused him headaches often. Knowing that his eyeglasses fit him well makes him so happy. 

brand new prescription eyeglasses

Global mission trip to Yanamono village

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | September 17, 2023

Today Pastor Ignacio and his congregation went on a missionary trip to  Yanamono village, Amazon river. . A community with few people but with a great desire to hear the word of  God. We were able to share bags of food for 25 families. We held meetings with ladies, gentlemen, and children. We projected a very nice movie "War Room". It was a precious time.

Global mission trip to Yanamono village

Prayers being answered!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | August 14, 2023

Pastor Ignacio and his congregation had been working hard for a long time to raise funds to purchase a musical keyboard and some church supplies. However, it was only necessary to pray to God for all of it. God blessed the church with a keyboard, Bibles, study materials, and a solar panel. Through the group "Living hope outreach ministries" God blessed this small group of brothers. God answers the prayers of the righteous!

Prayers being answered!

Mission Trip to San Juan de Huashalado!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | July 15, 2023

Today we formed a large group of missionaries to  San Juan de Huashalado community. We had the opportunity to preach the word of God in an evangelism service. We were able to share food for all the families in the community. Many testified that the local church is doing something different through these actions. What a good time in God's work!

Mission Trip to San Juan de Huashalado!

The heart of PPM!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | April 16, 2023

A Healthy pastor leads healthy churches. It is our premise. For this reason PPM focuses and takes care of this aspect in each pastor. On this occasion, Pastor Eber came from his community to do his medical checkup due to some symptoms that were affecting his health. After receiving his diagnosis and treatment, Pastor Eber returns very satisfied with this blessing that no one had ever given him. Glory to God

The heart of PPM!

First Peru Regional Meet-up !!!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | April 10, 2023

A precious time with the Pastors of different rivers of the Peruvian Amazon. who gathered to be able to share experiences, extraordinary stories and ministry issues. The work of a pastor in the Amazon is not easy, but with God's help everything is possible. PPM present reiterating to each pastor our support in the ministry they carry out in their communities.

First Peru Regional Meet-up !!!

Pastor José enjoying of some time off!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | April 9, 2023

One of the important things for PPM is that our partners have a time off to be able to regain energy and continue the pastoral work in their communities. Pastor Jose and his family came from the community of Panguana - in the Amazon river to spend some time relaxing. Thank you PPM

Pastor José enjoying of some time off!

The Work of God must continue!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | April 6, 2023

"The work of God must continue" is what Pastor Michael expressed to us very happily after finishing a training workshop for young people in the city of Indiana. Many young people hungry for the Word of God completed the Bible classes with satisfaction. Pastor Michael after returning from his 10 days mission trip took another boat and just headed to Indiana for this workshop. Col 3:23 "Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men. Knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord..."

Caring for our local partners!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | March 27, 2023

Thanks to the 365 program our local partners are receiving an annual medical check-up. This benefit really is a blessing for the pastors of the Amazon jungle who live in very remote areas. We pray that this program reaches more local partners in the Amazon.
Caring for our local partners!

Fellowship in the Lord!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | March 25, 2023

A precious time in fellowship with some pastors on the Napo river, a tributary of the Amazon river. Five churches came together to praise the Lord: Irlanda village, 3 de Mayo village, Sucusari village, Progreso and Huanana village. There is no greater joy than being united in faith and praising the Lord together. Psalms 133

Fellowship in the Lord!

Pastor Miguel now part of PPM365 Program

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | March 22, 2023

It was a pleasure meeting with Pastor Miguel and expressing my appreciation for the work he has been doing in his community. He very joyfully accepted to be part of the 365 program, even more knowing that he will be able to fellowship with other pastors from other congregations.

Pastor Miguel now part of PPM365 Program

Visit from Pastor Ezequiel

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | March 20, 2023

Today Pastor Ezequiel and his family arrived in the city of Iquitos and wanted to share a moment to talk about the wonderful things that the Lord does. He is very encouraged by the 365 program and knowing that there are people in the world who care and pray for him, his family and his congregation. He enthusiastically told us about the work of the church in his community and the missionary work to other communities. After a long conversation he had to say goodbye until next opportunity. God bless Pastor Ezequiel.

Visit from Pastor Ezequiel

Local church in action!

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | March 18, 2023

The church in the community of Capironal - Amazon River made its missionary trip to the community of Santa Martha, a community where there is no temple or pastor. The local church was present, bringing food for each home, Bible lessons for children, ladies and gentlemen. In addition, free haircuts were provided for all children and gentlemen. A precious service was held where 7 lives accepted Jesus into their hearts. It was a day full of blessings. Glory be to our Lord and Savior!

Local church in action!

Getting ready for Mission trip

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | March 13, 2023

Pastor Michael and the youth of his congregation prepare everything for their trips to the community of Vencedores near the border with Ecuador. The trip will last about 10 days. We ask for your prayers for this missionary group. God guide and protect them in all your ways!

Getting ready for Mission trip

Pastor Cesar returning from missionary trip.

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | March 7, 2023

Pastor César, after having visited SAN NICOLÁS community on the Amazon river , hundreds of kilometers away, met with me today to tell me about the many lives that accepted Christ during his visit.  The visit lasted about 15 days, He stopped by in Iquitos city for one day and tomorrow he will be returning to his community. He returns very joyful for all that the Lord has done.

Pastor Cesar returning from missionary trip.

