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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Canyon Hills Community Church

Serving In Tucson, AZ
November 26, 2022
Community: Downtown/South
Partner: GAP Ministries , Gospel Rescue Mission- Center for Opportunity , Hope City Church Tucson
Staff: Ronda Baldwin, Jeffrey Logsdon

We're Here! And We're Hungry!

by Ronda Baldwin | November 26, 2022 11:01 PM

We made it to Tucson along with ALL of our luggage! Our first stop was In N Out Burger for dinner. It was yummy, and we had fun discovering the Bible verses on our cups and food wrappers. We are excited to be able to serve and worship with our host church, Hope City Church, tomorrow!

We're Here! And We're Hungry!

Setting Up the Signs

by Ronda Baldwin | November 27, 2022 3:43 PM

We got to help Pastor Jeff set up the signs to welcome people to church this morning. Hope City draws people from as far as an hour away as well as those who live on the streets near the church.

Setting Up the Signs

Welcome to Church!

by Ronda Baldwin | November 27, 2022 5:47 PM

We split into service groups and covered the three entrances into church. Everybody was just as thankful to see us as we were to meet them!
Welcome to Church!

Kid's Ministry

by Ronda Baldwin | November 27, 2022 5:49 PM

Mrs. Heather let one of our groups help with Kid's Ministry during church. We had so much fun with them, and then they got to come hear us sing to close out the service.

Kid's Ministry

Leading Worship

by Ronda Baldwin | November 27, 2022 5:52 PM

Hope City gave us the opportunity lead two songs at the end of the service. It was an amazing blessing to see people of all ages worshipping along with us!
Leading Worship

"A" Mountain Hike

by Ronda Baldwin | November 27, 2022 11:35 PM

We got to climb a mountain! It's really called Sentinel Peak, but they call it "A" Mountain because the University of Arizona students built a big rock "A" into it. It was hard, but we all made it to the top!

"A" Mountain Hike

Dedicating the Week to Jesus

by Ronda Baldwin | November 27, 2022 11:39 PM

After we got to climb on the rocks and take lots of pictures, we took time to pray over the city we'll be serving in this week. Tucson is a lot like Seattle in many ways, so we also thought about how we can better pray for our own city.

*Leader's note: I've NEVER heard a group of kids pray as powerfully, purposefully, or honestly as these kids did. Their genuine connection to the Lord moved me to tears. Well done, parents and leaders!

Dedicating the Week to Jesus

USS Arizona

by Ronda Baldwin | November 27, 2022 11:42 PM

Our last stop of the evening before dinner and our debrief meeting was at the U of A campus. We saw the memorial for all the people who are still buried in Pearl Harbor. There were a lot more than we expected! We also saw lots of weird Amazon robots delivering stuff all over campus. That was weird. It's been a super full Sunday full of great connections with people and the city. We can't wait to get to work tomorrow!
USS Arizona

Morning Devotions

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 12:19 AM

We get to start our days learning about stories of missionaries who have gone before us. Their lives teach us more about what it means to sacrifice for the sake of sharing the gospel with others. It also makes us more excited about getting to be part of God's mission here in Tucson.

Morning Devotions

GAP Ministries

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 12:22 AM

Our first ministry project today was helping sort food and donations at GAP Ministries, which serves low income people, but focuses mainly on foster abd kinship families. Ms. Beverly taught us how to use the price gun!
GAP Ministries

Costco Cares

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 12:25 AM

The items we were pricing and shelving were donated by Costco for families who are loving on foster children and relatives whose parents can't take care of them safely right now.
Costco Cares

Serving for Today

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 12:26 AM

We were able to get all of the items stocked this morning before the families came to shop this afternoon. It was a blessing to know our work would help them so quickly.
Serving for Today

Decorating for Christmas

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 12:28 AM

We also got to spend time today decorating the church for their Christmas celebrations. We had fun climbing the ladder and "flooding" the tree :) 
Decorating for Christmas

Making Old Things New

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 12:31 AM

The church had buckets of ornaments they don't use anymore. Mrs. Leslie had the idea to string them together to make garlands for over the doors. It was so fun, and they turned out beautifully!
Making Old Things New

Homeless Ministry

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 12:33 AM

We started off the morning by putting together blessing bags that we were then able to pass out to those who are struggling with homelessness in a local park. The Lord gave us several great opportunities to connect with them, hear their stories, and talk about Jesus and the Word!
Homeless Ministry

Gospel Rescue Mission

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 12:37 AM

The Gospel Rescue Mission of Tucson is an absolutely beautiful facility that serves those struggling with homelessness and/or addiction. They focus on recovery and restoration through the dignity and hope of the gospel.

We got to help clean the warehouse after their Thanksgiving food giveaway and make room for other things that need to be stored there. The staff and residents were happy to share their stories as they worked alongside us.

Gospel Rescue Mission

Hope City Homeless Ministry

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 10:34 PM

We spent time this morning building clothing racks for the homeless ministry closet at Hope City. They are setting it up so that people can actually come in and shop for what they want rather than just having things handed to them that they may or may not like.

