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Ten Tips for Cultural Sensitivity

Looking for a cheat sheet to cultural sensitivity for your group? Look no further. Here’s 10 tips for cultural sensitivity.

1. Operate with a heart of humility and respect those in leadership.

While on a mission trip, respecting those who are in authority over you, such as the group leader, host pastor or trip leader is of the utmost importance. They know the big picture and long-term plans for the ministry you are working alongside, and have legit reasons for the rules and instructions they give you.

2. Be polite at the table.

Consider it a rule to always eat what’s on your plate. If you don’t like it that’s okay, but keep that opinion to yourself. Be thankful that you have food to eat, and don’t be wasteful. Someone likely worked hard to prepare your food and it will mean the world to them to see you enjoy what they’ve prepared.

3. Have a welcoming attitude.

When you are polite to others, it makes us all feel more connected. So, as you are immersed in a different culture or community during your trip, be polite to friends and members of your team, as well as people you meet in the community.

4. Smile and wave!

Be aware of the facial expressions you are making and what they might look like to someone who doesn’t know you. As you are traveling and interacting with others, be aware of the signals your body language can give off. Even if you are feeling happy, a scowl on your face will tell others something different. Easy ways to be friendly with your body language are to smile often, relax your facial muscles, wave to strangers and greet them with a simple “Hello.” Chances are, even if they don’t speak the same language as you, they understand the greeting of hello. Plus, a smile is universal: one language for the whole world.

5. Staring versus observing.

Think about when someone stares at you: doesn’t it usually make you feel uncomfortable? On a mission trip, where everything is different, you’ll want to take it all in. However, observing is different from staring. Observe how a vendor sells bracelets, but don’t stare at him or her. Ask questions and interact and allow your curiosity to open up a chance for conversation.

6. Don’t judge.

To put it simply, judging is one of the most divisive things we can do to other people. When you judge someone due to their dress, culture, way of life, money, or material possessions, you put yourself above them. This isn’t the heart of Jesus. Keep an open mind about the new experiences you are having and the amazing people you are meeting and who knows, maybe they’ll teach you a thing or two!

7. Be mindful about clothing.

When serving in another place, you want to be intentionally respectful and careful of the local culture surrounding clothing. This means adapting even to the most conservative of places and customs, ensuring that nothing will form a barrier between you and their culture. Isn’t that the goal? Even if the local people don’t dress as conservatively, remember that you are representing Christ and you want people to see His light and that is our goal.

8. Ask permission

When questions come up about situations like traveling, purchasing things, leaving the group, or whether your shorts are long enough… ask! One of the easiest and best ways to avoid conflict and confusion is to ask permission or for advice if you are unsure.

9. Remember your manners

Simple, right? You’d think that. Something that is so simple in our own culture can sometimes get lost in another place. Whether due to being out of our normal circumstances, or feeling separated due to language barriers, please and thank you can be forgotten. If you are unsure how to say please and thank you in another language, ask someone for help. But at the very least, say it in your own language anyway!

10. Keep the negativity at bay

This is doubly true when negative opinions pertain to personal qualities like culture, daily lifestyle, clothing, food, or politics. You are a guest in the state or country you are serving in.. you are the foreigner here. Your ways are different, and the ways of your host country have no right to be criticized by you in public or otherwise. When negative opinions are made, the whole group suffers.

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Africa's many countries boast a wide array of beauty, culture and needs. Destinations include Kenya and South Africa.


Serve with Praying Pelican across the Caribbean—locations include Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, and Puerto Rico.


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College students are looking for a place to make a meaningful impact. Amplify that impact by partnering alongside a local church.


This is your opportunity to serve alongside a local church and experience God in a different culture—from Belize, to Cuba, to South Africa and beyond.


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