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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Bethel Lutheran Church

Serving In Haiti
March 5, 2011
Community: Carrefour
Staff: Jim Noreen

We arrived!

by Team | March 5, 2011 8:49 PM

After several flights, we finally arrived in Haiti! Upon arriving, we jumped right into ministry and headed to an orphanage near the airport. We spent time there playing with the kids and making balloon animals! Some of us played soccer and others got their hair braided. We sang songs and prayed for the kids before heading across town to our lodging facility. We got some much needed rest this afternoon and then had a meal of chicken and rice and beans. Please continue to pray for us as we sing in church tomorrow and then head to an orphanage for the afternoon to love on some kids!

We all made it!

by Team | March 5, 2011 8:57 PM

Here's a pic showing we all made it!
We all made it!

An awesome Sunday in Haiti

by Team | March 6, 2011 6:35 PM

God's spirit was definitely moving today as we worshiped in song, prayer, and communion with several hundred Haitians at church this morning. Monica shared a powerful testimony during the service, a few others shared a moving song, and the rest of the team helped to lead "Here I Am to Worship" while the congregation joined in Creole - truly an awesome example of the body of Christ collectively offering praise to our God. After lunch we then played games with the local children at the church and then more time at a nearby orphanage where there were more balloon animals, soccer, basketball, frisbee, but most importantly an opportunity to build relationships with and share Christ's love with Haitian children...what a day!
An awesome Sunday in Haiti

The walls are going up!

by Team | March 7, 2011 8:35 PM

Today was another amazing day in beautiful Haiti. We made it out to our worksite for the first time today. It is a church/school in the community of Mariani. Their building was destroyed in the earthquake and we are helping them to rebuild. We started off the day by greeting a large mack truck filled with cinder blocks. The Haitian men unloaded the blocks on a nearby road and then we passed them one by one down a brigade to the side of the hill where the church/school is being built. When we were just about finished, another mack truck pulled up with another load of blocks!! The task stretched us, but we all pulled through and we were extremely excited when we passed the last block! It was a lot of work, but we didn't do it alone. There were Haitian women, children, men, and even our bus driver helping us! While the blocks were being transported, some of the team began to start the process of putting the walls up. Some of us passed morter, while others worked hand in hand with a skilled Haitian worker to lay the blocks. It was great to be able to come alongside them and partner with them! Athough a lot of hard work was done today, many of us had a great time playing with the kids and worshiping under the large tents that are set up on the property. We worshiped using a guitar, 3 empty water jugs (hand drums!), and a shaker that consisted of an empty water bottle filled with sand. The Haitian children took turns playing the instruments while we sang songs and came together as the body of Christ! It was an amazing experience that we will never forget. As the day ended, we stopped by the orphanage that we went to yesterday. Our plan was to only stop for 45 minutes, but we ended up staying for an hour and a half. It was great to see the children again. The jump rope was a hit today and even Pastor Van joined in! Tomorrow we will return to Mariani where more blocks will go up and we will be passing many buckets of morter. Please pray that God would use us in a special way as we interact and partner with the Haitian people!
The walls are going up!

Another team pic!

by Team | March 7, 2011 8:39 PM

Here's a picture of us taking a short break under the tent at Mariani.
Another team pic!


by Team | March 8, 2011 7:47 PM

Today was another very productive and spirit filled day at the Mariani site. Once again we arrived bright and early this morning and were greeted by many of the church members and their families. We worked alongside our Haitian brothers and sisters (young and old) brigading heavy buckets of cement & laying blocks to build the walls of the school. While the cement was being mixed, we gathered under the shade with many Haitian children to sing songs, color, play games, and simply share Christ's love with these kids! It has been so exciting to see significant progress on the Mariani church/school building every day that we work there. Thank you for your continued prayers!

Simon says...stack that block!

by Team | March 9, 2011 6:43 PM

Wow. God is good. Today was a day full of mixing morter, passing blocks, and building walls. That paired with a game of simon says and multiple worship songs with the kids made for an amazing day. When the day was done, we were able to complete 6 sections of the wall. We have 2 sections to go tomorrow and all of the walls will be up! It's amazing that none of our team speaks creole, yet somehow God has enabled us to build relationships with the Haitian people in ways we can't explain. Tomorrow morning we will spend our last hours with the people of Mariani. It is going to be so hard to leave, but we know that we will never be forgotten nor will we ever forget the people that we served alongside this week. Please pray that God would continue to do his work through us as we finish off our week with everything we've got!
Simon says...stack that block!

