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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

West Main Students

Serving In Pacific Northwest
June 10, 2023
Community: Seattle
Partner: Coastline Church
Staff: Justin Jones, Ben Rhodes, Ashley Cushman

New Horizons youth shelter

by Justin Jones | June 12, 2023 11:51 AM

Today some of us got to serve breakfast to the you at New Horizons. 

New Horizons youth shelter

Coastline Church

by Ashley Cushman | June 12, 2023 11:52 AM

The team started off the early morning with an orientation meeting in the park complete with breakfast from Top Pot Doughnuts. The team then attended Sunday service at Coastline Church, currently located in the church’s coffee shop. The team got to listen to a sermon from Pastor Brice Sanders on the end of Matthew 28, which encouraged the congregation to align the hope and vision for their lives with God’s will rather than their own. 

Coastline Church

Pike Place Market

by Ashley Cushman | June 12, 2023 11:59 AM

Sunday afternoon was spent exploring Pike Place Market. The team was able to make their way through the many little shops, try some new foods, take a look at the beautiful waterfront, see some flying fish, and even stick some gum on the infamous gum wall!
Pike Place Market

Debrief Session

by Ashley Cushman | June 12, 2023 2:24 PM

The team ended Sunday night with a debrief session covering everything they did throughout the day. The team was also able to hear a devotional covering the entirety of the Gospel based on Romans 1:1-6. The team then got a chance to practice what they learned by coming up with ways to turn a jar of pickles into the Gospel. The kids learned that if they are able to turn a jar of pickles into the Gospel, they can turn anything into the Gospel!

Debrief Session

Cleaning out the Kitchen

by Ashley Cushman | June 12, 2023 2:41 PM

The main service project this week is renovating a new space for Coastline Church. The building was previously a restaurant that closed down in March of 2020, so there is much cleaning and prepping that needs to be done before the space officially opens in the coming weeks. Cleaning out the kitchen is a hefty task, and this team has been tackling it like pros!
Cleaning out the Kitchen

Fresh Coat of Paint

by Ashley Cushman | June 12, 2023 3:35 PM

In addition to cleaning out the kitchen, the team is also working on painting the interior with a fresh coat of white paint to brighten up the space. 

Fresh Coat of Paint

New Horizons Youth Shelter

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 7:56 PM

As with every morning this week, we had the opportunity to send a small team over to the New Horizons Youth Shelter where they were able to cook and serve a meal to about 30 youth and young adults who were experiencing homelessness in the heart of Seattle. It was a great opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a very practical and meaningful way! 

New Horizons Youth Shelter

Trash Upon Trash

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 8:00 PM

This week as we continued to work with helping Pastor Brice renovate their new building, removing a lot of trash came along with that. The team did such a great job of getting it all out and making the new building look amazing! 
Trash Upon Trash

New Tree Planters!

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 8:02 PM

One of the jobs we were also asked to help Coastline Church with this week was cleaning up the tree planters outside the front doors of the new building. As you can see here, some of the men on the team were putting in new mulch to spruce up the look of the street!
New Tree Planters!

Squeaky Clean

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 8:04 PM

Some of the students took on the huge job of cleaning all the refrigerators and coolers in the new church building. It did not smell the best, but these girls did great pushing through and making them look even better than new! Awesome work! 
Squeaky Clean

Church Deep Clean

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 8:06 PM

As some members of the team went to New Horizons on Wednesday morning, the rest of the team stayed back at Ballard Church where we are lodging for the week and did a deep clean. We had teams vacuuming the whole church, others cleaning all the bathrooms, some cleaning windows and mirrors, and still others cleaning every high contact touch area. That place is so clean now!

Church Deep Clean

Snoqualmie Falls

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 8:08 PM

After a long hard day of work, some of the team took a trip out to Snoqualmie Falls to see the beautiful waterfall and enjoy some time to relax! 
Snoqualmie Falls

We <3 Seattle

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 8:10 PM

On Wednesday afternoon the team had an awesome opportunity to serve with an organization called We ❤️ Seattle. This organization works to clean up trash at various locations all throughout Seattle. They get teams together and tackle the job all in just a few hours. Today we had the chance to help clean up a what was once beautiful and popular bus station in South Seattle. 
We <3 Seattle

Workers at Work!

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 8:11 PM

The team did a great job of working together to pick up a lot of trash. They completely cleaned this area out to make it look beautiful once again. Great work team! 
Workers at Work!

So much trash!

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 8:51 PM

After a great afternoon of picking up trash, the team was able to stand proud in front of their big pile of trash that was collected. Great work to everyone for working hard and getting it all picked up!
So much trash!

Esther and Her Sacrificial Love

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 8:53 PM

On Wednesday night after a great day of work the team ended the night with a debrief and with a devotional. For the devotional we walked about Esther and her sacrificial servant hood towards her people and her nation. She shows us how we can truly love others by giving away things that are special to us. Things such as giving up a week of our lives to go serve others in a foreign land. We ended the night with the question: why do you think God put you in Seattle this week? 
Esther and Her Sacrificial Love

Fremont Troll

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 9:07 PM

To start our recreation day on Thursday the team went to underneath the Fremont Bridge to the infamous Fremont Troll. This troll was an art installation and has turned into a large tourist attraction. It was a great time watching the team climb all over the sculpture and have a fun time! 

Space Needle!!

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 9:08 PM

After the Fremont Troll the team made its way over to the Space Needle and the Seattle Center. It was so cool to see how tall the building was and learn all about its history. It was also fun to go into the grift shop and buy some really cool souvenirs!

Ferry Ride

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 9:08 PM

On our way over to Whitney Island most of the team went on their first ever ferry ride. This isn’t just any other ferry, it can fit over 150 cars on it! It was awesome to see the beautiful views from the deck and explore what a massive Washington ferry boat is all about. 

Final Day at New Horizons

by Ashley Cushman | June 15, 2023 9:09 PM

For our final day at New Horizons, we made biscuits with sausage and eggs. All the leftovers we had from previous days serving at the shelter will be used for breakfast tomorrow when there is no team signed up to volunteer. It was a such a blessing to have the opportunity to partner with an incredible organization and serve breakfast for the homeless youth of Seattle all week!

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 16, 2023 11:57 PM

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The Power of the Spirit

Journey Mennonite Church

Appalachia | June 19, 2024


Second Presbyterian Church

Puerto Rico | June 19, 2024

John 8:12

First Presbyterian Church of Ambler

Pittsburgh, PA | June 19, 2024

VBS Day 2.

Peachtree Road UMC

Belize | June 19, 2024

Palm trees, coconuts, Florida!

FBC (Ferris) Youth

Florida | June 19, 2024





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