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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

North Church Indy Youth

Serving In Gulf Coast
June 17, 2023
Community: Lake Charles
Partner: Evergreen Baptist Church, Mount Olive Baptist Church
Staff: Almando Jean Louis, Jadon Baldwin

We have arrived

by Almando Jean Louis | June 17, 2023 11:10 PM

We made it safe and sound to Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church after 11 hours on the road. The Praying Pelican Missions staff welcomed us and gave us a tour of the church, which is our home for the week.

After settling in, we had a quick meeting with Al, his daughter Bityah, Jadon and Zane. Al shared a passage in Luke 10 with us setting the tone for the week. He reminded us that unlike the disciples that were sent out in the field with nothing, we have been given all the material blessings we need to do the work. And like the disciples, if we are obedient, have faith, and put on the armor of Christ, we can do even more. 

Please pray for us to be the disciples that God wants us to be as we serve Him by helping His people this wee

Never Board

by Jadon Baldwin | June 19, 2023 5:15 PM

Today, some of us began working at a house in the neighborhood of the church. The homeowner needs us to help put drywall in, so we started pulling out boards and cleaning out the room we’ll be working in this week. It was tons of fun, though it definitely hasn’t been easy!

Never Board

The Projects Are RAMPing Up!

by Jadon Baldwin | June 19, 2023 5:37 PM

Today we also worked on not one, but TWO ramps! One has already been built, but the pastor here at Evergreen asked if we could fix it up. We’re building the second one from scratch, however, for a lady who can’t get knee surgery unless she can get into her house without using her steps.

We didn’t get as far as we wanted to today, but we did have some good conversations with both homeowners, which was definitely a blessing! One of them also had her grandkids, and we had so much fun talking and playing with them as well!!

"Wash" Out For The Concrete!!

by Jadon Baldwin | June 20, 2023 10:57 AM

A constant this week is our pressure washing project. We hope to get as much of the church parking lot finished by the end of the week! It's pretty hot right now, but it's been satisfying to see immediate progress as we go.

"Wash" Out For The Concrete!!

Pushing Past The Post

by Jadon Baldwin | June 20, 2023 1:33 PM

We're gaining progress with the new ramp!
Pushing Past The Post

Nailing It

by Jadon Baldwin | June 21, 2023 9:46 AM

Reinforcements arrived yesterday to help out with the ramp we’re building from scratch! With Ramp #2 pretty much finished, more of us have been able to rally around Ramp #1, and so far we’ve made a lot more progress!

Nailing It

Swamped With Gators

by Jadon Baldwin | June 23, 2023 3:13 PM

We made it to rec day!! After a productive week serving in the community of DeQuincy, we went exploring on Thursday... IN THE SWAMP. The tour was exciting, both for us and for the alligators we met along the way - ten in total! Afterward we went to the gulf of Mexico and played in the water, but not before grabbing an authentic Louisiana lunch. We couldn't have asked for a better way to end our trip, and we're so excited for what God does next!

Swamped With Gators

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 23, 2023 11:58 PM

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