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Haiti Earthquake

PPM Disaster Response: Haiti Earthquake

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The people of Haiti have experienced immense hurdles over the past several years. Unrest has impacted the country and its inhabitants and that instability reached new levels a few weeks ago with the assassination of President Moïse. Now, with the memories of 2010’s devastating earthquake still resonating on the island, another 7.2-magnitude earthquake has shaken the country again, leaving many residents injured, without shelter, or afraid to re-enter their homes due to aftershocks. The area around Les Cayes and Jérémie, where many of our PPM partner pastors reside, received the brunt of the impact.

Our local partners and staff are on the ground assessing and meeting the most pressing needs in their communities. We will be posting updates here on how we can best support their efforts.

Updates From The Field

We've got more supplies on the ground!

by Adam McLane | September 29, 2021 2:16 PM

We are so thankful to everyone who has donated, encouraged, and supported pastors in Haiti. Please consider a donation to continue to come alongside our church partners in South Haiti.

We've got more supplies on the ground!

Providing Meal Kits to Families

by Adam McLane | September 7, 2021 11:05 AM

Over the weekend, PPM staff was busy connecting with and resourcing our partner churches in South Haiti. Thanks to your donations, we are able to provide these churches with supplies to put together meal kits for those in need. This weekend alone, they made deliveries of kits for at least 176 families!

Providing Meal Kits to Families

Update from Gens 8/25

by Carissa Hildebrandt | August 28, 2021 4:30 PM

Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to begin delivering immediate supplies very quickly after the earthquake.
Gens and some of our local staff stopped in to check on Pastor Delcy and his family. We are so thankful to report that Pastor Delcy’s home and church were not terribly damaged. There are homes in his community however that received significant damage and are no longer habitable. Like most residents in the South, people in his community are now sleeping outside.
Not only has Pastor Delcy been serving and helping his own community recover, but he has also been in constant contact with a network of pastors in the neighboring city of Torbeck, a city that received significantly more damage. We are continuing to partner with Pastor Delcy and these neighboring pastors to provide whatever assistance we can.
Current needs are tarps, food, water, hygiene products, first aid supplies, and first aid kits.
Consider continuing to support these efforts!
Update from Gens 8/25


by Carissa Hildebrandt | August 25, 2021 2:09 PM

THANK YOU!Our first shipment of tarps have landed in Haiti and are already in the hands of our local partners on the ground. As the leaders of their communities, they will assess the needs around them and distribute these tarps as they see fit.We have already committed to sending down another load of supplies within in the next 2 weeks. On the next flight, we will have 5x the amount of weight capacity to send down tarps, tents, and medical supplies.


We Have a Plane!

by Carissa Hildebrandt | August 18, 2021 2:34 PM

We secured poundage on a plane to deliver more tarps and tents directly into Les Cayes. It will be landing Saturday, 8/21!

Gens and Elie were able to make a delivery of water and tents to Les Cayes late last night. Please pray for safe travels as Elie makes his way back to his home. 

Thank you to everyone that continues to support the local church as they serve their communities. 

Update from Gens 8/18

by Carissa Hildebrandt | August 18, 2021 2:02 PM

Sunday, 8/15, Update from Gens

by Carissa Hildebrandt | August 17, 2021 6:53 PM

The earthquake hit the southwestern part of the country which means a very large population (around 1.7 Million), According to the civil protection office today’s report, they found 784 deaths and 2000 injured. In Anse-a-veau where I live, I see many houses collapse, but zero death. Everybody sleeps outside hoping and praying for no rain. So, the needs now are for tarps, tents, water, food, and psychological assistance. But in some other cities in the same department the situation is worse, many people died and many injured and many more houses collapsed. So the needs are bigger.I had a great conversation on the phone with pastor Jean Delcy who is one of our partners. He started by saying that He and his family are safe, they are fine, his house is fine, the church (the building) is fine. The community where pastor Jean lives is not too affected by the Earthquake, He counted a handful of houses that are damaged, they even had a church service this morning, the people are dealing with the same problem as Ansavo, they are scared to stay inside their homes because of aftershocks, they even ran out from the service because of one :) Pastor Jean is really serious about getting psychological help for the people, getting them tents and tarps in case it’s raining, some of the people already came to ask him for those and of course, they need water and food. Pastor Jean also shared that pastor Wilbin Chery’s church is damaged (Pastor Wilbin is another partner that we have in the same area. Pastor Jean is in touch with a bunch of other pastors through a WhatsApp group that they created in order to exchange information with each other.To finish, We have a pastor in Beaumont, Jeremie who is really affected by the earthquake, his own house is damaged pretty badly as well as several members of his church, many people died in that department, as a reminder Jeremie was the most devastated by the hurricane Matthew. So they are in need of tarps and tents as a primary rescue to keep them from the rain until they can fix or rebuild their houses. And of course, water and food are IMPORTANT.

Update from Gens 1

by Carissa Hildebrandt | August 17, 2021 6:52 PM

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