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In Grace

Serving In Appalachia
November 16, 2019
Community: Huntington, WV
Partner: Huntington City Mission, Huntington First Church of the Nazarene
Staff: Ronda Baldwin

We're Here!

by Ronda Baldwin | November 16, 2019 8:29 PM

We made it to West Virginia, got settled and had our orientation meeting. It was good to spend time in the Word and worship together to start our week. We're looking forward to what the Lord will do.

We're Here!

Reckless Love

by Ronda Baldwin | November 17, 2019 9:28 PM

We were so blessed to open the worship service at our partner church, First Church of the Nazarene, this morning. The whole service honored the Lord and pointed people to Him. It was a great reminder of why we are here this week.

Reckless Love

The Power of Prayer

by Ronda Baldwin | November 17, 2019 9:32 PM

After an amazing lunch with the senior group after church, we spent some time in prayer for the community and opportunities we have to serve this week. We spread out at the fountain memorial for the Marshall plane crash victims, thinking about how that tragedy and many others have affected the entire Huntington area. It makes the reality of the need here so much more personal as we get ready to step out and serve tomorrow.
The Power of Prayer

Digging Deeper

by Ronda Baldwin | November 17, 2019 9:34 PM

Tonight was a fun time of connecting with the youth and their families. We spent time discussing the sermon from this morning, playing basketball, and eating lots of desserts. We're looking forward to more time with them on Wednesday night.
Digging Deeper

The Neverending Pile

by Ronda Baldwin | November 18, 2019 6:46 PM

Believe it or not, this floor was totally clear and the room completely organized by the time we left the Harmony House today. It feels really good to finish the project.

The Neverending Pile

Diapers for days!

by Ronda Baldwin | November 18, 2019 6:47 PM

We moved an entire closet full of diapers (and some miscellaneous items) so the Harmony House could turn it into an office. We've never seen so many diapers!
Diapers for days!

Windows, Walls and Floors, oh, my!

by Ronda Baldwin | November 18, 2019 6:49 PM

It was a blessing to clean the windows and walls as well as the conference room for Harmony House. The whole building looked more inviting and smells really good.
Windows, Walls and Floors, oh, my!

Why Are There So Many Knives?!?

by Ronda Baldwin | November 18, 2019 6:51 PM

Sorting household goods revealed that Huntington has a huge excess of knives. And coffee cups. This room looked GOOD when we were done!
Why Are There So Many Knives?!?

Cleaning the Courtyard

by Ronda Baldwin | November 18, 2019 6:55 PM

The Harmony House, which helps homeless and recovering addicts find housing and get back in their feet, is located in what used to be one of Huntington's fanciest hotels. We spent some time cleaning the courtyard where several people now love in renovated apartments.
Cleaning the Courtyard

Hillbilly Hotdogs

by Ronda Baldwin | November 18, 2019 6:58 PM

We enjoyed our dinner eating in an old school us, seeing really eclectic decor, and singing the Sonny the Weenie Man Song for free ice cream at the world famous Hillbilly Hotdogs. It is a roadside hotdog stand that had been on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives. It was a fun and interesting evening.
Hillbilly Hotdogs

A New Beginning

by Ronda Baldwin | November 19, 2019 8:09 PM

We had so much fun sorting baby clothes at A New Beginning Pregnancy Resource Center! This ministry serves mothers and fathers in crisis pregnancy situations with education and resources to help them be successful and supported in raising their children.

A New Beginning

Community House

by Ronda Baldwin | November 19, 2019 8:12 PM

We got to serve lunch at a new ministry partner for PPM. It is a house that was given to a couple who simply wanted to do organic relational ministry to the needy and forgotten in their neighborhood. We sang, danced, served and prayed with the new friends we met. We were blessed probably even more than they were by our time at the house.

Community House

Community House Donation Space

by Ronda Baldwin | November 19, 2019 8:14 PM

While half of the group was serving lunch and doing dishes, the other half was upstairs sorting and organizing the donation room. Afterwards we got to help some of the neighbors shop for clothes and shoes. It was good to see the faces of those who are being helped by the work we've done.
Community House Donation Space

Prayer at the Park

by Ronda Baldwin | November 19, 2019 8:15 PM

We had some time for rest this afternoon, so we went to the riverfront park. Before we ran and played we took time to pray for friends we have met this week. 
Prayer at the Park

Meatloaf and Memories

by Ronda Baldwin | November 19, 2019 8:18 PM

The missions group at First Nazarene cooked and served dinner for us tonight. The meatloaf was great, but spending time in conversation, story telling and prayer with the church members was the memory-making part of the night.
Meatloaf and Memories

Huntington City Mission

by Ronda Baldwin | November 20, 2019 6:51 PM

One of our jobs at the Huntington City Mission was packing good boxes for families. We also helped the kitchen manager with lots of heavy lifting, including many cases of milk.

Huntington City Mission

Envelopes and Alphabets

by Ronda Baldwin | November 20, 2019 6:53 PM

We were able to help the Huntington City Mission with their Christmas mailing. There labels were all out of order, so it took several hours to sort and alphabetize them all.
Envelopes and Alphabets

Thrift Store Fun

by Ronda Baldwin | November 20, 2019 6:55 PM

Our third group this morning spent more time sorting donations, this time in the Huntington City Mission Thrift Store. This is where all of their residents get clothes for everyday as well as for job interviews and work that they get.
Thrift Store Fun

More Donations!

by Ronda Baldwin | November 20, 2019 6:57 PM

This afternoon we completely organized the donation closet at the AD Lewis Center. It's not easy to sort clothing and other items while the after school program was going in in the gym, but we made it work. The director was very grateful for the help.
More Donations!

Youth Group Fun

by Ronda Baldwin | November 20, 2019 7:00 PM

We ended our day with youth group at the First Church of the Nazarene. We ate pizza and played really fun games. We have truly enjoyed getting to make friends of all ages at our house church.
Youth Group Fun

Thrift Store Finds

by Ronda Baldwin | November 22, 2019 6:53 PM

We decided to spend part of our rec day serving at the Union Mission in Charleston, WV. Party of that service included stocking the thrift store that funds a big part of their ministry. It was so nice and clean, and we had fun seeing so many people from the community come in and shop.

Thrift Store Finds

Warehouse Work

by Ronda Baldwin | November 22, 2019 6:55 PM

The other half of us spent our morning in the Union Mission warehouse sorting truckloads full of food in preparation for their Thanksgiving basket distribution this Saturday. Over 600 families will receive food for an entire Thanksgiving dinner from the mission this year!
Warehouse Work

West Virginia State Museum

by Ronda Baldwin | November 22, 2019 6:58 PM

We were able to spend our afternoon exploring the West Virginia State Museum at the Capitol complex. We learned a lot and were surprised at how similar a lot of the history was to Indiana's.
West Virginia State Museum

Family Worship

by Ronda Baldwin | November 22, 2019 7:01 PM

Each night we were blessed to interact with different members of Huntington First Nazarene as they fed us dinner and ate with us. Our last night was extra special as some of the senior saints told us their salvation stories and stayed to worship before our nightly meeting. 
Family Worship

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Leonore A Clark

November 27, 2019 11:07 AM

This is absolutely the best! Christian's working with each other! Would like to know if my church could partner with you?

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