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Azusa Pacific University Center for Student Action

Serving In Hawaii
December 16, 2023
Community: Maui
Partner: Community Worship Fellowship, Cup of Cold Water, Grace Baptist Church, Hope Chapel, Waipuna Chapel
Staff: Justin Jones, Amber Crum

APU has Arrived in Maui!

by Amber Crum | December 17, 2023 1:25 PM

We landed in Maui and immediately loaded up and drove to our first ministry site. We partnered with Hope Chapel in Lihue for their Hope for Christmas event to bless families impacted by the Maui fires in August. We were able to hang out and fellowship with families and keiki doing crafts, serving Christmas treats and food, and distributing gifts donated to those families for Christmas! 

We had a blast and were so blessed to be a part of the joy and hope that the event created for the families! 

APU has Arrived in Maui!

Worship at Waipuna Chapel

by Amber Crum | December 17, 2023 5:09 PM

We worshiped with our brothers and sisters in Christ at Waipuna Chapel this morning! Pastor Kaipo spoke about Jesus Emmanuel and how he is with us in the storm and the valley and the wilderness and in our sin! A sweet reminder of the hope and grace we have because Jesus came as flesh to dwell with us! 

Pastor Kaipo will also be leading our ministry with the Kula Watershed Alliance in the Kula district to help reinforce the land there to prevent mudslides and create natural firebreaks in the land to prevent future fire disasters. 

We fellowshipped after church at a pot luck provided by the church and how sweet it is to be united as people from across an ocean and worship the same God. 

Worship at Waipuna Chapel

Keiki Holiday Festival

by Amber Crum | December 19, 2023 2:01 PM

After church, part of our group were able to serve alongside Nā Keiki O Emalia as they also hosted a keiki christmas event. Families affected by Maui fires were able to enjoy Christmas gifts for kids of all ages, food, face painting, music, crafts and other games. Our group was in charge of family registration as well as taking the kids “Christmas shopping” where they got to pick out gifts for Christmas. 

We were again so encouraged by how the community poured out to bring some Christmas cheer to the families affected by the fires. Over 200 FAMILIES registered and all the kids got gifts and many families were able to get extra financial assistance! 

Keiki Holiday Festival

Kula Watershed Alliance - Day 1

by Amber Crum | December 19, 2023 2:41 PM

On Monday, our group partnered with Kula Watershed Alliance and we helped clear brush from trees that fell from the wind on the day of the fires. We chipped the tree branches into some dump trucks and hauled it to Tim’s farmland. Tim is a member of the community whose house burned down 7 years ago and his current ministry is acquiring used vehicles and donating them to people who are in need. He shared with us how he helped distribute coffee to the medical personnel and others who were serving the survivors of the fire because no one slept and just needed help staying awake. He shared with us about how we are always in Christ but we have a choice whether we want to live in the goodness and joy that provides for us now or if we want to choose to be unengaged. We can always be joyous, happy and free! 

He and his wife Cassandra shared fruit from their garden/farm/orchard with us and it was such a joy to spend time with them. 

Kula Watershed Alliance - Day 1

Tim and Cassandra on their Land

by Amber Crum | December 19, 2023 2:43 PM

What a delight it was to work together with Tim and Cassandra on their land. 
Tim and Cassandra on their Land

Preparing Housing for Fire Victims

by Amber Crum | December 20, 2023 11:43 AM

On Sunday, a small part of our group worked in Lihue with an organization called Kako'o/Makai Foundation to help prepare housing for Lahaina and Kula fire victims. We cleaned the houses, built furniture, cleaned up the yard and staged the house for the incoming residents. We even formed some landscaping boundaries in the backyard! It was a huge task and our team worked diligently with so much joy! We pray that these spaces would bring hope and peace and joy to the families moving in. 

Preparing Housing for Fire Victims

We Made it to the Ocean!

by Amber Crum | December 20, 2023 11:46 AM

After our service projects on Sunday, we made our way to the beach and the water was much warmer and calmer than Cali!

We Made it to the Ocean!

