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Physical Giving and Donations

This resource is provided for teams partnering with Praying Pelican for their mission trip, but the general guidelines can be adapted to suit most any international mission trip.

Praying Pelican Missions’ desire is to not only build relationships with the local church but also to take part in the improvement of the local economy. Therefore, our heart is to avoid flooding the local market with items that could be purchased in-country. Below are examples of things that you could consider giving. Many of these items can be bought in-country before your group arrives. Please be in contact with your trip consultant as you specify what you would like to donate. If the items can be purchased from local vendors, your consultant will help you figure out how much money to send down beforehand to purchase these donations. Items in bold are of high need.  

Here is a list of items that should be purchased in-country (meaning you send in the money through your GL account and we have these ready for your team when you arrive):

Items That Can Be Purchased In Country

  • Local Language Bibles - $10 per Bible, we can purchase these in-country for you.
  • School Supplies: paper notebooks, pens, small pencil sharpeners, erasers, pencils, backpacks, child safety scissors, glue etc.
  • Teacher Supplies: pocket notebooks, folders, calculators, rulers, chalk, erasers, etc

Kit Ideas
These items would be purchased before your team arrives (you send the money through your PPM account) and then put together as an afternoon ministry activity while on your trip.

  • Back-to-School Kit - $30 to purchase a backpack, notebook, and pencils for a child to go to school. If you want to take it further and also provide a uniform and shoes, it is an additional $50/kit. Your partnership pastor will help identify children in his community that are in need of assistance with school supplies to receive a kit and then work with their parents to ensure the child gets the appropriate uniform and shoes that fit.
  • Bible Kit - $20 to purchase a Bible (French or Creole), a notebook, marker, and a Bible case. Your partnership pastor will help identify people in his community in need of a Bible kit.

Items that can be brought from North America:

  • Crafts: construction paper, coloring books and crayons, string, pipe cleaners, stickers, etc. Please remember to keep crafts simple and low cost. (Higher cost items such as pre-made bracelets with pretty beads can cause distraction with the children.) Any items left over from craft time can be donated to the local school or kids ministry program at church.
  • School textiles: Any premade posters, crafting supplies, lessons, binders, lesson plans, classroom decorations and the like, are a welcome gift for teachers and classrooms at local schools.
  • Items for Sports & Kids Ministry: soccer balls (can also be purchased in-country), air pumps with extra needles, soccer nets, jump ropes, frisbees, american football, basketball, kites, bubbles, etc.
  • Children`s Vitamins
  • Medical Supplies: basics, bandaids, neosporin, peroxide, betadine wipes, children’s tylenol, alcohol wipes, sanitizing spray, gauze, athletic tape, pepto tablets, etc. We cannot accept any prescription medications or expired medications.
  • Books: Adult and children's books, English learning books or books in the local language, etc.
  • Tools: The majority of the tools needed for the week are already available. However, if you have tools that you would like to donate, items needed are: hammers, levels, tape measures, trowels, reciprocating saws, drills, masonry bits, pry bars, pliers, hacksaws, sheet metal screws, tin snips. Most work will be done with cinder block, cement, and rebar. You may or may not use the tools you bring all week, but they will be very useful as the work continues at the site if you are able to leave them.
  • “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

    All donations will be routed through the local pastor or ministry leader. Here’s to having a great mission trip and honoring Christ with our giving.

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Minneapolis, MN 55425
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Not goodbye but see you later

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Houston, TX | June 6, 2024

But first, let’s pray!

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Our customizable mission trips allow each person on your team of adults to find a place to serve, regardless of their interest or skills.


Africa's many countries boast a wide array of beauty, culture and needs. Destinations include Kenya and South Africa.


Serve with Praying Pelican across the Caribbean—locations include Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, the Bahamas, and Puerto Rico.


Serve with Praying Pelican across the Central America—locations include Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.


College students are looking for a place to make a meaningful impact. Amplify that impact by partnering alongside a local church.


This is your opportunity to serve alongside a local church and experience God in a different culture—from Belize, to Cuba, to South Africa and beyond.


Get all the information you need about our mission trips and what your group can expect as they serve on mission with Praying Pelican.


From our hometown of Minneapolis to the island of Puerto Rico, USA mission trips are diverse in service opportunities, cultural experiences, and community needs.


Deepen your youth mission trip by doing ministry built on genuine partnerships, long term relationships, and sustainable ministry.

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