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St. Matthew UMC Alpha Omega Youth Group

Serving In Kentucky
June 1, 2024
Staff: Adriana Leal Espinoza, Johnee Shields

We’re Here!!

by Johnee Shields | June 1, 2024 10:03 PM

We arrived at Melber Baptist Church in Kentucky! We are settling into our lodging after getting dinner in town, and we are excited to join Melber Church for service tomorrow. 

We’re Here!!

Church, Community, and a Grill Out!

by Adriana Leal Espinoza | June 2, 2024 10:38 PM

We kicked off our morning by attending the service at Melbor Baptist Church, which is where we’re staying for our trip. It was so wonderful getting to know the church and its members. The warm welcome and uplifting service made us feel right at home.

After the service, we decided to have a grill out and invited the church members to join us. It was a blast! We had delicious food, great conversations, and plenty of laughter. It was a fantastic way to connect and build community with our new friends at Melbor Baptist.

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. We’re looking forward to more amazing days like this one!

Church, Community, and a Grill Out!

Exploring Paducah

by Adriana Leal Espinoza | June 2, 2024 10:47 PM

Today after lunch, we had a blast exploring Paducah! We enjoyed some beautiful views at the lake and then took a fun stroll around downtown, checking out the local shops and historic sites.

Exploring Paducah

Ice Cream Time!

by Adriana Leal Espinoza | June 2, 2024 10:51 PM

Before leaving Paducah, we made a quick stop at a local ice cream shop. It was the perfect treat! Everyone enjoyed their favorite flavors and had a great time together. A sweet way to wrap up our afternoon here!
Ice Cream Time!

Grace Life Church

by Adriana Leal Espinoza | June 2, 2024 11:04 PM

What a way to wrap up our day! Tonight, we had the awesome opportunity to attend the evening service at Grace Life Church. They graciously invited us to join them, and we're so glad they did.

Pastor Chad shared an inspiring message that really spoke to our hearts, and the worship was absolutely uplifting. It's amazing to see how God works through different congregations, and we're excited to serve alongside the folks at Grace Life Church this week.

Can't wait to see what else this week has in store for us!

Grace Life Church

Serving at Starfish

by Johnee Shields | June 3, 2024 10:33 PM

We were blessed with the opportunity to serve at starfish orphan ministry today. We organized donations like children’s toys and bunk beds, did some cleaning, and sanded the steps before painting them. We saw God at work in the service of others and we did it with the joy of the Lord in our hearts!

Serving at Starfish

Do All Things as if Doing Them for the Lord

by Johnee Shields | June 4, 2024 8:05 AM

We broke a sweat while moving scrap metal that needed to be discarded at Starfish orphan ministries and we did it all with a smile on our face knowing the hard work was all for the Lord. And we had some fun while doing it!

Do All Things as if Doing Them for the Lord

Diaper Drive

by Johnee Shields | June 4, 2024 8:06 AM

Over the past several years Graves county has been struck by severe tornadoes and Community Fellowship Baptist Church has been a faithful servant in providing the community with necessities especially diapers! They began with 5 shipping containers of diapers and today we helped them move out some of the last ones, sort them, and distribute them to members of the community. And we had a blast doing it and meeting people!

Diaper Drive

Seeing the Savior through Scrap Metal

by Johnee Shields | June 5, 2024 8:02 AM

Today we were back at Starfish Orphan ministries. We worked hard alongside the other volunteers and moved a ton of scrap metal from the basement to a truck and then unloaded those trucks at a recycling facility. The money received for recycling the scrap metal is going straight back into the ministry for the furthering of God’s kingdom through taking care of orphans and widows.

Seeing the Savior through Scrap Metal

Serving the Community of Starfish

by Johnee Shields | June 5, 2024 8:10 AM

We also served at Starfish in other ways like cleaning a supply closet, sorting donations, and finishing up the painting of the front steps. It was hard work but was wonderful to love on the community of Paducah in the beautiful state of Kentucky. 

Serving the Community of Starfish

Putting Down the Paint Brush

by Johnee Shields | June 5, 2024 8:11 AM

As well as painting the stairs, we had several “put down the paintbrush” ministry moments throughout the day and built some lasting friendships with the staff and other volunteers at Starfish.

Putting Down the Paint Brush

Catalyst Community

by Johnee Shields | June 5, 2024 8:13 AM

In the evening we served at Catalyst Community which is a food truck that gives away free hot meals to people in the community. We had a great time playing with the kiddos, fellowshipping, and sharing the love of Jesus through food! We had some great prayer time at the end with the people who run the ministry and we all felt very encouraged by it!

Catalyst Community

God is Good all the Time

by Johnee Shields | June 5, 2024 8:44 PM

The Lord truly is good all the time, even when we get tired on our third day of ministry. Today we served with Starfish Orphan ministries again. Most of us were sorting and rolling up clothes to take to El Salvador to children there. It is amazing to see how much this community cares about serving all of God’s children all over the world. 

God is Good all the Time

Fun with Curtains

by Johnee Shields | June 5, 2024 8:46 PM

Also at Starfish today we took on the not so small task of installing curtains to cover the massive windows in the back of the warehouse to keep it from getting so hot for the people working back there.

Fun with Curtains

Catalyst Kids Camp

by Johnee Shields | June 6, 2024 8:35 PM

Today we served with Catalyst again, this time doing a kids camp for children in the community. We had so much fun with our ninja warrior theme getting our wiggles out in the bounce house and learning how God protects people like a ninja does. We did lots of crafts and made so many new friends. 

Catalyst Kids Camp

Days of Summer

by Johnee Shields | June 6, 2024 8:41 PM

We ate lunch at a great old fashioned burger joint that one of our local friends recommended to us. It was delicious and we had so much fun!
Days of Summer

What a Great Week

by Johnee Shields | June 7, 2024 8:14 AM

Sadly enough our trip is coming to an end, but by the grace of God we know that it is not goodbye forever. It has been a wonderful week full of God’s glory and faithfulness. We have made new friends, encouraged our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Kentucky, and were encouraged by them more than we can express with words. We are headed back home now but will never forget the experiences and lessons we’ve learned on this trip. Pray for safe travels!

What a Great Week

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 7, 2024 11:57 PM

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Beverly McDaniel

June 2, 2024 1:13 PM

You guys look great! I’m excited for your week. Praying for you to have a wonderful time blessing others! Love you!

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Highlight of the Day

Bethel Lutheran Church

Memphis, TN | June 25, 2024

Why God speaks to us?

Second Baptist Church

Guatemala | June 25, 2024

Fun in the Midnight Sun

Timberline Church

Alaska | June 25, 2024

Carry The Cure

Connections Church

Alaska | June 26, 2024

Anoka Community Mission

Epiphany UMC

Minneapolis - Saint Paul, MN | June 26, 2024





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