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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Bethel Baptist Church

Serving In Haiti
June 3, 2017
Staff: Rudy Bazin, Maceno Savedra, Stanley Gregoire

Home sweet home

by Rudy Bazin | June 3, 2017 8:59 PM

Haiti is a beautiful country! We had a two and a half hour drive north from the airport and it was one gorgeous bus ride. We got to our home for the week at about 7:00 o'clock here at Madame Cyr, Mirbalais. There were members of the church waiting to greet us. We said hello for a few minutes then dove right in with setting up our tents. Once that was done, we gathered around the table to share a yummy meal,  talked about tomorrow and off we went with getting ready for what we are expecting to be a great night of rest in the name of Jesus! 

Please keep us in your prayers. We want the Lord to go and we will follow. We want to be his hands and feet. We are wide open, willing to learn from Him and from his people! 

Feel free to post your comments. We love reading them! 

Home sweet home

First things first

by Rudy Bazin | June 4, 2017 4:37 PM

After some good quiet time, you've got to grab some breakfast before you go. Food has been amazing so far! 

First things first


by Rudy Bazin | June 4, 2017 4:46 PM

A few of us got to share about some of the many ways that God has shaped our lives. Such a powerful way to describe his faithfulness! 



by Rudy Bazin | June 4, 2017 8:23 PM

Church this morning was different. The "good kind" of different. We attended Sunday school and then Josh shared the word with everyone. Lots dancing, memorizing bible verses and of course, signing. Man is it going to be beautiful when we are all united around our Saviour's throne giving him praise all together with no need for an interpreter! 


The bucket brigade

by Rudy Bazin | June 5, 2017 10:26 AM

First full day of ministry already half way gone. Lots of picking, shoveling and passing around dirt to fill up a room before we can pour concrete. It's hard work but also fun at the same time! 

Keep us in your prayers and please, keep the comments coming! 

The bucket brigade

What home looks like

by Rudy Bazin | June 5, 2017 8:19 PM

We are enjoying camping on the hills of Madanm Cyr, Mirbalais this week. So thankful for breeze and the rain yesterday! 

What home looks like

The creation

by Rudy Bazin | June 5, 2017 8:25 PM

Today we shared the story of the creation with the kids and then took time to draw something from the creation that stood out them. It was a lot of fun! 

The creation

He is risen. VBS day #2.

by Rudy Bazin | June 6, 2017 3:53 PM

Today was another great day! We did some door to door evangelism, more construction work and of course, more time with the kiddos. We shared about Jesus dying on the cross and rising up from the dead 3 days later! We did a skit to go along with the story. Great time with everyone! 

Please, continue to pray for us over. Don't forget to ask for some overcast days and breeze...

He is risen. VBS day #2.

The stretch

by Rudy Bazin | June 7, 2017 8:40 PM

This week we did some door to door evangelism here in Mirbalais. Very powerful but also very stretching! We were given different types of fruit trees to walk around with, knocking in doors and sharing the gospel/prayers. We would then ask the people we met if they would like us to plant a fruit tree in their yard. The answer was always yes! We would then plant the tree and encourage them to take care of the tree, water it and see it grow to eventually bear fruits one day. This also would serve as a metaphor to portray God's desire to have to relationship with them. One that is cared for and fruitful. 

The stretch

One on one

by Rudy Bazin | June 7, 2017 8:46 PM

Pastor Josh and pastor Michelet talking about how God called them to this ministry, sharing visions and hardships that often come with the job! Very special moment! 

Also side note, the tree that they are under is one of the 4 trees that a tarp would be tied to to make a tent and that's where the church would meet every week. Now they have a church building! 

One on one


by Rudy Bazin | June 8, 2017 8:28 PM

We had to say our goodbyes today to the people who have slowly become our friends over the past week. Not the easiest thing! The way they accepted us, welcomed us, played and work alongside us was truly remarkable. We didn't have much to expect coming down here but we sure do know for next time that we have a home here and family in Christ Jesus.


