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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church

Serving In South Africa
November 17, 2019
Community: Johannesburg, Orange Farm
Partner: Christian Revival Ministry
Staff: Naomi Bothe


by Naomi Bothe | November 17, 2019 1:32 PM

After a long journey, everyone has safely arrived and are ready to begin this wonderful week of ministry!  The team was greeted at the airport by the team leaders, Pastor Josiah and his daughter Grace.  After a delicious dinner with Pastor, a brief orientation meeting, everyone has retired early to bed to prepare for the amazing week ahead!


First day of ministry

by Naomi Bothe | November 18, 2019 2:06 PM

Today was our first day of ministry!  We began with prayer.  Prayer over the church, the community and the work we will complete.  We met many people from the congregation and community, spent the afternoon at the Apartheid museum and finished with an amazing prayer service.
First day of ministry

Construction Day 1

by Naomi Bothe | November 19, 2019 2:20 PM

Today was the first day of construction!  We made a ton of progress and were blessed with amazing weather.  We are excited to see what we are able to accomplish for the church with the kitchen extension and building so the church can serve the community!

Construction Day 1

VBS Prep

by Naomi Bothe | November 19, 2019 2:26 PM

Today before VBS we met with Martha, the children's minister at church to put together an amazing plan for VBS.  Our first day we had 160 children!  More pictures of this to come!  We expect that number to multiply each day.

VBS Prep

Revival Day 1

by Naomi Bothe | November 19, 2019 2:30 PM

Today was the first day of our Revival Services.  A few team members gave powerful testimonies, and Pastor Renard Burris gave an incredible message.  Many lives were touched, and we had an amazing time worshiping with the community.
Revival Day 1

VBS Day 2

by Naomi Bothe | November 20, 2019 2:28 PM

Today was incredible.  VBS was a huge hit and we are expecting even more children tomorrow!  Please pray for us as we minister to over 200 children.

VBS Day 2

Food ministry prep

by Naomi Bothe | November 20, 2019 2:30 PM

The team has worked hard preparing and delivering food parcels for families in the community.  These food parcels are an answer to prayer for many families.  They contain staple food items used in South African cooking. 
Food ministry prep

Food Parcel Delivery

by Naomi Bothe | November 20, 2019 2:32 PM

As the food parcels are delivered, we are blessed with the opportunity to visit with and pray over needs with each recipient.  
Food Parcel Delivery


by Naomi Bothe | November 20, 2019 2:33 PM

Pastor Renard Burris brought another incredible message on day 2 of Revival.  Please pray for us as we continue our ministry through Friday revival services.

VBS Day 3

by Naomi Bothe | November 21, 2019 2:00 PM

VBS was a huge success!  We had close to 300 children and the children had so much fun.  We were just as blessed getting to know them. 
VBS Day 3

Many hands make light work!

by Naomi Bothe | November 21, 2019 2:06 PM

The construction project is coming along so well.  It's amazing to work along side the church members as well as members of the community.  All who care deeply about this building and all it will do for the community.  Please pray for strength for the team.  The days are full, and we need strength to complete the work we came to do.

Many hands make light work!

Orphanage Visit

by Naomi Bothe | November 22, 2019 1:00 PM

Today we visited 2 orphanages and were able to spend time with, and bless the women who run the orphanage, as well as the children.  Our time spent there was humbling.  These women who run the orphanages sacrifice so much of themselves in order to make sure these children are cared for.
Orphanage Visit

Spending time with God's children

by Naomi Bothe | November 22, 2019 1:01 PM

We were able to spend time with the children at the orphanage and let them know they are loved by Jesus, and by us.  

Spending time with God's children

The leaders

by Naomi Bothe | November 22, 2019 1:02 PM

This picture is of Juandra, the leader of this mission team, and "Mama" the leader of the orphanage.  We admire their sacrifices in serving the Lord in their calling.
The leaders

Orphanage Visit 2

by Naomi Bothe | November 22, 2019 1:06 PM

We visited a 2nd orphanage today.  This one was in a much more remote area.  They have recently been displaced, and are establishing a new home in a new development.  The needs are great.  But we brought gifts, food and other items to bless them.  We will always keep these women and children in our prayers as Pastor Josiah works hard to ensure they have their needs met after we leave here.
Orphanage Visit 2

Final Revival Service

by Naomi Bothe | November 22, 2019 1:11 PM

Today was our final Revival Service.  We were incredibly blessed with a performance from the Christian Revival Ministry dance ministry team.  Pastor Renard Burris brought a powerful final message for the week.  We will keep this week, and all we experiences so close to our hearts. 
Final Revival Service

Elephants and Safari!

by Naomi Bothe | November 26, 2019 10:52 AM

On Saturday the team spent the day interacting with elephants before heading on a Safari!  We finished the day at a market and had a nice dinner together.  It has been an incredible week. 
Elephants and Safari!

Final Day - Sunday Service

by Naomi Bothe | November 26, 2019 10:58 AM

Our final day was spent in church on Sunday morning.  It was emotional seeing all of our friends for the last time.  Testimonies were given, we listened to an incredible sermon by Pastor Josiah, and we fellowshiped.  We will deeply miss our friends in Evaton North that we now consider family.

Final Day - Sunday Service

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