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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Blaine Memorial and Sacramento Japanese UMC's

Serving In Tucson, AZ
June 26, 2011
Staff: Michele Mitchell

We are Here!!

by PPM Staff | June 28, 2011 4:44 PM

Sunday we got on that jet plane, then switched to some cars and after a long car ride we finally arrived in Tucson, AZ! Man is it hot. Yes, we know it's a "dry" heat but the reality of it is the same HOT! We hung out together inside none the less and just relaxed a little knowing that wont be on the schedule come Monday. Monday morning 10am it's check in time. Cecilia and Grant, PPM staff met us at 22nd Street Church to show us around our new "home" for the week. It's a great place to come back to after long days of ministry. The courtyard is proving to be a good football field and the basement has some ping pong and air hockey games. After an orientation meeting where we met Karen and Michele, also PPM Staff we headed to meet our Pastor for the week. Pastor Rob is awesome and the church has a lot going on. Just a few weeks ago they held 4 consecutive block parties in the neighborhood and met over 1300 people. We are excited to partner with them with VBS and ANOTHER block party on Friday where we will hand out bags of 20lbs of food to each person that registers and bottled water that has the gospel message on the label. More about this event when we experience it! Stay tuned for a deeper glimpse into our mission trip to Tucson AZ!!
We are Here!!

VBS Creativity=Dollar Tree!

by PPM Staff | June 29, 2011 4:09 PM

This is an entry concerning Monday due to limited internet access. Monday afternoon we headed over to Sharing Ministries to meet Pastor Rob and see Sharing Ministries Church. After looking at the space and seeing what supplies we had to work with and the theme for VBS confirmed we headed to the most awesome place to shop in the world, DOLLAR TREE! New York, The Big Apple. Connecting Faith and Life was the theme we needed to find decorations, nametags, craft supplies and such and such. With a few dollars and a lot of creativity the team got to work shopping. Poster boards became Stop, Yield, Speed Limit and Stay off the Grass signs. Also the names of the different age groups. Caps became identifications for our "taxi drivers" that would move groups from one location to another. Cups and string became telephones for communication craft. Fake Money became a tool to count the kids in each group. The ideas were endless and so creative! Jason and Gale gave the orders and the team figured it out. Back to the church to start putting all these ideas in to action. 6pm and in came the kids. We had 27 kids. It is awesome to stand and look in the church and see children from Mexico, Yaqui Indian, and helpers from the Vietnamese church located a couple streets over. Culture was all around us and we loved it! Ray a local missionary and pastor took the bible study group and showed a video of South America and his heart for reaching the world. Each group prayed together for people to receive the love of Christ. You would think that with all this the night was complete, but no. It's 8:30. We are sitting, laughing and rejoicing about the evening when Armando walks in with Grilled, steak, chicken and pork, salad and cake. Could this week get any better because this is just Monday! Stay tuned....
VBS Creativity=Dollar Tree!

Follow Up with Pastor....

by PPM Staff | June 29, 2011 4:18 PM

It's Tuesday 8am and we are headed to the neighborhood in the van with Pastor Rob to follow up after some events his church has had in the last few weeks. Four block parties in a row! Over 1300 people were there. WOW! They handed out bags of food, had live music and games for kids. During the event they also took family photos. Today we get to deliver those photos and invite them to church! It's 112 degrees, but we are willing and ready. Water Bottles in hand and sun screen covering our bodies we hit the road. It was awesome. Noon and time to eat. Pastor took us to a local place and we had some mexican flavors. So far we are getting very spoiled with food here. We keep wondering if this is a mission trip or buffet! Pastor knows how to take care of his people! Back to 22nd street church (location of our lodging) we meet up with the other groups and go to Missions training with Grant. He teaches us ways to have conversations with people and learn more about them. Great tools for our tool box as this week is all about ministry and people. Thanks Grant and hope your flight to Jamaica is smooth and we will be praying for your trip there! Back to VBS with new ideas and excitement. 35 kids in the house! That's what I am talking about. Of course Missionary Ray is also a Chef so we are in for a treat for dinner. Ah, love this stuff!
Follow Up with Pastor....

