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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Athena Christian Church

Serving In Pacific Northwest
July 29, 2023
Community: Seattle
Partner: Ballard Church, Coastline Church, New Horizons Ministries, We Heart Seattle
Staff: Ben Rhodes, Rachel Spenst

Hello Seattle!

by Rachel Spenst | July 31, 2023 12:05 AM

We made it to Seattle! Our team arrived yesterday, settled in at Ballard Church (our host church for the week!), and enjoyed a Seattle classic: 206 Burgers. We're so excited to be here and to serve the community this week!

Hello Seattle!

Sunday Morning Style

by Rachel Spenst | July 31, 2023 12:12 AM

This morning, we had the privilege of attending the Sunday service at Ballard Church. Half of us served in the kids ministry to bless the regular volunteers with a week off! The other half of us enjoyed worship and fellowship with the congregation.
Sunday Morning Style

BBQ Bash

by Rachel Spenst | July 31, 2023 12:19 AM

Today was an extra special Sunday at Ballard Church because the service was followed by a BBQ cookout! We loved helping with the event and having the opportunity to connect more with this local church body.
BBQ Bash

Afternoon Adventures

by Rachel Spenst | July 31, 2023 12:25 AM

We got our steps in this afternoon! We got to know downtown Seattle a little bit as we explored the Pike Place Market and the Space Needle.
Afternoon Adventures

Prayer and Preparation

by Rachel Spenst | July 31, 2023 12:30 AM

As we walked through the streets of Seattle, we passed New Horizons Ministries. Our team will get to partner with them this week by preparing and serving breakfast for teens and young adults in this community. We paused to pray over this ministry and our time serving here. We can't wait to jump in tomorrow!
Prayer and Preparation

How Much Can We Fit...

by Rachel Spenst | July 31, 2023 12:36 AM

...in a shopping cart? We ended our first full day with a trip to the grocery store. We purchased all the ingredients for making breakfast at New Horizons Ministries, and our full carts provided opportunities for us to share about how we are serving the Lord this week!
How Much Can We Fit...

Painting Project!

by Rachel Spenst | July 31, 2023 11:01 PM

At Ballard Church this morning, we got to be part of preparing for a special celebration: baptisms! Eight people from the church have expressed a desire to be baptized. Praise God! They will soon participate in a workshop that walks them through what baptism means. Our crew got to paint the hallway of the space where this workshop will be held to make it feel ready and inviting!

Painting Project!

Deeply Rooted

by Rachel Spenst | July 31, 2023 11:14 PM

This afternoon, we discovered that some plants have crazy deep roots. We got to enhance Ballard Church's beautiful landscaping by removing weeds and dying plants. Everyone served so efficiently and cheerfully. Mason worked hard to pull this huge root out!
Deeply Rooted

Tuesday at New Horizons

by Rachel Spenst | August 1, 2023 9:34 PM

This morning we went back to New Horizons to serve breakfast again! Those from our team who didn't go yesterday got to experience it today and whipped up some delicious french toast and fruit salad for the guests to enjoy! We also got to take a tour of the building and learn all about this incredible ministry.

Here's our smiling serving crew!

Tuesday at New Horizons

Scrub a Dub Dub

by Ben Rhodes | August 2, 2023 7:17 PM

One of the projects this week while we work with Coastline Church is to help deep clean their industrial kitchen in the church. Deep cleaning is no joke at all! 

Scrub a Dub Dub

Biscuits, Bacon, and Blessings

by Rachel Spenst | August 2, 2023 7:27 PM

For our third morning at New Horizons, we whipped up another delicious spread. It was so fun to see familiar faces from Monday's breakfast and to continue building connections with the staff who work so tirelessly in this ministry. We also had the opportunity to pray together over the meal and those who would enjoy it, which was a special way to start our morning of serving.

Just look at these beautiful smiles!

Biscuits, Bacon, and Blessings

We Heart Seattle

by Rachel Spenst | August 2, 2023 7:32 PM

It was a beautiful afternoon for picking up trash! We partnered with an organization called We Heart Seattle, which serves the community by doing cleanup projects and making the city beautiful. We collected about 2,000 pounds of trash together!
We Heart Seattle

They See Us Rollin

by Rachel Spenst | August 3, 2023 1:37 PM

The sun was shining this morning as we wrapped up our week of serving! We got to do a little more painting and cleanup at Ballard Church to bless them as they continue blessing this community.

Nathan, Charlie, and Helen did a great job rolling on the paint!

They See Us Rollin

Just The Beginning

by Rachel Spenst | August 3, 2023 1:49 PM

We had the opportunity to serve breakfast one more time at New Horizons Ministries today. Before we said "see you later," we prayed together over this ministry and the beautiful work God is doing here. What a blessing it's been to partner together this week! We're eager to come back soon to continue serving alongside this ministry.
Just The Beginning

Homeward Bound

by Rachel Spenst | August 4, 2023 11:42 AM

It's hard to believe it, but our week in Seattle has come to an end. We are headed home now but taking lots of memories and stories with us! We can't wait to share all about what God did this week and to continue serving!

Homeward Bound

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | August 4, 2023 11:57 PM

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Highlight of the Day

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Why God speaks to us?

Second Baptist Church

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Fun in the Midnight Sun

Timberline Church

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Carry The Cure

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Anoka Community Mission

Epiphany UMC

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