Thanks be to God!

by Team | March 10, 2011 8:03 PM

Our last full day in Haiti this week was certainly another that exceeded expectations. The day began by completing the final stage of wall building at Mariani. We then spent time praying over the new church / school building with the Haitian workers, Mariani church members, children, and families from the community who worked alongside our team all week. There is no doubt that God was in control this week, especially when we took a step back to see the many ways that He worked through us in this beautiful community...not to mention the significant progress that was accomplished on the building! We then traveled through Port Au Prince and up into the mountains to overlook the city and Haitian country-side. God's creation is so amazing and the views we saw this afternoon were no exception! There was a little taste of home for dinner and then a powerful night of worship with Pastor Samson and other MEBSH leaders as we said our farewells and shared our immense gratitude for the many blessings that were experienced as a result of this trip. Please pray for our team as we travel back to the US tomorrow morning, we are excited to share the many "God stories" with all of you very soon!
Thanks be to God!

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Pastor Jeff Lennberg

March 10, 2011 3:30 PM

Hello Bethel Team! Lakeshore church in Madison is praying for you. Jeff Lennberg, Gretchen's husband here. Gretchen we miss you. Lots to tell you when you get back. Bekah really misses you and she had her first bought ever with the full blown flu. Missed lots of work, but good daddy/daughter time. She's back to normal. Lots of praying. We've made it a habit to check each night for the log updates. What you all are doing is so incredible. Those blocks look heavy and the kids in the pics look happy. We pray God continues to bless your time in Haiti. Safe travels back....Jeff Lennberg

Lorrie Meade

March 9, 2011 10:41 PM

Wow! It's amazing to see the walls you built and even more amazing, knowing it is not the only thing built! It sounds like you have created a wonderful, caring relationship with the people which is a testimony of God's love. I will bet also there has been much personal growth among you too. I have truely enjoyed watching all of this unfold with you pictures and synopsis of the day. I also love talking about everything you are doing with family and friends. I can't believe it is getting close to an end. We will pray for an easy transition as depart. Once again, many blessings to all of you!

Lori Conley

March 9, 2011 10:09 AM

Blessings to all of you as you work to bring God's love to the people in Haiti. What an awesome experience! I can't wait to hear more when you get back.

Tim Chukel

March 8, 2011 7:09 PM

Let it snow here in Wisconsin. Our thoughts are continually with you. Everything else here seems to take a backseat to what you are doing in Haiti. All of our love.

Grandma Lill and Grandpa Tom

March 7, 2011 8:32 PM

Hey, who is that tall one in the back of the group picture?! Saw you too Steph. We've been thinking of you and hope all goes well your way. God bless you for what you are doing! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return. Guess what, we are getting more snow. I would imagine the children there would love to have some of this stuff. Wish we could oblige! Have a safe trip back to Hudson, WI

Chukel Family

March 7, 2011 7:38 PM

We Hope you are all having a very special time together with the kids. Wish we could be there with you. You are in our thoughts all the time. Tim, Karyn, Lauren, Darren

Sandy Larson

March 7, 2011 2:27 PM

You are so smart to be in sunny warm Haiti instead of snowy Wisconsin. So glad that you are all safe and experiencing the presence of God in your work and play My prayers are with you daily Sandy

Lorrie Meade

March 7, 2011 12:18 PM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PASTOR VAN! Hope you can get some ice cream and cake! Lots of love and prayers continue to be sent from snowy WI. Keep up all the wonderful ministry!

Jon Jorgenson

March 7, 2011 11:34 AM

Best wishes during your mission, everyone. We will be praying for all you in Haiti. Kevin, Lars says hello. He wishes he was there with you.

Pastor Joanne

March 7, 2011 9:25 AM

How fun to see the faces of my friends, enjoying yet another "GOD EXPERIENCE" in another culture! Blessings and prayers to all of you. Ya know I sure wish I was along for the journey, but someone has to keep things running back here in Wisconsin. Happy Brithday to Pastor Van, love, joy, protection, and good health to all of you.

Jon Jorgenson

March 7, 2011 8:50 AM

Best wishes during your mission, everyone. We will be praying for all you in Haiti. Kevin, Lars says hello. He wishes he was there with you.

Jon Jorgenson

March 7, 2011 6:40 AM

Best wishes during your mission, everyone. We will be praying for all you in Haiti. Kevin, Lars says hello. He wishes he was there with you.

Kathie Bredeson

March 7, 2011 5:28 AM

HAPPY BIRTHDAY,VAN! Glad to hear you all made it safelly! So far, the work doesn't sound so hard! Balloons & ganes are your specialty! Keep up the great work! Blessings to all! Kathie

Laura Hendricks

March 6, 2011 8:57 PM

Wow! It looks like all of you are having a good time. And it looks like the people are really glad that you are there. We'll continue praying for you here, while you continue your ministry there. We can't wait to hear the stories when you return. We love you Monica and Heather!

Lorrie Meade

March 6, 2011 7:19 PM

Hey Everyone! Wow! Those pictures are awsome! Thanks for posting them and doing the daily journals. It looks like all of you are doing lots-n-lots of good work and having a great time doing it. Tell Adam "Hi" from his whole family and that we're proud of him! Many many blessings and prayers to all of you!! Lorrie Meade

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