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Bethel Lutheran Church

Serving In Tulsa, OK
June 26, 2021
Community: Charles Page Boulevard
Partner: Zion Community Church
Staff: Carissa Hildebrandt, Paige Quarandillo, Jacob Jackson

Arrival in Tulsa

by Jacob Jackson | June 26, 2021 8:36 PM

We have arrived safe and sound in Tulsa! We were given a warm welcome by Pastor Gary as well as Pastor Kujanga and Pastor Sean and their leadership team. They shared the overall heart and vision of what God is doing in the surrounding community so we are excited to be welcomed into their church body to worship God through our service and love!

Arrival in Tulsa

Black Wallstreet

by Jacob Jackson | June 27, 2021 3:39 PM

This morning we were able to get our eyes and hearts focused on the historic Black Wallstreet otherwise known as Greenwood. We were able to see what was once a prosperous black community and see what racial injustice had occured. Understanding this important history helps us see what kind of racial reconciliation is happening in the Church now, by the grace of God all in the name of Jesus.

Black Wallstreet

Morning Service

by Jacob Jackson | June 27, 2021 5:14 PM

We worshiped together with our host church and were warmly welcomed by their congregation. Pastor Sean then preached on "expectations" and how we can expect God to do great things this week, but also great things in our personal lives. After which he passed along the symbolic rowing oar that belongs to the church which symbolizes the active participation of teamwork in rowing together for building God's kingdom! We will be carrying this along with us wherever we go this week at the request of Pastor Sean.

Morning Service

A Sister in Christ and Her Testimony

by Jacob Jackson | June 27, 2021 5:20 PM

Before we ate our lunch together, a church member visited us and she shared her heart and vision for this church and what we are helping to build. After which she shared her testimony and how Christ entered and transformed her life! Today has already started with a fulfilling morning of worship and developing relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
A Sister in Christ and Her Testimony

Revival Cleanup

by Jacob Jackson | June 27, 2021 5:26 PM

Our host church is involved in revivals which is where people come for prayer and help under temporary tents. It's a great chance to help and give to the community. Unfortunately, there were heavy rains last night that came and broke some of the tents and got some donated clothes wet. Fortunately, God put our team here at the right time to come help clean up the mess the rains left and collect the wet clothes to start drying them! Praise God!
Revival Cleanup

Starting our Projects

by Jacob Jackson | June 27, 2021 5:36 PM

We began our projects today! Across from the church is the building you see in this picture. At some point, it will be used to house teenage girls that need a place to stay as well as be a place for those in need to get clothing and other various necessities. Today we began cleaning out the building and getting it prepared for painting. As you can see, the oar Pastor Sean handed off to us has its first feature! We have already begun our "rowing" as a team in building the Kingdom.
Starting our Projects


by Jacob Jackson | June 28, 2021 1:11 PM

Pastor Gary gave us a wonderful tour and vision of a theater near the church. He explained that through performances at the theater we can engage the audience in a whole different way to get them immersed in an "experience" instead of a regular church service. Through the work we do today, we hope that this theater can be used by God to reach His people, lost and found.


Painting for Jesus

by Jacob Jackson | June 28, 2021 1:14 PM

The rooms we are down in are rooms that will be utilized for for clothing ministry where donations can be stored in a dry safe space. Before that happens we are cleaning up the rooms and painting the walls to give a fresh and clean look where people can receive help!
Painting for Jesus

Clothing Ministry

by Jacob Jackson | June 28, 2021 5:57 PM

We are continuing the Lord's work in all ways, even if that is folding clothes! Our host church has a continually growing clothing ministry and we were blessed to serve them today in taking our turn to push that forward. Or, to "row" that forward (as you can see we have our oar from Pastor Sean).

Clothing Ministry

The Zone

by Jacob Jackson | June 28, 2021 6:04 PM

We were fortunate to be welcomed by Pastor Kujanga to a location called "The Zone". This is a place that Pastor Kujanga leads to create a space for kids in the community during the day. We had a great time spending sometime in class with the kids and building relationships with the local community!

The Zone

Duck, Duck, Goose and More

by Jacob Jackson | June 28, 2021 6:43 PM

This is just a glimpse of the amazing time we were able to have with some of the kids in the community at The Zone. We joined them for class and then played games, ran around, and just spent time being active and spreading love with them!
Duck, Duck, Goose and More

Oklahoman Ice-Cream

by Jacob Jackson | June 28, 2021 9:48 PM

Who says we can't have some ice cream while serving Jesus? 

We had a great night getting ice cream after a long day of working and playing with kids!

Oklahoman Ice-Cream

Compost Bin

by Jacob Jackson | June 29, 2021 9:48 AM

As this morning begins, we realize it is our last full day of work to build up this community. Here you can see some of us beginning the construction of a compost bin for the church. This compost bin is only a portion of what will be behind this church. We were joined by another team from Texas and together we will work to lay the foundations of something great!
Compost Bin

Clothing Sorting Complete!

by Jacob Jackson | June 29, 2021 3:26 PM

We have finished our long arduous task of sorting clothes for the churches' clothing ministry. It is amazing to know all the things God is doing even when it's extending clothing out to others. It was long, but we know God will do great things out of our acts of service to this community.

Clothing Sorting Complete!

Last Day at The Zone

by Jacob Jackson | June 30, 2021 8:26 AM

This was our last day at The Zone where we could spend time with the kids either in classes and in the gym during free time. It was bittersweet to leave the kids today, but we were blessed to be a part of something that is building up the community so much!
Last Day at The Zone

Last Night

by Jacob Jackson | June 30, 2021 8:29 AM

In our last night at our host church, we gathered together in prayer and a foot washing ceremony. We engaged in a mission for His Kingdom, we showed up and God did the rest, and tonight was a reminder of how Christ moves and transforms lives.
Last Night

Heading Back Home

by Jacob Jackson | June 30, 2021 10:32 AM

This morning we head back to our homes. We came to serve our host church and the community and build relationships along the way. Each happening only in the name of Jesus! As seen in this picture, you can see that Pastor Sean gifted us our own oar to remember this trip and take back to our church. We will continue the work, rowing the Kingdom forward.

Heading Back Home

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Bible Study

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Houston, TX | June 6, 2024

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