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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Archbold Evangelical Church

Serving In Alaska
June 8, 2024
Community: Soldotna
Partner: Amundsen Educational Center, Kenai Peninsula Food Bank, Peninsula Grace Church
Staff: Alissa Danielson, Rose Brito

We made it!!

by Rose Brito | June 9, 2024 12:46 AM

We made it and the team is totally hyped!! We made a quick stop in Seward to do some sightseeing! The weather and the scenery here is absolutely amazing! 

We made it!!

Kenai Fjords

by Rose Brito | June 9, 2024 12:51 AM

We  had a blast enjoying the beauty of God’s creation!! We took a quick hike to Exit Glacier and it was beautiful! 

Kenai Fjords

BBQ Time

by Rose Brito | June 9, 2024 12:53 AM

First team dinner of the trip was a success!! BBQ is always a hit!!
BBQ Time

Servant Leadership

by Rose Brito | June 9, 2024 12:55 AM

Pastor Nathanael displaying servant leadership this evening by serving up the beans to all of the team!! 
Servant Leadership


by Rose Brito | June 9, 2024 12:56 AM

Right on the side of the road…welcome to Alaska! 

Day 2 - Breakfast

by Rose Brito | June 9, 2024 5:49 PM

We are starting off day 2 with breakfast! Everyone grabbed their breakfast and packed a lunch. Today is going to be busy with lots of fun and ministry!! 

Day 2 - Breakfast

Team bonding

by Rose Brito | June 9, 2024 5:52 PM

We just finished worship this morning and then we grabbed our lunches, loaded up our vans and headed out to Captain Cook’s State Recreational Park to eat our lunch and hang out together. This was a great time to really get to know each other. 
Team bonding

Captain Cook State Recreational Park

by Rose Brito | June 10, 2024 12:46 AM

We made it over to Captain Cook State Regional Park today where we were able to walk the beach and collect some pretty awesome rocks!

Captain Cook State Recreational Park

Photo Op

by Rose Brito | June 10, 2024 12:47 AM

It’s hard to pass up photo ops and Alaska is full of them!!
Photo Op

Hanging out before we get started with VBS

by Rose Brito | June 10, 2024 12:49 AM

Before we start hitting it hard with VBS, we got a chance to just chill with friends and take in the scenery!!
Hanging out before we get started with VBS

VBS Day 1 Dinner Crew

by Rose Brito | June 10, 2024 12:50 AM

This amazing team of five made a scrumptious dinner for over 80 VBS volunteers!! They did an amazing job!!
VBS Day 1 Dinner Crew

Chow Time

by Rose Brito | June 10, 2024 12:51 AM

First VBS dinner was a hit!!
Chow Time

VBS Day 1 Debrief

by Rose Brito | June 10, 2024 12:53 AM

Day 1 of VBS was a success!! Lives were touched, Jesus was shared and everyone is hyped for tomorrow! Thank you everyone for all of the prayers! We are feeling them for sure!!!
VBS Day 1 Debrief

Sunday Worship at Peninsula Grace

by Alissa Danielson | June 10, 2024 3:10 AM

We were blessed to start our week of ministry by worshiping alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ at Peninsula Grace. The worship service was absolutely incredible, and Pastor Justin’s sermon based on Proverbs 7 was convicting and directed us to the gospel. 

You might not be able to find us in this picture because we all spread out to sit by Peninsula Grace members to give us all a chance to meet someone new! 

Sunday Worship at Peninsula Grace

Ultimate Frisbee

by Alissa Danielson | June 10, 2024 3:13 AM

Some of us met up with Peninsula Grace’s youth group on Sunday afternoon to play ultimate frisbee! 
Ultimate Frisbee

VBS Night 1

by Alissa Danielson | June 10, 2024 3:18 AM

Scuba VBS Night 1 was a success! The theme was “God is a friend who is real.” Most of us were crew leaders, leading a group of 5 or so kids around to the different stations (game, imagination station, snack, music) and others of us assisted in the stations themselves. 