Hope City Homeless Ministry

Sorting and Folding

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 10:35 PM

While the guys built the racks, we sorted and folded clothes and got out the winter stuff. It's nice to see that the people served here will have warm clothes as it gets colder outside.
Sorting and Folding

Standing in the Gap

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 10:41 PM

There's a ministry on the Hope City campus that helps over 5,000 kids and young adults aging out of the foster care system to transition well and avoid living on the streets. They are currently building tiny homes for them behind the church. We made lots of cards to encourage them and remind them that Jesus sees and loves them.
Standing in the Gap

Green Beans at GAP

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 10:43 PM

We went back to GAP today and sorted green beans into smaller packages for families in need. Lots of green beans!

It was tedious work, but we encouraged each other and got it done!

Green Beans at GAP

Making Friends and Blessing Everyone

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 10:46 PM

We got to go downtown and back to the park the team went to yesterday to hand out blessing bags, food, clothing, and blankets to all the homeless people we could find. Several of them welcomed prayer and conversation. They seemed really thankful that we came, and we loved hearing their stories.
Making Friends and Blessing Everyone

Heavy Lifting

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 10:48 PM

This afternoon we got to serve at Desert Sun United Methodist Church in their donation center. They also serve foster families, specifically with household items and furniture that are required for the kids to stay where they are and be safe and provided for. 
Heavy Lifting

Fancy Corn

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 10:49 PM

Pastor Jeff gave us a treat of five different flavors of popcorn tonight. But first, he gave us the best commercial ever! We're going to miss him a lot.
Fancy Corn

We Love Our PPM Friends

by Ronda Baldwin | November 29, 2022 10:52 PM

We ended out meeting tonight with special prayer for Mrs. Kari. She's been helping out this week to see what a PPM trip is like, and she's been a huge blessing to all of us. We wish she didn't have to leave tomorrow!
We Love Our PPM Friends

Earth Movers

by Ronda Baldwin | December 1, 2022 8:22 PM

Wednesday was our chance to work on the outside of Hope City Church. And man! Did we work! We moved over a hundred wheelbarrows full of dirt to fill in the pot holes in the parking lot and entrance. It was hard, but worth the smiles on the church members' faces.

Earth Movers

Painting Fun

by Ronda Baldwin | December 1, 2022 8:28 PM

Pastor Jeff let us paint the divider wall in the sanctuary. We were very careful and did an  amazing job!
Painting Fun

Every Story Matters

by Ronda Baldwin | December 1, 2022 8:36 PM

Ms. Cindy, who had taken us to minister to the homeless asking with Ms. Faith, came and shared her personal story of homelessness with us on Wednesday at lunch. She is such an inspiration in the way she has allowed the Lord to transform her life. It was a blessing to be able to love on her in prayer.

Every Story Matters

New Friends!

by Ronda Baldwin | December 1, 2022 8:40 PM

Those of us who didn't get a chance to serve at the Gospel Rescue Mission were able to go get a tour and see the ministry on Wednesday. We ran into our friend, Joshua, who we met with his chihuahua at church on Sunday. They asked him to share his testimony, so we got to be the first people to officially hear his story of recovery!
New Friends!

Prayer for Pastor Jeff

by Ronda Baldwin | December 1, 2022 8:45 PM

After our meeting Wednesday night, we got to pray over Pastor Jeff before he left on his trip to Mexico. We have loved getting to know him, and he has been so kind to truly want to know us, too. He invested in us just like he does the people at Hope City. We pray the Lord will continue to send them more workers to help serve all the different kinds of people that make up their church family.
Prayer for Pastor Jeff

Frost Gelato!

by Ronda Baldwin | December 1, 2022 8:48 PM

Wednesday night ended with a special treat at Frost Gelato! It's all homemade, and tasted amazing!!
Frost Gelato!

Shootout at the OK Corral

by Ronda Baldwin | December 1, 2022 8:53 PM

Today is rec day. We spent it exploring Tombstone, Arizona, strung with a picnic in the park and watching a dramatic reenactment of the shootout at OK Corral. It was funny, and the actors posed for pictures with us afterwards.
Shootout at the OK Corral

Good Enough Mine Tour

by Ronda Baldwin | December 1, 2022 8:57 PM

After some souvenir shopping, we got to go 200 feet underground where our tour guide, Austin, taught us all about silver mining in Arizona. It was fascinating!
Good Enough Mine Tour

Raspados are Yummy!

by Ronda Baldwin | December 2, 2022 11:41 PM

After our rec day Thursday we got to spend the evening with the youth of Hope City Church. We played a get to know you game and shared a meal prepared for us by a member of the church. Then we walked down the street to try raspados, which is a slushy treat with ice cream and real fruit. They were so good!

Raspados are Yummy!

Til Next Year

by Ronda Baldwin | December 2, 2022 11:46 PM

Thank you, Pastor Jeff and the Hope City family! We've loved our time with you. Thank you for serving with us and for taking such good care of us. We look forward to a long partnership and "growing up" with your olive tree. We'll see you next year!
Til Next Year

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