Lunch with Pastor Jose

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | February 25, 2023

For some days Pastor José from Huanana village - Napo river is in the city of Iquitos to make clinical exams due to its recent hemorrhagic dengue that he had for a few weeks. I invited him a lunch and we could talk about his state of health, his emotional health and thank God he told me that everything was fine. We talked about the plans about some missionary trips for the following months. He and his church are veryencouraged about it. Before saying goodbye we prayed together ad tomorrow He will be heading back to his village. 

Lunch with Pastor Jose

Encounter with Pastor Cesar

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | February 19, 2023

Pastor Cesar had also been invited to Pastor Hildebrando's vigil. He attended along with 40 members of his congregation. We shared some time together talking about his plans for the church and also the plans within the 365 program. He told me the need to finish his house and I told him that we would pray for that purpose. The day after the vigil we said goodbye and I asked him that we can communicate more often.

Encounter with Pastor Cesar

Attending Pastor Hildebrando's Vigil Service

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | February 18, 2023

A few days ago I had received the invitation from Pastor Hildebrando to preach at the scheduled vigil in his church. In addition, 5 more congregations from other towns of the Tahuayo river were invited. It was a lot of blessing.

Attending Pastor Hildebrando's Vigil Service

Navigating Tahuayo river to find more 365 partners

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | January 26, 2023

It was really quite an adventure to be able to travel on Pastor Hildebrando's boat, who took the time and energy to accompany me on a 5-hour boat ride to the most remote towns to find more members of the 365 program. During the trip we were able to share experiences and visit different towns. We were able to share the word of God in one of these villages. The 365 program is a blessing!

Navigating Tahuayo river to find more 365 partners

First visit to Pastor José

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | January 26, 2023

Oh surprise! Pastor José was home alone because his wife and grandchildren are in the city of Lima visiting relatives. Very excited he shared with me his plans in the ministry for this year . He told me that the wife is coming next month and he can't wait for that day. I also encouraged him that we can maintain more frequent communication.

First visit to Pastor Cesar

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | January 25, 2023

It was a great joy to be able to meet with Pastor César and find him next to the river bank and under a tree reading his Bible. I shared with him the benefits of the 365 program and he was very upbeat and happy. He told me that he had to move his house due to the constant erosion of the river bank but even so he does not lose heart. I encouraged him to keep in touch more frequently and share the great things the Lord is doing in his ministry.

First visit to Pastor Cesar

Meeting with Pastor Eber

by Luis Carlos Armas Vascones | January 12, 2023

Pastor Eber is very enthusiastic for the work of God. After several days of recovering from some ailments I found him under his house sharing experiences with a brother from the church. He was happy to see me and we talked about many of his plans for this year within his ministry. I shared the details of the 365 program with him and he was very happy and he asked me to consider adding more pastors to the 365 program later on. I urged him to pray to the Lord and wait in Him. He was very encouraged by my visit.

Meeting with Pastor Eber

First Team in the Amazon

by Anna Morgan | October 26, 2022

Our inaugural team is serving in Peru along the Amazon River. While the team has been able to come alongside the local churches and serve with them as they impact the communities there, it has become even more evident that the churches and pastors need care. The spiritual warfare and challenges they face are extreme. PPM365 exists to hold up the arms of pastors as they continue to lead, to support churches as they continue to shine the light of Christ in the darkness, and to empower local staff to be there through it all. 

You can follow along in the Trip Journal of this first team! What an amazing God we serve: https://www.ppm.org/mission-trip-journals/18223.  

First Team in the Amazon

Launching PPM365 in Peru

by Anna Morgan | October 25, 2022

The Church along the Amazon River is alive and active. We are ready to serve and care for them 365 days a year.

The Church in Panguana I is shepherded by Pastor Jose.  He has a great desire to see his village know Jesus Christ as Lord of everyone's lives!

Launching PPM365 in Peru

Subscribe To PPM365 Updates From Peru - Amazon

Our 365 Day Approach

PPM365 is a continuous effort to build up, encourage, and assist the local Church 365 days a year. By sponsoring a church's involvement in this program, pastors and ministry leaders will receive local support, training, and encouragement, leading to transformed communities in the name of Christ. Three areas of focus work in unison to accomplish this intentional effort.


The Local Church is the catalyst for reaching our world for Christ. It is God's master plan - to use His people to love and serve our world, sharing the Good News of grace by faith to all people.


An investment in a pastor is an investment in the Church. When pastors are healthy, both spiritually and physically, they are most able to lead a healthy, vibrant congregation


Communities benefit when the local church is thriving. From support and care to meeting physical needs; a healthy Church is vital to a community.

We estimate it will cost PPM $2400 per year ($200/month) to fund one partner in this program. A sponsorship allows for donors to personally support the care and ongoing ministry in a location.

Program Promises for our PPM365 Partners

  • Consistent Care

  • Aid in Emergencies

  • Relational Network & Training

  • Empowerment to go

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Hasta Luego!

USA Ambassador Pageant Volunteers

Puerto Rico | May 30, 2024

Crawfish Party!

Austin Korean Presbyterian Church

Gulf Coast | May 30, 2024

Lagoon Road Baptist Church

Emmanuel Free Methodist Church

Belize | May 31, 2024

Saying Goodbye

Tom's Creek Baptist Church

Carolinas | May 31, 2024

United In Prayers

NICS Senior Class

Belize | May 31, 2024





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