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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Compass Church

Serving In Haiti
June 2, 2017
Community: Cayes Jacmel, Manze Marie
Partner: Centre de Santé de Cayes Jacmel, Eglise du Nazareen de Manze Marie
Staff: Eric Richardson, Cliff Compere, Gloirgens Jean, Jessica Sylvestre, Ronald Charles, Nadege Auguste, Wilhem Alcenat

We have arrived!

by Bethany Richardson | June 2, 2017 6:36 PM

After a long day of travel mishaps and changes, we have finally arrived in Haiti safe and sound! 

We've eaten an awesome dinner and are heading to the hotel in Carrefour, Haiti. 

We'll be heading out to Jacmel tomorrow! 

We appreciate your prayers for safety on the road and smooth travel tomorrow. We are so excited to see what God has in store this week. 

We have arrived!

On the Bus!

by Bethany Richardson | June 3, 2017 8:10 AM

We are on the bus, ready to head to Jacmel this morning! 

On the Bus!

Afternoon Cuban Coffee

by Bethany Richardson | June 4, 2017 7:56 AM

Our clinic partnership this week is with a clinic that is Cuban and Haitian run. We had the privilege of hearing Mr. Jorge speak about the origin of the clinic and day to day goals they have. He gave a compelling charge to us about unity between us as Americans and Cubans and Haitians. That we are one team, serving with one goal. 

Then, his family treated us to fresh Cuban coffee! Talk about spoiled. ??

Afternoon Cuban Coffee

A beautiful Sunday morning!

by Bethany Richardson | June 4, 2017 3:10 PM

We had such a beautiful church service at Manze Marie this morning. We are feeling overwhelmed by the amount to of love we have been receiving from the people here. 

A beautiful Sunday morning!


by Bethany Richardson | June 4, 2017 3:12 PM

Shannon had the chance to share her testimony of how God spoke to her heart through her first trip to Haiti. 

"My heart woke back up to God because of Haiti." Wow. Shannon, we are so proud of your sharing so transparently and open, what an encouragement! 



by Bethany Richardson | June 4, 2017 3:13 PM

Summer presented a beautiful certificate to the church, thanking them for their continued partnership with Compass. 



by Bethany Richardson | June 4, 2017 3:14 PM

Luke took a brave step out of his comfort zone and spoke at church this morning too! 


Brittany and Ronald

by Bethany Richardson | June 4, 2017 3:16 PM

I was hoping I could get a video to load of Brittany singing in Creole with one of our staff members, Ronald, but it can't quite load due to the internet! Sorry about that. But she shared a beautiful song that had the whole church worshipping together in our different languages, but with one common Spirit among us. It was beautiful. 


by Bethany Richardson | June 4, 2017 3:49 PM

Jeremy shared a powerful sermon this morning about trusting God above all else, through the storms and trials of life and even in the good times too. 


Cacao Fruit!

by Bethany Richardson | June 4, 2017 9:45 PM

We got the awesome chance to try fresh cacao Fruit! It's super slimy but has a sweet and sour taste. 

Once dried and ground, it become the base for yummy chocolate things! 

Cacao Fruit!

Our team

by Bethany Richardson | June 4, 2017 9:46 PM

Looking good!
Our team

Clinic day #1

by Bethany Richardson | June 5, 2017 11:38 AM

We've had a busy morning at the clinic, working through 3 and sometimes, 4 languages! We're learning how to fold ourselves into the everyday ongoings and partner together with the Haitian and Cuban staff, it's been so good! 

Plus, they're keeping us well energized with lots of Cuban espresso! 

Clinic day #1


by Bethany Richardson | June 5, 2017 11:39 AM

Kerri working in the pharmacy organizing supplies and inventory. The donations and medications are such a big help. 


Construction on the mountain

by Bethany Richardson | June 6, 2017 11:53 AM

Our other half of the team is working hard in Manze Marie doing construction on the office. They are hoping to expand it and turn it into a trade school for sewing! Even Jack is getting in on the action! 

Construction on the mountain

Kids ministry

by Bethany Richardson | June 6, 2017 12:17 PM

Summer doing what she does best, loving and teaching kids. 

Kids ministry


by Bethany Richardson | June 6, 2017 12:21 PM

The pastor doing his thing... It doesn't matter where pastors are in the world, they are always serving behind the scenes. 

Fresh Coconuts

by Bethany Richardson | June 6, 2017 12:23 PM

Fresh Coconuts of the tree! 
Fresh Coconuts

Best Buds

by Bethany Richardson | June 6, 2017 12:25 PM

These two are having a blast together this week! 
Best Buds

Practicing sutures

by Bethany Richardson | June 6, 2017 12:27 PM

Getting some practice in! 
Practicing sutures

Clinic day 2

by Bethany Richardson | June 6, 2017 1:14 PM

Day 2 begins! 
Clinic day 2

Lunch or recreation?

by Bethany Richardson | June 6, 2017 1:15 PM

This is our view from our lunch spot for the clinic team. It's unbelievably beautiful! 
Lunch or recreation?

Scrubbing in!

by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:21 PM

These guys are ready for surgery! 

Scrubbing in!


by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:23 PM

Hardworking ladies at the clinic! 