Kula Watershed Alliance - Day 2

by Amber Crum | December 20, 2023 11:53 AM

We worked with Kaipo again and did some more tree felling, chipping and land reinforcement. So many logs and branches carried and wood chips raked over the land!! Everyone’s smart watches were cheering them on for all their hard work! 🤣

In this photo, you can see the burned ground around our team and a house left untouched up on the hill. As we drove around, we saw so many examples of this - land burned all around and houses still standing. The houses still have smoke and ash remnants, but the structures didn’t get burned. We praise God for that!!

Kula Watershed Alliance - Day 2

Dinner with Waipuna Chapel

by Amber Crum | December 20, 2023 11:56 AM

Waipuna Chapel hosted us for dinner! Cassandra, Ted’s wife cooked for us and another community member payed for all the food! It was an awesome time of fellowship with Kaipo and his family and other members of the church/community! 
Dinner with Waipuna Chapel

Playing in the Dirt in the Rainforest

by Amber Crum | December 22, 2023 11:00 AM

On Wednesday morning, we head into the rainforest where Miss Lisa. She was recently widowed and needed some help with her yard. One of the projects we worked on was clearing out a massive raised bed and the good news - Ted was taking it home with him to reinstall it in his yard! The unexpected news to us at the time - we were in a rainforest…

We had an absolute blast and were completely soaked and covered in dirt and mud after shoveling and carrying buckets of dirt to Ted’s dump truck to transport back to his house. 

We got to pray with Lisa afterword and we were all so thankful for how God brings people into our lives to share the tenderness and comfort that He wants to give us. She shared how encouraging it was to have us come and work, but also talk story with her. 

Playing in the Dirt in the Rainforest

Sorting donations with Cassandra

by Amber Crum | December 22, 2023 11:07 AM

Half of our team stayed with Cassandra - but still got sneak attacked by the rainforest! We sorted clothing and other household items to donate for fire victims. We sorted out a dozen large trash bags of donations!! 

The impossible tasks

by Amber Crum | December 22, 2023 11:32 AM

We had some big tasks to do on Wednesday afternoon. Our group was split into 3 and we were on the clock. 
We were given the contact of a family whose house withstood the fires in Kula while all the neighbors’ houses burned around them. Their house is still standing but damaged by smoke and ash and due to the fires, they took in their family, but they’ve all been living at a hotel. Our task? Christmas extravaganza. We were able to buy Christmas presents for the whole family and household supplies and talk story with the family after we delivered the gifts. Unbeknownst to us before shopping, was that members of our team had separately played with the grandkids kids and talked story at church with the parents on Sunday!!!  How awesome is our God??

A second portion of our team worked with Kukui at 
Kāko’o Maui Relief and Aid Services. Some of us worked in the resources center and some of us in the distribution center just helping to support the local community members who have been working to help fire victims for months. We helped inventory donations after they lost a large volunteer team that had been doing it for months (we got there 2 days after their other volunteers left), build cubicles in their office to help make work more organized and move stuff around their storage unit. Kukui later shared with us that her and a handful of her staff had lost everything in the fires as well - but of course they would be working to help others. She had a place to go after she lost everything, others still don’t have homes. 
She shared so much gratitude with us and said if we hadn’t helped, they didn’t have anyone else able to take on the task because everyone is stretched so thin right now. 
Praise God! What a joy to encourage the local community members! 
The impossible tasks

Team Downtime

by Amber Crum | December 22, 2023 10:05 PM

We finally got to dry out and then… we decided to jump in the water, some of us twice! We enjoyed a relaxing day hiking and exploring waterfalls and then going to the beach. 

Team Downtime

A Hui Hou (Until Next Time)

by Amber Crum | December 22, 2023 10:10 PM

We said “until next time” today. We carry Maui and its people with us with aloha. We will be praying for hope and peace and joy in this season where we remember the birth of Jesus. 
A Hui Hou (Until Next Time)

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | December 22, 2023 11:57 PM

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We've made it!!!

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Chicago, IL | June 30, 2024





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