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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Solid Rock Family Church

Serving In Appalachia
August 10, 2019
Community: Clendenin, WV
Partner: Newton Baptist Church
Staff: Rebekah Turbett, Andrew Smith

Safe Arrival!

by Rebekah Turbett | August 10, 2019 10:05 PM

Solid Rock Family Church arrived safely in Newton, West Virginia! We got unloaded and unpacked, and then we were able to take a short walk around the church!
Safe Arrival!

Church Time!

by Andrew Smith | August 11, 2019 9:03 AM

This morning we joined Newton Baptist church for Sunday School. Our younger folks have gone downstairs and our older folks joined the adult Bible study. It's a small, quaint church and we are excited to be a part of it and join in worship in this peaceful town.

Church Time!

Lunch with Church

by Rebekah Turbett | August 11, 2019 9:03 PM

After church, we had the opportunity to eat with the Pastor and other church members. It was a wonderful time where we were able to learn more about the culture and Newton Baptist Church's ministry.

Lunch with Church

Handicap Ramp for Steve!

by Andrew Smith | August 12, 2019 12:42 PM

We are looking to start and finish a ramp for Steve today. Progress is going well. Steve used to be a carpenter and able to do so many things on his own and due to his health he just can't do it anymore and has trouble getting around. So here we get to help him be more mobile around his home! 

Handicap Ramp for Steve!

On a Mission... At Union Mission

by Rebekah Turbett | August 12, 2019 12:53 PM

This morning, part of our team went to Union Mission in Charleston. Union Mission has a feeding ministry for the homeless, as well as faith based programs for individuals in addiction recovery. We were able to help sort donations for their thrift store that supports their other programs, remove old mulch from their vegetable garden, and help weed the property.

On a Mission... At Union Mission

A Job Well Done

by Rebekah Turbett | August 12, 2019 10:41 PM

This afternoon Steve's deck and ramp were completed by the team!

A Job Well Done

Mudding, Taping, & Insulating, Oh My!

by Rebekah Turbett | August 12, 2019 10:46 PM

Part of our team went to a home that was damaged in a flood three years ago to help put in insulation, tape, and mud drywall.
Mudding, Taping, & Insulating, Oh My!

School's in Session

by Rebekah Turbett | August 13, 2019 10:38 PM

Today, part of our team was able to come alongside of the local elementary school and help them prepare for their first day of school on Thursday and for their Open House this evening. Our team assisted in replacing ceiling tiles, hanging up bulletin boards, and even helping to put together new playground equipment!

School's in Session

Union Mission

by Andrew Smith | August 13, 2019 10:47 PM

The last couple of days we have been working at Union Mission.  We sat down with a gentleman who shared his testimony and his success in the program and we were able to pray for him. Many men have this same testimony and success story. What a privilege it is to help behind the scenes so that an organization like this can continue to do what it does best.

Union Mission

Serving Lunch at Union Mission

by Rebekah Turbett | August 15, 2019 7:52 AM

On Wednesday, our team went back to Union Mission. Part of the team prepared a meal for men in their program, as well as staff. They prepared tater tot hot dish, which was a hit!

Serving Lunch at Union Mission

Back to School Night!

by Andrew Smith | August 15, 2019 7:57 AM

What a successful event. The team as very well prepared with songs and a skit and even a word from Pastor Becky. Anyone who came, students, grandparents, or teens were all blessed by the effort and spirit-led leaders.

We gave away school supplies, made a craft, played games, and sang a few songs!

Back to School Night!

Painting at Miss Betty's

by Rebekah Turbett | August 15, 2019 1:14 PM

This morning part of our team went to Miss Betty's house to help prime her deck! Our team finished priming in less than two hours!

Painting at Miss Betty's

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August 10, 2019 10:54 PM

Praying that in Jesus’ name they will move mountains! Good luck! 💓

Anderson Family

August 10, 2019 8:18 AM

We are praying for each one of you to survive the night and get through it not feeling tired, but rested and ready for the adventure! :) We’re also praying for protection over you all! We miss you already, Emily! :)

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Mission accomplished

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It's a beautiful night!

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Lasting Relationships With The Local Church

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Youth Night

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