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Hurricane Otis

PPM Disaster Response: Hurricane Otis

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Wednesday morning 10/25 Tropical Storm Otis rapidly increased into a Category 5 hurricane.  With almost no warning Otis slammed into Acapulco.  Since making landfall it has quickly slowed and is expected to dissipate in the next 24 hrs.  However it is expected to dump nearly 20in of rain in the area leading to a high risk of mudslides and inland flooding.  Officials are urging everyone to remain sheltered until the storm passes and assistance can reach the affected areas.  At this time no loss of life has been reported, but officials fear there could be unreported deaths as communication in the region has been completely cut off.  Please join us in prayer for the people of Acapulco and the surrounding areas in Guerrero.  Praying Pelican Missions will be assessing the situation and we will update here with any ways you can support.

Updates From The Field

Weekend Relief Efforts

by Dillon Crum | October 30, 2023 10:14 AM

Over the weekend government agencies and first responders were able to access most of the affected areas around Acapulco and begin restoring power to the communities.  As of Monday morning 58% of Acapulco has had power restored with government officials estimating power will be completely restored by Tuesday.  After search and rescue efforts over the weekend the death toll rose to 48 people with 6 people still missing.  According to early estimates the Mexican Government believes the economic cost of Otis could top $15 billion.  Due to the extent of the damage and the inability of aid agencies to access the area for days, many people in Acapulco have gone without basic necessities.  Residents are reporting there is very little water and food, and medical supplies are impossible to find.  Please continue to join us in prayer for the people of Acapulco.  Pray for the necessary aid to arrive quickly and for it to be dispersed in a timely manner.  We also want to pray for unity among all the leaders making decisions at this time.  Continue to follow our updates here for any ways you might be able to assist.

Photo Credit: Reuters/Quetzalli Nicte-Ha

Weekend Relief Efforts

Slow Response

by Dillon Crum | October 27, 2023 1:37 PM

We are continuing to hear heartbreaking stories coming out of Acapulco.  Tourists and residents alike are finding that resources and aid is extremely scarce if not completely absent.  The Mexican National Guard is currently deploying to the area to assist with recovery efforts.  However, roads to Acapulco are either damaged or covered by debris and it is slowing down first responders.  Residents in the work-class neighborhoods say they have yet to see any assistance.  These neighborhoods were hit by fast moving flash floods which left up to a foot of mud in many of the homes.  Communication throughout the area is still down and residents are unsure when or if assistance will reach them.  Please continue to join us in prayer for the people affected by this horrifying hurricane.  Pray that aid workers can quickly clear the roads and make it to the heavily impacted areas with the needed assistance.  Continue to check here for more ways to assist as PPM is working with our partners in disaster response to see how our network can assist.

Photo Credit: James Frederick/NPR

Slow Response

Assessing the Damage

by Dillon Crum | October 26, 2023 10:03 AM

After the unprecedented impact of Hurricane Otis, first responders and community members are beginning to assess the damage in their community.  No one in Acapulco was prepared for Otis to become a Category 5 level hurricane.  This is the first time a Cat. 5 has impacted Mexico on the Pacific side.  State and Federal officials have finally been able to get to the area today.  Communication is still very limited as all the telecommunications infrastructure has been damaged.  Currently, officials in Acapulco have put the death toll at 27 and they are expecting that number to climb as they begin search and rescue efforts.  As we continue to assess how we might respond, please keep the people of Acapulco and the surrounding areas in your prayers.  Pray that the essential aid supplies can make it to the area quickly and continue to follow along here for updates. 

Photo Credit: Francisco Robles/AFP

Assessing the Damage

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