Beautiful Haiti

by Rudy Bazin | June 8, 2017 8:35 PM

This place is absolutely gorgeous! The people are beautiful both inside out. Such a privilege being able to come and a part of what they Lord is doing down here, now watch out Bethel, we are coming back for you tomorrow! :)

Beautiful Haiti

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Bob, Donna, Brandi

June 9, 2017 5:23 PM

Imagining the joy of your multi-language worship and praise today. Not quite dancing today at Bethel, but almost with joyous applause when Tyler was announced as AP candidate. Missing you all and praying for your rest tonight.

Ann Hanson

June 9, 2017 1:27 PM

Great work everyone. Safe journey home.

Ann Hanson

June 9, 2017 1:27 PM

Great work everyone. Safe journey home.

Donna Burke.

June 9, 2017 10:11 AM

Looks like you are all holding up well! What a delight to see that group. I'm sure you've grown some wonderful relationships there and are doing your part to spread the Love of God in Haiti. Bless you all for your hard work. "...so the next generation might know them -even the children not yet born - and they in turn teach their own children. " What a blessing for you all to be a part of this. And we are blessed to be able to pray for you! See you all soon............

Lee Powers

June 9, 2017 9:00 AM

I hope you had a great week. I am looking forward to a time in the near future where Bethel will be able to hear from the team about their experiences and especially did anyone become a Christian. Father I pray that the team will have a great final day. I also pray that they will have a safe journey home. In Jesus Name Amen.

Jodi, Adrien, and Garrett Ysbrand

June 8, 2017 8:59 PM

We have been praying for you every day! It's hard to believe your experience is soon over. We can't wait to hear every detail of your journey. We love and miss you!

Kimberly Caldwell

June 8, 2017 7:50 PM

Elizabeth, I've been praying for you! I can't wait to hear about your experience. In your last days, continue to work hard and serve well.

Kimberly Caldwell

June 8, 2017 7:50 PM

Elizabeth, I've been praying for you! I can't wait to hear about your experience. In your last days, continue to work hard and serve well.

Lee Powers

June 8, 2017 3:00 PM

This handing outof fruit trees reminds me of the fruit scripture in Gal 5:22-25. Father I pray that each person on the team will have the fruits that you hold Dear, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Give them all of these in vast quantities that your name will be glorified. I pray that hearts and people will be transformed because people see Jesus flowing freely through the team. In Jesus Name Amen.

Kimberly Caldwell

June 8, 2017 12:24 PM

Elizabeth, I've been praying for you! I can't wait to hear about your experience. In your last days, continue to work hard and serve well.

Nancy Scholl

June 8, 2017 12:13 PM

I'm praying that you will each appreciate God's creation and the diversity among geography and people.

Nancy Scholl

June 8, 2017 12:10 PM

I'm praying that you will each appreciate God's creation and the diversity among geography and people.

Curt Robertson

June 8, 2017 7:32 AM

Blessings on all of you faithful servants. Awesome that you are serving God in this way. You remind me of the chorus; I not mine own, I belong to Jesus, He purchased me, I'm His. But with a price, the Blood of Jesus. I'm not mine own, I'm His.

Heidi Robertson

June 7, 2017 9:25 PM

Joshua, I am so proud of you. The picture of you talking to the church's pastor made me tear up. God has truly gifted you and I'm so honored to be your wife. We are all doing well and our Bethel family is taking good care of us! Love you.

Lisa Hofer

June 7, 2017 9:07 PM

I love to receive your daily updates and pictures. Well done, Team! You are beginning to wind down, and I pray that you will finish strong. Praying for God to be working in all that you do. Rest well tonight.

Andrew Florestano

June 7, 2017 8:25 PM

MVP STATUS!!! Every one of y'all :) Very proud of all you're doing, we're praying for continued encouragement and strength from the Lord as you finish up your week there. Looking forward to seeing you all when you get back!

Keit h Kinder

June 7, 2017 8:20 PM

We prayed tonight for you to have some cool clouds over your work, and that you all will finish your work well.