Going on a food run....

by PPM Staff | June 29, 2011 4:27 PM

Wednesday morning came early but we were ready to meet pastor at Caring Ministries. This is a ministry connected to the church that collects food and distributes it to local and some not local churches and people in the community. Over 300,000 lbs of food have been moved this month already. Eric hopped in the truck and went collecting from Trader Joe's, Safeway, Whole Foods, AJ's and many bakeries. A few more got in another truck to go to some grocery stores. The rest of us stayed back to unload trucks as they came in with the pallets of goodies. Produce, fruit, birthday cakes, muffins, turkeys, you name it we unloaded it. The volunteers of Caring Ministries will sort it and send it back out where needed. Lunch time arrived and yet again we consumed heavenly goodness. During lunch Pastor Rob shared his heart about people and Mexico. I think if we had our passports he would have been ready to leave today! You can hear his heart in every word he says. The inspiration we are receiving from him is contagious and Armando shares his testimony about his mother. He is one of 9 kids, his mother would go to the bank and get rolls of nickles load them all up in the car and take them to another village to hand out to families in need (they were a poor family as well). She wanted her kids to know that God will always provide if they are willing to give as well. His parents were married for 67 years and he says that he will always be thankful for what they taught him. We watch a video about Mexico and the work the church is doing there and can't help but get excited for the church! It's almost time for VBS and we can't wait to see the kids tonight! Keep praying for us!
Going on a food run....

Let the Loading Begin

by PPM Staff | July 1, 2011 1:13 AM

What you should know is today is the day that the teams USUALLY take a break and have some recreation. Well not these guys. They heard about a semi truck coming in to the Caring Ministries Food Bank and gave up their morning to load the truck!
Let the Loading Begin

Team work.....

by PPM Staff | July 1, 2011 1:13 AM

What one can do, three can do better.
Team work.....


by PPM Staff | July 1, 2011 1:14 AM

Ready to hit the road and deliver the goods. Gotta love having these manly men on a trip when it comes time to use the muscles! These guys worked so hard and may I remind you of the heat! 108 degrees already this morning.

Music for the soul....

by PPM Staff | July 1, 2011 1:25 AM

Most times for VBS we have crazy loud music playing through a boom box. Not this time. We have Gayle with us who can play the guitar and focusing more on the heart of worship. We love this part of the rotation. We learn hand motions to go with the songs and the little voices are magical. I understand why God loves to hear His children sing to him. It moves you to tears to hear them confess their love for Him and with such angelic voices. Jesus, You are my All and All!
Music for the soul....

A reminder of why we are here!

by PPM Staff | July 1, 2011 1:42 AM

Feisty and Beautiful. These two words describe these young ladies. We are having a blast hanging out with them and learning about their life. It doesn't take long for these faces to be branded on your heart forever.
A reminder of why we are here!

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June 30, 2011 9:57 PM

Hey Friends! Keep up the good work! Wish I could have stayed there with you but I am praying for you either way. Thank you for your willingness to serve the people of Tucson :)

Mary N.

June 29, 2011 10:40 PM

Thank you for being there to be God's hands and feet! And thank you for posting updates about what you are doing there. I can't help but smile as I read about what you are doing for God over in Tucson! I agree with Yvonne that I'm sure the kids from VBS will remember you for a long time. I can imagine that each of you is experiencing God's grace through the Ministry of Presence. Know that you are helping to bring hope to each person you meet. And I am sure that you will remember this trip for many years to come. Isn't it wonderful to learn from one another? Keep sharing and thanks again for being ambassadors for Christ! Can't wait to hear more about it when you return to your home churches. =)

Yvonne K.

June 29, 2011 6:59 PM

Thank you for the updates. It's exciting to come home each night to read about the missionary work you are doing in AZ. I'm sure you all realize the differences you are making in peoples lives. The children at VBS will remember you for the rest of their lives. Stay cool and keep the blogs and pictures coming. Love to you all.

Mindy T.

June 29, 2011 7:55 AM

Good morning from Sacramento! Thanks for posting the first entry and photo, Gayle. The Tucson heat radiates off the photo -- it looks very sunny there. Is it mean to mention that yesterday in Sac it was strangely cool and we had over 1/4" of rain? So weird. We are praying for you all and thank you for your mission work and ministry. Please keep posting entries and pics -- we look forward to hearing about your daily experiences. With love in Christ, Mindy T.

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Not goodbye but see you later

West Main Students

Houston, TX | June 6, 2024

But first, let’s pray!

Christian Academy of Louisville

Alaska | June 6, 2024

Food Distribution

Judah Temple of Praise

Belize | June 6, 2024

Row the Boat

FBC Salado Youth

Tulsa, OK | June 6, 2024


We Belize In Him

Belize | June 6, 2024





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