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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Kempsville Christian Church

Serving In Florida
July 22, 2023
Community: Port Charlotte
Partner: Wintergarden Presbyterian Church
Staff: Jacob Kauranen, Gabriella Isais, Tracelyn De Haan

Sandy Squad

by Jacob Kauranen | July 22, 2023 5:04 PM

Part of our team was able to go to Sandy's House after cleaning up at Wintergarden. We had the opportunity to be a blessing to her and she was also a blessing to us. We tore out her bathroom tile and toilet, which will be replaced with a new flooring and john. We also tore down the garage's drywall ceiling, which will be replaced later as well. The team worked hard even in the Florida heat, and earned their showers after a hard and sweaty day of work. 

Sandy Squad

They’ve arrived!

by Gabriella Isais | July 22, 2023 8:58 PM

The team has arrived to Wintergarden Presbyterian Church today and is settled in for the week. The team got right to work upon arrival, helping out at multiple houses in the community with various projects. After our orientation meeting, the students led one another in worship and Isaac and Madison led the team in their devotional for the day. We are so excited for what the Lord has prepared for this week and can’t wait to serve alongside them! 

They’ve arrived!

Everett's Place

by Tracelyn De Haan | July 23, 2023 11:13 AM

Yesterday, we got to start painting at Everett's house. It was so sweet to meet him and hear his story. Some of the kids got more paint on themselves than others. Such a fun afternoon painting and listening to worship music. 

Everett's Place

Sunday Worship

by Tracelyn De Haan | July 23, 2023 11:15 AM

Today, we got to join Wintergarden Presbyterian for church this morning. The youth even got to lead worship. Such a cool experience to have youth so willing to lead without much preparation. The presence of God was definitely here. We are so thankful for the opportunity to worship and be in fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ in this community. 
Sunday Worship

Painting Away

by Tracelyn De Haan | July 23, 2023 3:28 PM

Today, we continued to paint at Everett’s house. We got pretty far in the bedrooms to where we will hopefully be able to do some final touch ups and start painting the ceiling tomorrow. Had so much fun today and can’t wait to continue this project tomorrow! 

Painting Away

Donna’s House Day 1

by Gabriella Isais | July 23, 2023 8:56 PM

Part of the team went to help at Donna and David’s house, an older couples house in the port Charlotte community. Today they moved out all the furniture and items in Donna’s sewing room so that they’re able to tear out and replace the ceiling tomorrow! 

Donna’s House Day 1

Garage Ceiling Gone

by Jacob Kauranen | July 24, 2023 6:34 AM

On Sunday afternoon we finished tearing out the ceiling's drywall in Sandy's garage. I forgot to take a picture of the final product so here is one of the garage before we started.

Garage Ceiling Gone

Happy 16 Olivia!!

by Tracelyn De Haan | July 24, 2023 6:36 AM

Happy birthday, Olivia! So fun to have you on this trip & to be so willing to spend your birthday serving this community. Happy sweet sixteen!! 

Happy 16 Olivia!!

Painting Perfection

by Tracelyn De Haan | July 24, 2023 8:44 PM

Today, we worked more at Everett’s do more of the meticulous work of edging and painting ceilings, but still had the best of time. It’s been so fun to work together and to continue to build a relationship with Everett and hear his story. 

Painting Perfection

Donna’s House Day 2

by Gabriella Isais | July 24, 2023 10:53 PM

Today the team at Donna’s house was able to take down the old ceiling and all the old insulation, replace the old insulation with new, and start putting up new drywall for the ceiling! They worked so hard today and without complaint. We can’t wait to go back and finish the job! 

Donna’s House Day 2

Hard Day's Work

by Jacob Kauranen | July 24, 2023 11:15 PM

The group that went to Allison's House on Monday morning tore it up. They grinded out so much work, even though we were working hard in the Florida heat with a RealFeel in the 100s.

Hard Day's Work

Lunch Break

by Jacob Kauranen | July 24, 2023 11:24 PM

Lunch, my favorite pastime.

It was an enjoyable one today. After working and sweating out pores we didn't know we had, it was great to take a break, eat some food, and talk with the owner and each other. It helped sustain us for the rest of the work day.

Lunch Break

Student Leaders

by Jacob Kauranen | July 24, 2023 11:32 PM

The lean in does it for me, and the faces keep it going.😂

The students once they learned how to install the insulation took the initiative to complete the rest of it on their own. They did an incredible job.

Student Leaders

At the End of the Day

by Tracelyn De Haan | July 25, 2023 7:43 PM

At the end of the day, we are here to praise the Lord. Today was a fun Rec day for the beach, Walmart runs, games; and finally, worship at sunset. We’re thankful that the Lord brought us here to serve and most importantly glorify God. 

At the End of the Day

Beatiful God, Beautiful People, Beautiful Day

by Jacob Kauranen | July 25, 2023 10:53 PM

Our rec day ended on the beach where we spent the time enjoying the sunset and doing praise and worship. This group definitely has a heart for giving God all the glory. Keep praising Him with your whole heart.

Beatiful God, Beautiful People, Beautiful Day

Food Pantry Prep

by Tracelyn De Haan | July 26, 2023 3:50 PM

Today, we helped to prep the food pantry at Wintergarden to get prepared for a day of giving tomorrow. We did a lot of moving of food; cleaning, drying, and packing crates; and sorting out food. 
Food Pantry Prep

Donna’s House Day 3

by Gabriella Isais | July 27, 2023 7:35 AM

Yesterday the team was able to finish putting up all the dry wall on the ceiling and even started mudding the ceiling! Donna and David cooked them another delicious lunch! We are so grateful for their hospitality. 

Donna’s House Day 3

Donna’s House Day 4

by Gabriella Isais | July 27, 2023 4:22 PM

We had a smaller group at Donna’s house today to finish. They were able to complete two layers of mudding. Unfortunately they couldn’t finish the third layer because the mud takes too long to dry. We are so thankful to have gotten to know Donna and David and have served them this week. 

Donna’s House Day 4

Food Pantry Day!

by Tracelyn De Haan | July 27, 2023 6:04 PM

Today, part of us were able to help out with the Wintergarden Food Pantry and we were about to help give over 400 families food for the next week. What an incredible opportunity to serve this community. 

Food Pantry Day!

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | July 28, 2023 11:57 PM

What's in the Attic?

by Jacob Kauranen | August 1, 2023 2:18 AM

Shoutout to Alex in the rafters, and the rest of the team that put up the insulation on the ceiling. 

What's in the Attic?

House Lined With Scripture

by Jacob Kauranen | August 1, 2023 6:52 PM

At Allison's house we filled up the back of the drywall with Bible Verses. One of my favorite moments of the week.
House Lined With Scripture

Legendary Lunch

by Jacob Kauranen | August 1, 2023 6:56 PM

Allison cooked us a Jamaican lunch on Wednesday, and it gave you some much needed subsistence and energy to continue working hard the rest of the day
Legendary Lunch

Food and Fellowship

by Jacob Kauranen | August 1, 2023 6:58 PM

It was always a pleasure to gather up and have lunch together as a team and rest our bodies for a minute.
Food and Fellowship

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