Donna Burke

June 7, 2017 8:12 PM

We LOVE hearing a daily report and having glimpses of your experience there. A number of us are together tonight in our home for prayer - and a good deal of our time was spent in prayer for you all. We're looking forward to hearing from each of you personally about your experiences when you return. Love to you all!

Bob Burke

June 7, 2017 5:47 PM

Praying for you tonight at Prayer Oasis. A blessing to partner with you. Be strong and of good courage. The Lord is with you.

Dave Graves

June 7, 2017 10:32 AM

Wednesday already. Blessings on your final days of serving in Mirbalais.

Lee Powers

June 7, 2017 7:31 AM

It is great to know that your teaching about Jesus. Father I pray that many will accept Jesus as their redeemer. I pray that others will be transformed and changed for eternity. I pray that you will bind Satan from lies and all manner of deceit. Give victory in all areas of evangelism. Strengthen and give endurance and cause the Holy Spirit to move in a way that brings about miracles. In Jesus Name Amen.

Jodi Ysbrand

June 6, 2017 10:36 PM

I would love to hear the dialogue that has preceded the posted picture for VBS Day 2! It truly made me smile to see our team smiling and laughing in spite of the heat and sweat. Praying without ceasing for all of you and the wonderful Haitians you are meeting. Love to you all from Brookings!

Heidi Robertson

June 6, 2017 7:01 PM

Another "3-4" day! God is so good! Everyone is doing well here! Love seeing you in the pictures!

Diane Smart

June 6, 2017 6:19 PM

Thank you SO much Rudy, from a grateful mom, for updating us so frequently and for the pictures. It was so good to see my Rachel's face (and the other kids) and to "see" that she and is okay.

Nancy Scholl

June 6, 2017 3:26 PM

I so appreciate the fact that I can see where you are and that I can pray any time for you. God is never sleeping. He hears my prayers and is continually watching over each of you.

Luann Menke

June 6, 2017 8:27 AM

Praying that you all "may be filled with all the fullness of God," including all His power and love you need for this day of construction and outreach. May you find rest in Him even as your bodies cry out in exhaustion! Thinking especially of you, MIndy and Joyce, as you are the "team mommies"! I know that your families at home miss you but are excited to see you at work in God's extended Kingdom!

Deb Moore

June 5, 2017 10:30 PM

The photo updates are great! They make visualizing ministry there even easier. Praying that the Joy of the Lord will be your Strength. Thank you for going and serving the family of God there. Blessings from Sioux Falls. Another day of class tomorrow. Homework yet tonight.

Heidi Robertson

June 5, 2017 10:29 PM

Love on those kids! Doing the same here... all are still alive ;) and I had another "3" day!! God is so good! I don't remember the last time I had 3 "3" days in a row! We love you Josh!

Karen Burns

June 5, 2017 9:10 PM

Love all the updates!! Thank you so much for taking the time to post! We all appreciate getting a glimpse of our church family being the hands and feet of Jesus!!

Jodi Ysbrand

June 5, 2017 2:11 PM

I love the glimpse of the beautiful Haitian countryside! The rolling hills are gorgeous. I'm so proud of the hard work and teamwork going on for this project. Remember: Colossians 3:23-"Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." Continued prayers from here!

Diane Smart

June 5, 2017 11:10 AM

I remember doing that in Jamaica! Praying for cool breezes, and cloudy skies, to give you a break from the heat.

Curt Robertson

June 5, 2017 8:06 AM

Hey team: Read Psalm 1; This is a time to yield fruit as you delight and meditate on God's word. I am praying that you will be like trees planted by streams of water yielding fruit for Gods kingdom. God bless you as you minister and are ministered to this week. You are not alone and have powerful allies that go with you and before you, God, our Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and yes that is enough for the tasks of each day this week!.

Lee Powers

June 5, 2017 7:15 AM

I like that it was different. The differences made me think of Psalms 119:11; Acts 17:11. It is so easy when we are in America to let the culture infect our spiritual lives, instead of us being salt and light for those in our area of influence. Father I pray that this team will be able to connect spiritually and that lives will be transformed. In Jesus Name Amen.

