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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Northwest MO. State ASB

Serving In Florida
March 5, 2023
Staff: Tim deForest, Susan deForest

They Made it!

by Tim deForest | March 5, 2023 3:21 PM

Welcome to these awesome ladies who are doing an alternative spring break trip. We are so happy they are here. 

Awesome Landscaping Projects

by Susan deForest | March 6, 2023 3:37 PM

It was a fantastic morning working hard and completing so many projects for the church as they recover from the hurricane, beautify their property, and provide home grown food for their community. We built a trellis, built a new garden, weeded, watered, and so much more. The staff at the church was so grateful! 

Awesome Landscaping Projects

Ready, Set, Go!

by Susan deForest | March 6, 2023 3:43 PM

A nearby church needs a completely new roof after hurricane Ian. We have been recruited to help with the removal of the old ceiling. Today was prep day removing everything valuable from the sanctuary and covering all the pews and everything that can’t be removed to protect it during demolition. Soon it will be GO time for us to do the removal project and then the pros will come in to finish the ceiling and roofing project. Everyone here is so kind and grateful for people volunteering to help. 

Ready, Set, Go!

In Search of Manatee

by Susan deForest | March 7, 2023 12:04 PM

The NW Missouri State ladies took a recreation day today and went kayaking. Though the manatee proved mostly elusive (1 sighting) it was a great day enjoying each other and the beautiful scenery from kayaks! What a beautiful world we live in! 

In Search of Manatee

Food Pantry Queens!

by Susan deForest | March 8, 2023 7:46 PM

These 7 young ladies spent a great morning working with the members of Wintergarden Church unloading donated food from trucks, organizing it, preparing boxes, and getting everything ready for the community food distribution tomorrow. They were so helpful and gave much encouragement to the regular volunteers! 

Food Pantry Queens!

Time for a New Ceiling at the Church!

by Susan deForest | March 8, 2023 7:50 PM

The afternoon was spent removing all the ceiling panels from a church hit hard by Hurricane Ian. Afterwards all the insulation had to be removed, rolled, and everything hauled to the dumpster. Hard, hot, dusty, itchy work and they did it with amazing attitudes and grit. Amazing young women. Now the church is ready to bring in people to install a new ceiling under a new roof. It takes a team to recover from a hurricane, that’s for sure! 

Time for a New Ceiling at the Church!

Mangrove Cleanup

by Susan deForest | March 9, 2023 1:05 PM

The team spent the morning with local hero Miss Rhonda who is a champion of the environment. She took them to an area that hasn’t been cleaned up since Hurricane Ian. They scoured the roadside and the mangroves for debris and garbage that seemed to be everywhere. She was grateful for their morning of hard work and encouraged them to  go home to be champions of the environment in Missouri as well.

Mangrove Cleanup

Drive Through Food Distribution

by Susan deForest | March 9, 2023 1:14 PM

Before covid Wintergreen Church was providing food for 40 families in the community that were in need. That number has continued to grow through the covid years and then the hurricane. Now the church typically provides weekly food for 420 families or more than 1500 individuals. It is quite an undertaking. The volunteers were thrilled to have the help of the college students and their amazing energy and attitude at the distribution today. They brought life and joy and encouragement to the volunteers and the families driving through. It was a beautiful sight! 
Drive Through Food Distribution

From Strangers to Sisters!

by Tim deForest | March 10, 2023 7:02 AM

Last night we said our final goodbyes as this amazing team had to get up and on the road by 5:30 AM today. We came together just five days ago as two separate teams from two totally different states. Working together for those five days bonded us like sisters. It was hard to say goodbye. We are already missing each other. It was a terrific week. God is so good!

From Strangers to Sisters!

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Sundae Bar!

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Rain? No Problem!

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