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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Connection Church

Serving In Florida
June 10, 2023
Community: Lehigh Acres, FL
Partner: Christ at the Crossroads
Staff: Douglas Buchanan, Janet Buchanan

Christ at the Crossroads Church

by Janet Buchanan | June 11, 2023 4:28 PM

We were asked to share our testimonies during the church service today.  Deric shared with the congregation, that had just been led to become a nondenominational church, that he admired the church for standing firm on the word of God. Then two of the youth shared their testimonies. 

Christ at the Crossroads Church

Sweet Fellowship

by Janet Buchanan | June 11, 2023 4:35 PM

The service was unique as the old congregation joined the newly formed church. It was moving to see the members vow to faithfully participate in the church’s ministries by their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness. After the service they enjoyed a “sweet” fellowship. 
Sweet Fellowship

Thankful for our Veterans

by Janet Buchanan | June 13, 2023 8:25 AM

Sunday afternoon we drove to Port Charlotte to assist a Veteran and his family with some disaster repairs. We helped with a lot of cleanup, but we really enjoyed hearing their story and how God works things out for them as they pick up the pieces and move on. 

Thankful for our Veterans

The Mulch Team

by Janet Buchanan | June 13, 2023 8:33 AM

Today part of our team helped to put down 60 bags of mulch in the prayer garden at Christ at the Crossroads. It was a joy to see the finished project knowing that others would be spending time with the Lord in the garden. 
The Mulch Team

The Drywall Team

by Janet Buchanan | June 13, 2023 8:41 AM

The second group worked in Pastora’s home to do some drywall repairs. 
The Drywall Team

Sharing Their Testimony

by Janet Buchanan | June 13, 2023 8:45 AM

After lunch Pastora Zulma and her husband shared how Gid has worked in their lives. It was an encouraging testimony to see God’s hand in their lives starting back when they first met at the age of 8 !
Sharing Their Testimony

Car Wash Prep

by Janet Buchanan | June 13, 2023 8:51 AM

To make the community aware of the new Church at the Crossroads and to promote VBS we are making signs and posters to announce a FREE community  Car Wash 
Car Wash Prep

Preparing Bags for the Homeless

by Janet Buchanan | June 13, 2023 8:56 AM

Our next project was to pack 75 bags to be given to the homeless people in the community in hopes we can pray with them and share the gospel. 

Preparing Bags for the Homeless

Demo Day!

by Janet Buchanan | June 13, 2023 8:59 AM

We all got up at 5:00 anticipating the next project we would tackle. After breakfast, our devotion and a 40 minute drive to Ft Myer we arrived at our DEMO Destination!
Demo Day!

Demo House #2

by Janet Buchanan | June 13, 2023 8:33 PM

The second Demo Crew worked on a house where the floors had caved in after 56 inches of rain had filled the house from Hurricane Ian. They had to run ply wood on the floor boards in the area so  that they could tear down the walls and removed insulation. They really worked as a team to get this job accomplished. 

Demo House #2

The Demo Duos

by Janet Buchanan | June 13, 2023 8:35 PM

A job well done!
The Demo Duos

Serving the Community

by Janet Buchanan | June 14, 2023 4:07 PM

The car wash was a huge success. Not only did we wash about 45 cars from the community but we were able to pray with them as well. 

Serving the Community

Homeless Ministry

by Janet Buchanan | June 14, 2023 4:16 PM

We found a community of homeless people nearby and we were able to give them the bags we had previously prepared. We had a great conversation with them and they gave real life lessons the youth, be careful who you hang around with and don’t get involved with drugs. They were so appreciative of our visit and several of the youth prayed for them before we left. 
Homeless Ministry

Birthday Girl

by Janet Buchanan | June 14, 2023 4:18 PM

Today was Paige’s 18th birthday!  We celebrated it throughout the day. The grand finale was when we brought out a birthday cake made of Swiss Rolls! Paige’s favorite food. 
Birthday Girl

Ice Cream Social

by Janet Buchanan | June 16, 2023 6:34 PM

After a great meal provided by one of the church members, we enjoyed an ice cream social with several of the church members. 

Ice Cream Social

Rec Day in Sunny Florida

by Janet Buchanan | June 16, 2023 6:37 PM

Our group chose to go to Sanibel Island known for shelling. We enjoyed playing in the ocean as well as finding shells along the shore. 
Rec Day in Sunny Florida

Service Robot Style

by Janet Buchanan | June 16, 2023 6:49 PM

After a full day at the beach we went to a bowling alley where we played laser tag and had fun playing games at the arcade, BUT the coolest thing was a robot that served you pizza at your table. 

Service Robot Style


by Janet Buchanan | June 16, 2023 6:53 PM

After breakfast we gathered around our PPM leaders to give words of encouragement and prayer. Then Pastora and her husband prayed over all of us. And of course we had to get a final selfie before heading back home. 

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 16, 2023 11:57 PM

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True Partnership

Valentine Missions

Peru - Amazon | June 5, 2024

Church Clap

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Tulsa, OK | June 5, 2024

Houston showers bring gospel spreading powers

West Main Students

Houston, TX | June 5, 2024

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