We are so honored to serve alongside Peninsula Grace as they host their VBS!
VBS Night 1

Amundsen Educational Center

by Alissa Danielson | June 10, 2024 5:22 PM

On Monday morning, half our crew went to Amundsen Educational Center (yes, also abbreviated as AEC.) AEC is a school that offers a residential construction program that also incorporates discipleship training into their curriculum. Currently, the school receives up to 6 students from rural Alaska each year. We are excited to be able to support AEC this week with some work that will help their campus be able to reach more people with the hope of the Gospel. 

Mike Swanson, Director of AEC, joined us to share more about their ministry. He shared 3 principles that they try to instill in every student in their program: 

1. Worth — “God don’t make no junk”

2. Belonging — “You can’t change the family you come from but you can change the family you create.” 

3. Competence — “Competence leads to confidence and if you are confident, you are more likely to remain alive.”

We are grateful for being able to partner with AEC this week, a ministry committed to serving and equipping rural Alaskans.

Amundsen Educational Center


by Alissa Danielson | June 10, 2024 7:45 PM

Emily was reunited with a friend who was in her crew at last year’s VBS! We were blessed to hang out with him all day while we served at AEC. 


Chopping Trees

by Alissa Danielson | June 10, 2024 7:50 PM

Did we tell you we would be chopping some trees and clearing some brush this week? Curtis and Sebastian got to work with some chainsaws. This wood will be used to heat homes in the cold Alaskan winters, and chopping down dead or diseased trees helps prevent forest fires. 
Chopping Trees

Clean Garage at AEC

by Alissa Danielson | June 11, 2024 1:54 AM

One of the items on our punch list at AEC was to move items from a garage to another area on campus so they can be sorted for what’s being kept or donated. Haylee, Callie, Trisha, and Brenda made sure the garage was swept of every particle of dust!

Clean Garage at AEC

O Christmas Tree

by Alissa Danielson | June 11, 2024 1:55 AM

Brynn found the perfect Christmas tree while at AEC. 
O Christmas Tree

Food Bank Reunion

by Rose Brito | June 11, 2024 11:18 AM

Yesterday we were back at the food bank and we were greeted by our good friend Cohen. He was so excited to see us as we were to see him!!

Food Bank Reunion

Pulling Weeds

by Rose Brito | June 11, 2024 11:20 AM

Yesterday we cleaned out a soil bed. It was tedious but enjoyable when you are doing it with friends and serving! 
Pulling Weeds

Scuba Night 2!!!

by Alissa Danielson | June 11, 2024 4:15 PM

Haylee was ready for our 2nd night of Scuba with some props she found in the do ate pile earlier in the day at AEC!

The theme of Night 2 was “God is a friend who loves!” We are so grateful to know his love and be in relationship with him, and also to share his love with the kids at VBS this week! 

Scuba Night 2!!!

Hard at Work

by Rose Brito | June 12, 2024 11:24 PM

Caleb was hard at work, mowing the lawn for the food bank’s upcoming fundraiser!!

Hard at Work

Planting Strawberries

by Rose Brito | June 12, 2024 11:26 PM

The team pulled weeds and planted strawberries for the food bank!! Many people will reap tasty strawberries because of their hard work!!
Planting Strawberries

Dishes, dishes, dishes!!

by Rose Brito | June 12, 2024 11:39 PM

Allison washed tons of dishes at the food bank and she did it with a happy heart!! God tells us to do everything as if we are doing it unto the Lord!! That changes everything!
Dishes, dishes, dishes!!

Prepping Silverware

by Rose Brito | June 12, 2024 11:41 PM

Gabby prepped silverware for almost 90 people who were served hot meals at the food bank today!! Wow!! It was amazing to see the different people come in to eat and leave with full tummies and happy hearts!! These kids really made a difference today!!
Prepping Silverware

VBS Dedication

by Rose Brito | June 12, 2024 11:43 PM

Mar Mar was dedicated to the task!! When asked to dance, he jumped right in there!! 
VBS Dedication


by Rose Brito | June 12, 2024 11:45 PM

Talk about dedication!! Pastor Nathanael played Jonah today at VBS! He did a pretty awesome job! Most of us didn’t even know it was him! ?