Bob, Donna, Brandi

June 4, 2017 10:53 PM

Imagining the joy of your multi-language worship and praise today. Not quite dancing today at Bethel, but almost with joyous applause when Tyler was announced as AP candidate. Missing you all and praying for your rest tonight.

Colleen Zeman

June 4, 2017 10:52 PM

Praying that cool breezes blow through your tents tonight and that your sleeping bags feel like clouds. Translation: May God give you all a good nights sleep

Jodi Ysbrand

June 4, 2017 10:25 PM

I love thinking about how we were all worshiping God this morning and praying in His name; just thousands of miles a part! Thanks for posting the pictures so we can see a glimpse of what life is like there. Praying for you all!

Sawga Smart

June 4, 2017 8:02 PM

"Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow !" Sawga says " Good job Mommy!" And, Mom says "Miss you sweet pea, you look beautiful in your skirt." Love you, Forever and ever.

Sawga Smart

June 4, 2017 7:50 PM

"Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow !" Sawga says " Good job Mommy!" And, Mom says "Miss you sweet pea, you look beautiful in your skirt." Love you, Forever and ever.

The Robertson clan

June 4, 2017 7:05 PM

We love seeing pictures of what daddy is doing! Mom is a "3" again today so we have been busy and have had fun! We are praying for you all the time and for the Haitian people you are reaching! Thanks for working so hard and for going! Heidi, Ethan, Abbie, Anaya, Ty, Ruthie, Malachi

Lisa Hofer

June 4, 2017 6:43 PM

I'm excited to be able to follow your journey this week. During church at Bethel this morning, I was imagining what you may have been experiencing in Mirabalais during your worship service. Praying for you on this end.

Guthrie Family

June 4, 2017 2:52 PM

Joining with the others in praising God for your safe arrival! Looking forward to seeing how God will use you over this next week. We are praying over each of you.

Chad, Sawyer, & MacKenzie Caldwell

June 4, 2017 12:39 PM

It's good to see you all on the ground in Haiti. I'm excited for you all to get to spend Sunday in worship and fellowship with the people of Mirebalais. What a great way to start your week of ministry and service. Know that many are praying for you here!

Guthrie Family

June 4, 2017 8:31 AM

Joining with the others in praising God for your safe arrival! Looking forward to seeing how God will use you over this next week. We are praying over each of you.

Sandy Smart

June 4, 2017 8:11 AM

Glad you made it! Mom and I are praying for you Rachel. Lord let this Bethel family be a blessing to the Haitian people of Mirebalais. Let them experience the joy of the Lord serving their brothers and sisters in Jesus!

Lee Powers

June 4, 2017 6:44 AM

I am glad you made it safely. Father I pray that all the team members and the church will have a great time rejoicing in the Lord. Give them a united spirit as they begin this adventure in serving one another. I pray that they will be strong in the Lord. May God increase their efforts greatly. That God will remove any barriers that Satan places in their way. In Jesus Name Amen.

Deb Moore

June 3, 2017 11:21 PM

Great to hear the team arrived safely. We had a great party for Miranda. I met Miranda's boyfriend. He had his birthday the same day as his high school graduation party. Praying for the team this week!


June 3, 2017 9:54 PM

Hi from me too Daddy! LOL

Heidi Robertson

June 3, 2017 9:51 PM

Hello to Pastor Daddy from Anaya, Ty, Ruthie, Malachi, Heidi and Ethan! We love you, we're home safe, and Heidi is a 3 today!

Nancy Scholl

June 3, 2017 9:43 PM

Praying for you from Deadwood.

Jodi Ysbrand

June 3, 2017 9:13 PM

Praising God for safe arrival! Will pray now that all sleep well and that Sunday is a day of worship, fellowship, and glorifying God with your presence in Haiti!

Karen Burns

June 3, 2017 9:11 PM

Glad you all made it safe and sound!! See my two family members in the picture! My husband Fred and sister Adrian!!

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