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Central MYF

Serving In The Carolinas
June 26, 2022
Community: Columbus County
Partner: Cerro Gordo Baptist Church, Disaster Area Response Team
Staff: Kyann Lyne, Johanna Broten

We Have Arrived!

by Johanna Broten | June 26, 2022 7:55 PM

We arrived safely at Cerro Gordo Baptist Church and we cannot wait to begin ministry tomorrow!

Kids Camp Day 1

by Johanna Broten | June 27, 2022 10:27 AM

We were up bright and early this morning excited for the first day of Kids Camp at Cerro Gordo! 

The day began with lots of fun songs, dancing, riddles and games. We are going to be learning and teaching about truth all week!

Kids Camp Day 1

Hand in Hand

by Johanna Broten | June 27, 2022 9:16 PM

The start of VBS kids camp was a blast! We made lots of sweet new friends and cannot wait to be reunited for day two tomorrow!

Hand in Hand

Power in Prayer

by Johanna Broten | June 27, 2022 9:47 PM

This afternoon we did a prayer walk at the local high school with Vinay, the children’s and youth director at Cerro Gordo, and his family. We spent intentional time praying over this community, our partners, and all the people the Lord will place in our path this week.

We ended with a “Hallelujah!” shout, rejoicing in knowing that the Lord hears our prayers and He is faithful to provide.

Power in Prayer

Kids Camp Day 2

by Johanna Broten | June 28, 2022 8:29 PM

Today we talked about the truth of God the Father; that He is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Most importantly we shared with the children that He is a loving Father.

VBS activities today included basketball, tie-dye, bottle rockets, and more!

Kids Camp Day 2

A Fresh Coat

by Johanna Broten | June 28, 2022 9:14 PM

We also began giving the ceilings a fresh coat of paint in the Sunday School rooms at Cerro Gordo.
A Fresh Coat

A Special Outing

by Johanna Broten | June 29, 2022 8:37 AM

After the day of ministry, we headed to Wilmington to explore and have dinner. We walked by the water and found some ice cream of course! It was a great time of fellowship as a team!

A Special Outing

My Lighthouse

by Johanna Broten | June 29, 2022 9:50 AM

This morning we led the team in singing “My Lighthouse.” It got everyone all energized and ready for the day ahead!

My Lighthouse

Painting Party

by Johanna Broten | June 29, 2022 8:04 PM

A crew of us continued painting the Sunday School rooms today. We finished all the ceilings and began priming the walls as well!

Painting Party

Kids Camp Day 3

by Johanna Broten | June 29, 2022 8:26 PM

Day three of VBS Camp at Cerro Gordo was filled with fun moments! We led the kids in devotions, soccer, crafts, and games. Today’s focus was the truth that Jesus is fully God and fully man.

Lots of sweet friendships have been formed this week!

Kids Camp Day 3

Praying in the Rain!

by Johanna Broten | June 29, 2022 8:39 PM

After VBS today we went out into the community of Cerro Gordo to do some ministry door to door. This was a step outside of our comfort zones but not even the rain could stop us! 

We were blessed to meet many amazing people, hear their stories, and pray with them. Praise the Lord!

Praying in the Rain!

Happy Thanksgiving!

by Johanna Broten | June 29, 2022 8:53 PM

Our amazing partners have been cooking for our team all week and tonight they prepared us a southern Thanksgiving dinner. It was a special night of fellowship with our friends here!

Thank you Cerro Gordo for your hospitality and for making us feel right at home here!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Strong and Courageous

by Johanna Broten | June 30, 2022 8:49 AM

Sharing the Word

by Johanna Broten | June 30, 2022 9:30 PM

There is something so special about sharing scripture with one another. Today we dove in together with the kids at VBS to learn about the Holy Spirit.

Sharing the Word

If you Give a Child Some Water…and Shaving Cream

by Johanna Broten | June 30, 2022 9:34 PM

What better way to end the week of Kids Camp than with water games and shaving cream! The kids came after us with the shaving cream and I think it’s safe to say that lots of fun was had!
If you Give a Child Some Water…and Shaving Cream

It Takes a Village!

by Johanna Broten | June 30, 2022 9:40 PM

It takes a village to put on a VBS and this team at Cerro Gordo sure does it well! From planning activities to preparing meals and everything in between, they do it all with joyful hearts! We were so incredibly blessed to serve alongside them this week. 
It Takes a Village!

Here for Each Other

by Johanna Broten | June 30, 2022 9:52 PM

We spent the afternoon in the waves at Carolina Beach today! We ate pizza on the beach for dinner and closed out the day with a time of devotions as we prepare to head home tomorrow.

We talked about ways that we can continue to serve at home in our own communities and then we prayed for each other individually. It is powerful to know that we are always here for each other!

Here for Each Other

Painting Progress

by Johanna Broten | July 1, 2022 8:36 AM

Yesterday we were also able to finish priming the walls of all the classrooms at Cerro Gordo and we even painted one of the rooms! The room pictured was yellow before. 

Painting Progress

Goodbye Cerro Gordo!

by Johanna Broten | July 1, 2022 8:39 AM

This morning we said some hard goodbyes and loaded up the vans. We had an amazing week serving in North Carolina and we are headed home with lots of memories and hearts ready to serve in our own community! To God be the glory!
Goodbye Cerro Gordo!

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Jessica Flores

June 29, 2022 10:30 AM

The pictures are great!

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The Mission Continues!

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