2nd Food Bank Crew

by Rose Brito | June 12, 2024 11:47 PM

Here’s the food bank crew for Tuesday!! They were amped and ready to work!! Kenai Peninsula Good Bank didn’t know what hit them when these kids got there!! It was awesome to give some of the staff a break and some much needed help!!!
2nd Food Bank Crew

Giving Rose a Break!!

by Rose Brito | June 12, 2024 11:49 PM

Mad props to Mar Mar for giving Rose a break and washing the dishes!!! This was so appreciated! Thank you!!! 
Giving Rose a Break!!

Leaders at VBS

by Alissa Danielson | June 13, 2024 10:04 PM

Shoutout to our leaders who backed Nathanael up during the Jonah skit during the closing of VBS on Monday night! And honestly, just a shoutout to them for every other way they have selflessly and faithfully served the team and our ministry partners this week. These leaders are incredible! 
Leaders at VBS

Josiah Mowing at AEC

by Alissa Danielson | June 13, 2024 10:13 PM

Part of our service work this week was landscaping around the training center at AEC. Thanks, Josiah, for mowing some grass! 
Josiah Mowing at AEC

Gabby the Weed Wacker

by Alissa Danielson | June 13, 2024 10:16 PM

Gabby got a hold of the weed wacker and wouldn’t put it down. Look at her go! 
Gabby the Weed Wacker

Sorting Donations

by Alissa Danielson | June 13, 2024 10:21 PM

Sapphire, Allison, Savanna, Trisha, and MarMar worked so hard to get the pile of donations sorted with Mike at AEC. They saw this project through to completion! Items were either moved to storage or brought to Peninsula Grace for their garage sale later this summer. 
Sorting Donations

A trailersworth of donations

by Alissa Danielson | June 13, 2024 10:23 PM

Here we are as we loaded the trailer of donations to bring from AEC to Peninsula Grace. 
A trailersworth of donations

VBS Dinners

by Alissa Danielson | June 13, 2024 10:25 PM

As you know, a significant way we have been serving alongside Peninsula Grace this week is by preparing dinner for VBS volunteers and their families. We’ve loved sitting down and sharing this meal together as a way to get to know our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

VBS Dinners

Moose Alert!!

by Alissa Danielson | June 13, 2024 10:52 PM

We went on a short hike after VBS finished on Tuesday and found a moose statue!

Moose Alert!!

Sweeping Gravel

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:02 AM

During Alaskan winters, trucks lay down gravel instead of salt on the roads for a few reasons: 1. The moose are attracted to the salt, and if they are licking the salt from the roads, more accidents could happen. And 2., gravel helps absorb the snow and ice without melting the snow into slick ice like salt does. 

The more you know! Anyways… we spent Wednesday morning at AEC sweeping gravel from the road so it is smooth and clear for the summer. This gravel will be stored and reused next winter to help with slick road conditions. 

Sweeping Gravel

Pausing to Pray

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:04 AM

It’s never a bad idea to take a break from the work to pray. Here’s Cade, Kurt, and Emily being prompted by the Spirit to pause and pray for a team member. 
Pausing to Pray

Emily the Lumberjane

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:06 AM

Look at Emily go!! She joined in on the tree and limb cutting fun at AEC and cut a branch in half. 
Emily the Lumberjane


by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:08 AM

It’s really hard to comprehend the amount of manual labor that has been completed by AEC students both at AEC and at the food bank. We are so proud of the entire team working in unity to accomplish big and important tasks for both organizations. 

