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Crosspointe Church

Serving In Jackson, MS
June 17, 2023
Community: South
Staff: Matthew Monseth, jacob Linley, Reagan Norman

Church & Pizza!

by Reagan Norman | June 18, 2023 11:41 PM

This morning we had an incredible time at Hilltop Church here in Jackson! Pastor Daniel gave a powerful message. It was so encouraging to hear the pastor be vulnerable and show how God redeemed and used his past for His kingdom! After lunch we got to enjoy yummy pizza and fellowship with one another!

Church & Pizza!

Civil Rights Museum

by Reagan Norman | June 18, 2023 11:42 PM

This afternoon we got to learn more about Mississippi’s history at the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum! 

Civil Rights Museum

Prayer Walk

by Reagan Norman | June 18, 2023 11:43 PM

We spent some time walking around Jackson and thinking about and praying for the area. While we were out, we were discussing how we wanted the Jackson community to feel seen and loved. As we were walking we met this gentleman. We had a sweet time together and we got to hear his story. We were able to end the conversation with some prayer. God exceeded our expectations for the prayer walk and moved in ways we didn’t expect him to move during that time! Thankful for a faithful God!

Prayer Walk

Stewpot Clothing Closet!

by Reagan Norman | June 19, 2023 11:49 PM

We started our morning off at Stewpot’s Clothing Closet where we helped sort, fold and organize women’s, men’s & children’s clothing. The clothing closet is a thrift store style experience for the people of Jackson who need clothing, shoes or accessories! We were able to be diligent in our work while also having a fun time! 

Stewpot Clothing Closet!

Day 1 of Feeding the Community!

by Reagan Norman | June 19, 2023 11:54 PM

After helping at Stewpot’s Clothing Closet we were able to help with their community kitchen where they feed lunch to the people of their community every day of the year! We got to prepare meals for their Meals on Wheels as well as meals for those who were able to come in person to eat!

 Day 1 of Feeding the Community!

Day 1 with the Perkins Foundation!

by Reagan Norman | June 20, 2023 12:01 AM

This afternoon we had the privilege of attending & working alongside of the Perkins Foundation. They put on a camp for the whole summer for children K-highschool. For the middle & high schoolers this summer serves as an internship program for them where they’re able to serve as leaders and help out the little ones! While here we were able to play Simon Says and teach hand motions for the fruits of the Spirit to the children. After we taught them the hand motions we played Simon Says with the motions we had just learned. This was such a great way for the kids to begin to learn the fruits of the spirit! We also got to play outside with them and decorate some rocks like fruit with fun paint markers! We’re so excited to come back tomorrow to hangout with the kids!

Day 1 with the Perkins Foundation!

Day 2 at the Clothing Closet!

by Reagan Norman | June 20, 2023 4:01 PM

Started our morning off at the Clothing Closet again where we got to help sort clothes and play with some of the kids while their moms shopped! We ended this serving opportunity by hearing the owner's heart for her community and praying for her! Such a sweet time! 

Day 2 at the Clothing Closet!

Day 2 of Feeding the Community!

by Reagan Norman | June 20, 2023 4:15 PM

On our second morning at Stewpot we got to make plates for the people of the community again. We were also able to sit down with some of the locals and learn their names, hear their stories & pray for them. We wanted to make sure that everyone felt loved and seen! 

The Stewpot operates on donations so this morning water donations were brought in 144 cases of water which is 5,760 bottles for the meals and community! Our amazing group leader, Ms. Jennifer did the math in her head!! 

Day 2 of Feeding the Community!

Kingdom Worker!

by Reagan Norman | June 20, 2023 4:17 PM

When we see a need we fill it! Mr. Lee saw a need in the kitchen so he stepped into the kitchen to help clean dishes and did it with a huge smile on his face! Every role is important & we are here to serve in any capacity needed!

Kingdom Worker!

Day 2 at the Perkins Foundation!

by Reagan Norman | June 20, 2023 10:23 PM

This afternoon we were at the Perkins Foundation again! We got to talk about Jesus feeding the 5,000 and make origami fish! We also got to play red light green light, tag and two super fun hula hoop games! 

Day 2 at the Perkins Foundation!

Packing Boxes!

by Reagan Norman | June 22, 2023 6:59 AM

Yesterday morning we started off at the Carecenter where we packed boxes of food! We broke off into three teams, one helped box them, the other carried the boxes outside and the third group was able to pray with people! At the end once all of the boxes were packed we got to hand them out!

Packing Boxes!

Using our Muscles!

by Reagan Norman | June 22, 2023 7:00 AM

Noa getting ready to carry these boxes outside!

Using our Muscles!

Spiritual Food!

by Reagan Norman | June 22, 2023 7:01 AM

As the cars pulled up to get their physical food we were also able to help “feed” them by praying for them! Such a cool experience!

Spiritual Food!

Final Day at the Perkins Foundation

by Reagan Norman | June 22, 2023 7:02 AM

Yesterday afternoon was our last day at the Perkins Foundation :( We talked about being thankful and wrote down what we were thankful for on slips of paper and then at the end connected them all to make a long chain! When we got there were welcomed with a bunch of thank you notes from the kids. Our hearts are full & tears were shed as we said goodbye to the kids that we have been hanging out with all week! These kids hold a special place in our hearts & we won’t forget them!

Final Day at the Perkins Foundation

Bible Study & Basketball

by Reagan Norman | June 22, 2023 7:10 AM

We spent last night at Hilltop Church where we were apart of a Bible study. We had worship & dug deeper into Genesis 15 where it talks about Gods covenant with Abram. We ended the night watching the guys play basketball!

Bible Study & Basketball

Jesus Loves You!!

by Reagan Norman | June 22, 2023 7:10 AM

We bought some of the shirts that the CareCenter sold! We can’t wait to wear them!!
Jesus Loves You!!

Final Day at Clothing Closet

by Reagan Norman | June 23, 2023 2:07 PM

Yesterday was our final day at the Clothing Closet!! We got to help put hangers on clothes & hang them up!

Final Day at Clothing Closet

Data Entry !

by Reagan Norman | June 23, 2023 2:08 PM

Remy got to help input information in the computer for Ms. Karen at the Clothing Closet! We’re going to miss Ms. Karen so much!

Data Entry !

“Amazing Grace”

by Reagan Norman | June 23, 2023 2:09 PM

While at the Clothing Closet we had a special treat! Ms. Tina sung “Amazing Grace” for us! She has a beautiful voice! We all really enjoyed getting to hear her sing!

“Amazing Grace”

Yummy Food at Cock of the Walk

by Reagan Norman | June 23, 2023 2:10 PM

We got to go to “Cock of the Walk” for lunch! It was a fun experience and we got to eat on the waters edge of the Ross Barnett Reservoir. 

Yummy Food at Cock of the Walk

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 23, 2023 11:57 PM

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