Dr. Jean Kernel

by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:35 PM

This is Dr. Jean Kernel. He is our Haitian partnership doctor! Each afternoon this week, he and a team for Cuban and Haitian doctors and nurses guided us into a few communities to do home visits. We loved getting to pray with the people and get to be welcomed into their homes and meet their families! We are so thankful for Dr. Jean and his heart for partnership. 
Dr. Jean Kernel

Coffee Breaks

by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:37 PM

Our team on the mountain has been blessed by fresh made coffee by Madame Elbarre each day! 
Coffee Breaks

Sifting sands

by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:39 PM

As the mountain team continues to work on the top cap on the office building, they've have been learning to mix cement by hand. And the first step in that process is to sift the sand! 
Sifting sands

Making new friends

by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:41 PM

This week we've met so many new friends! 
Making new friends

Kids ministry

by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:43 PM

The kids are continuing to learn about Moses on the mountain during VBS, we are having a blast playing games, making crafts and singing together! 
Kids ministry

Jorge loves salsa!

by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:45 PM

Jorge, our Cuban partnership leader, (pictured center) threw our clinic team a fiesta before we left, complete with salsa dancing! We feel so blessed to have been here and to be given the chance to serve alongside his team! 
Jorge loves salsa!

Clinic team

by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:46 PM

Our whole clinic team! 
Clinic team

Final goodbyes

by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:49 PM

We ended our three days of service on the mountain at Manze Marie. We had a wonderful closing meeting with pastor Elbarre and were able to pray over him and his wife and some of the lay leaders of the church. 
Final goodbyes

What a week.

by Bethany Richardson | June 8, 2017 9:51 PM

What a beautiful week it has been here in Haiti. We cannot wait to return home and tell you all about it! 

We'll be going on recreation tomorrow and then flying home! Keep us in your prayers! 

What a week.


by Bethany Richardson | June 10, 2017 11:08 AM

We ended our week with a visit to Papillon Enterprise, The Apparent Project. We got a tour of the facility and got to see some of the awesome people who make the beautiful goods at the boutique. This ministry is mind-blowing and amazing and we are so grateful for all the amazing work they are doing!


Glass Bottle Coke

by Bethany Richardson | June 10, 2017 11:16 AM

Everybody was enjoying the cane sugar Cokes!

Glass Bottle Coke

Apparent Project

by Bethany Richardson | June 10, 2017 11:17 AM

Smiles all around

Apparent Project

Heading Home

by Bethany Richardson | June 10, 2017 11:18 AM

After eating an awesome lunch, we headed to the airport to start our journey home!

Heading Home

Ministry is everywhere

by Bethany Richardson | June 10, 2017 11:22 AM

We had the chance to pray over Betsy, one of the American workers here who is feeling lonely. Can you pray with us for Betsy, that she can find community? 

Ministry is everywhere

Shannon's baptism!

by Bethany Richardson | June 10, 2017 11:27 AM

After speaking with Jeremy, Shannon decided to follow the Lord in baptism, with Pastor Elbarre there to pray over her life and future, it was a sweet, special and awesome time of celebration! 

Jeremy spoke about how Gods continued mercy and Grace are like the waves crashing into us, never ceasing. It was a beautiful representation of how unrelenting God's love is for us! 

Shannon's baptism!

PPM Staff

by Bethany Richardson | June 10, 2017 11:29 AM

This isn't quite all of our staff this week, but almost. We're just missing Jessica and Bethany. These men and women of God make this trip possible, translating and interpreting for us, leading us and serving alongside us! 

PPM Staff

Thank you

by Bethany Richardson | June 10, 2017 11:33 AM

Compass church family, we want to say thank you. We have been so blessed by this week, by our church and by your prayers. 

Ask anyone here at PPM about our home church and likely they'll know a whole lot more information than you might expect, because Eric and I can't help but tell about the incredible church family we have and how happy we are to serve with you all and be counted as your missionaries and friends. 

Thank you for your prayers, your love and your support. We couldn't do this without you! 

Thank you

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Mickey Jones

June 6, 2017 5:15 AM

Love seeing the updates. Praying daily for the Lord to work in a powerful way in and through you all!!

Pam Dillard

June 5, 2017 2:57 PM

Praying for you and the team in Haiti this week as you unselfishly give of yourselves to the needs of others and of your medical knowledge and expertise in other areas to help those in need today; for wellness and safe traveling. May God richly bless each and every one!

Lori Campbell

June 4, 2017 7:16 AM

Praying for you as you share your heart with the people of Haiti. Thank you for letting God lead you to His work for the Kingdom.

Neva Brashers

June 3, 2017 1:55 PM

Praying that the Lord will open hearts to receive His word and be with all of you throughout this journey!! ??

Rachael Fisher

June 3, 2017 10:51 AM

May the Lord keep you all safe this week while sharing His love to the people of Haiti!

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Leftover Night!

Christian Academy of Louisville

Alaska | June 5, 2024

Day Three!

United Youth - FUMC Frisco

Appalachia | June 5, 2024

Fun with curtains

St. Matthew UMC Alpha Omega Youth Group

Kentucky | June 5, 2024

Super awesome fun times community backyard barbecue 2024

Crossroads Bible Church

Gulf Coast | June 5, 2024

Free English program!

Good News Youth

Nicaragua | June 5, 2024





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