AEC praying for AEC

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:11 AM

Here we are with the Director of Amundsen Educational Center, Mike, and his son. As we said our goodbyes, we took time to pray a blessing over the ministry and reach of AEC. 
AEC praying for AEC

Chef Jerry

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:12 AM

Look at Jerry making pasta salad for 80+ people!!! Each student helped prepare a dinner for VBS at least once this week, and many were stretched to form new skills than they already have. 
Chef Jerry

True Blue

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:15 AM

Coffee huts are very popular in Alaska, and a few of our favorites are True Blue and True Blur Too. We loved visiting them for a treat after a full morning and afternoon of ministry, before we jumped into our evening of VBS. 
True Blue

Caleb the VBS Games Leader

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:17 AM

Caleb did an awesome job leading every rotation through games for the last 2 nights of VBS. The kids loved him, and the games helped them get some of their wiggles out. 
Caleb the VBS Games Leader

Kenai River Float

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:23 AM

During the day on Thursday, we spent time resting and enjoying God’s creation. Our first activity was a river float down the beautiful Kenai River. Look at all of us in our fun waders and jackets!
Kenai River Float

We are floating!!!

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:25 AM

… down the beautiful aqua waters of the Kenai River… in Alaska ….. our God is way too good!!!

Most of our groups counted over 20 bald eagles and we even saw a black bear along the shore. The silver salmon are starting to run, so it was exciting to also see some fishers on the water. How incredible!!

We are floating!!!

Beary Cool!!

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:31 AM

The bear we saw on our river float wasn’t the only bear we saw. We were able to get pretty close to a black bear in our vans as we drove to our next spot for recreation. 

Beary Cool!!

Polar Plunge in Skilak

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 1:33 AM

What was our next spot for rec? A polar plunge in Skilak Lake. Over half the team decided to run into a lake of water that is just above 50 degrees!
Polar Plunge in Skilak

Final Night of VBS

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 2:59 AM

Our last night of VBS was filled with fun celebration of an awesome week and some tough goodbyes. We love the kiddos we’ve gotten to meet this week and will continue to pray for them as we return home. 

Final Night of VBS

VBS Cleanup

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 3:04 AM

After VBS was over, we helped cleanup the church. This seems like it could take a while but there were so many helping hands that things went by very quickly. 

VBS Cleanup

Final Team Meeting

by Alissa Danielson | June 15, 2024 3:06 AM

During our final team meeting, we took time to pray for Nathanael and Miriam in this season of transition. We love them so much, and are incredibly blessed by the impact they’ve had on our lives. 

Final Team Meeting

Coffee Please!!!

by Rose Brito | June 15, 2024 3:27 AM

After a long day of hard work at the food bank, the team headed over to Mel’s Cafe for some much needed coffee! This was before the coffee of course!

Coffee Please!!!

Portage Glacier

by Rose Brito | June 15, 2024 3:30 AM

Just a couple of dudes hanging out at Portage Glacier! Steven and Sebastian were skipping rocks here at this beautiful spot, but there’s always time for a photo op!
Portage Glacier

Taking in the rays!

by Rose Brito | June 15, 2024 3:33 AM

The sun was shining bright today so Katie and Brynn were just soaking it up! Check out that backdrop! 

Taking in the rays!

More than just dishes!

by Rose Brito | June 15, 2024 3:41 AM

This trip was more than just washing dishes and cooking for Rose! Each of these kids had an opportunity to work in the kitchen with her and it was an awesome opportunity to connect, share testimonies and learn new things. She is part of the PPM team, assigned to help make sure these kids are impacted by the trip…turns out, they impacted her! Thank you to each of you!
More than just dishes!

Thank you!

by Rose Brito | June 15, 2024 3:43 AM

Thank you AEC for allowing us to serve Alaska alongside you all! It was an honor and a pleasure. 

Thank you!

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 15, 2024 11:57 PM

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Michael cobaugh

June 9, 2024 11:44 PM

Do you guys good ice cream make sure you guys try harbor creamery it’s my favorite hideout they have really good milkshakes and really good ice cream it’s the best ice cream in Seward ak make you guys try it before you guys try it before you guys leave ak I highly recommend it

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Canyon Del Oro Bible Church

Houston, TX | June 28, 2024

Beach Day

Mt. Pisgah Church

Florida | June 28, 2024

Midnight Mac

Bethel Lutheran Church

Memphis, TN | June 28, 2024

A farewell photo

Mechanic Grove Church of the Brethren

Alaska | June 28, 2024

It is time to bid farewell.

Timberline Church

Alaska | June 28, 2024





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