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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Fayetteville Christian School

Serving In Hawaii
February 27, 2022
Community: Kauai
Partner: Kauai Christian Fellowship
Staff: Anna Morgan, Jacob Morgan, Makenzy Nine

The Team Has Arrived!

by Anna Morgan | February 28, 2022 3:25 AM

The team has arrived to the beautiful Kauai, Hawaii! Although later than planned, the travel day went smoothly. 

We are ready to rest and get ready for the amazing things the Lord has in store for this week. We are settled in our home for the week at Kauai Christian Fellowship. Pray for us as we prepare our hearts and minds for the days ahead. 

The Team Has Arrived!

We are Ready!

by Anna Morgan | February 28, 2022 1:16 PM

We had a great night's rest, and we are ready for our first full day serving in Kauai! 

Some of us will be serving at a garden this morning and some will be serving at our host church and their Anchor House. 

We are  Ready!

Uncle Paul and the Garden

by Anna Morgan | March 1, 2022 1:09 AM

Some of us had the privilege of meeting Uncle Paul and Auntie Sandy and working in the garden. Uncle and Auntie are terms of endearment here. The garden is connected to a school in the area. The crops grown are sold at a farmer's market to bring in income for the school and ministry. The children at the school are taught how to garden and about a wide variety of produce.

We were able to come and help with several gardening tasks. We were also able to try some of the delicious Hawaiian fruit!

It was an incredible experience!

Uncle Paul and the Garden

Scenic Overlook, Yes Please!

by Anna Morgan | March 1, 2022 1:11 AM

We had to stop at this scenic overlook to enjoy the view of waterfalls and snap some pictures. This place is so beautiful!
Scenic Overlook, Yes Please!

Meeting Pastor Rick

by Anna Morgan | March 1, 2022 1:13 AM

We got to meet Pastor Rick today. He briefed us on the church and also safety as we prepared for an afternoon on the beach. Pastor is an avid surfer, so he shared his knowledge and supplied the team with some bodyboards! 
Meeting Pastor Rick

Catch a Wave!

by Anna Morgan | March 1, 2022 2:12 AM

This afternoon we got to enjoy a beautiful local beach, Poipu Beach. We got to try out the body boards Pastor Rick generously lent us and many of us tried out snorkeling. It was an amazing afternoon to rest and recharge after such a long day of travel yesterday. 

Many of us saw sea turtles, a sea lion, and even whales!

Catch a Wave!

Worship and the Word

by Anna Morgan | March 1, 2022 2:16 AM

We ended our night with worship and a word from Ms. Tammi. She encouraged us to follow hard after Jesus. He uses all of the events in our lives, good and hard, to form us into the people He has called us to be. 

What a great first full day here!

Worship and the Word

Habitat for Humanity

by Anna Morgan | March 1, 2022 8:12 PM

We got started bright and early this morning serving with Habitat for Humanity. Trace, the head guy, briefed us on the tasks ahead. They have built over 100 homes in this community. They have 8 more left to complete their goal here. We were able to work on 4 of those homes today! 

It was such an honor to be able to be a part of building someone's home, and we learned new skills in the process!

Habitat for Humanity

Raise the Roof!

by Anna Morgan | March 1, 2022 8:12 PM

Some of the guys worked all day on one of the home's roofs. When we arrived, the roof was bare. When we left, the shingles were completely installed. Wow!
Raise the Roof!

Painting the Anchor House

by Anna Morgan | March 1, 2022 8:16 PM

This morning, some of us were able to help with projects at the Anchor House. The Anchor House is a dream and vision for our host church. It will be the first Christian secondary education facility on the island. They are set to open this September and have 40 students for a 9 month stint. The goal is to equip and disciple students, specifically those taking a gap year in between high school and college, and encourage them in their walk with the Lord. 

What an incredible honor to be a part of this building and dream becoming a reality! 

Painting the Anchor House

Habitat for Humanity Restore

by Makenzy Nine | March 1, 2022 8:55 PM

Today we spent time behind the scenes of the Habitat for Humanity Restore. We assisted in organizing donated clothes and other goods! We completed sorting three large loads! 

Habitat for Humanity Restore

Primer... Check!

by Anna Morgan | March 2, 2022 2:01 AM

Some of us continued working this afternoon with Ed to get the first floor of the anchor House primed and sealed. It was hard work, but it was worth it!

Primer... Check!

Paint, Paint, Paint

by Anna Morgan | March 2, 2022 2:04 AM

Some of us painted today at Habitat for Humanity. There were so many boards that needed to be painted! These will be used for the 4 homes they are working to complete. It was encouraging to think about that although the task seemed mundane, it was a huge help to the staff and will go to make a house a home for a family. God uses everything we offer Him!
Paint, Paint, Paint

Worship with a view!

by Anna Morgan | March 2, 2022 2:06 AM

After dinner we headed to the blow hole at Spouting Horn Park. We had worship and our devo here. What an incredible time. With this view, it's easy to recognize we were in the presence of God. 
Worship with a view!


by Makenzy Nine | March 2, 2022 11:02 PM

Today we continued our work on the houses for Habitat for Humanity! This means we spent the morning sighting, laying the roof, and painting! 


Sweet Ms. Peggy

by Anna Morgan | March 3, 2022 12:09 AM

A few of us got to meet precious Ms. Peggy and help around her home. The health care visits to the elderly for basic cleaning and help have had to take a pause during the pandemic. That has caused problems for the elderly with simple household chores and housekeeping. We were able to step into the gap for Ms. Peggy as well as Ms. Luverne today. It was an honor to visit with them.  

Sweet Ms. Peggy

Open the Door

by Anna Morgan | March 3, 2022 12:14 AM

So much progress has been made on the homes we are working on. Ethan is cutting the opening for the door here. We are praying that the families that live here know, love, and follow Jesus. 
Open the Door

Mahaulepu Beach

by Anna Morgan | March 3, 2022 12:51 AM

This afternoon we went on an adventure to Mahaulepu Beach. To get to the beach, we had to do a pretty good hike. Along the way, we saw a cave and a sea lion! We had a blast swimming and snorkeling. The view was incredible!
Mahaulepu Beach

Worship and the Word

by Anna Morgan | March 3, 2022 11:47 PM

We ended the evening with amazing worship and a devo shared by Grace. Her authenticity, vulnerability, and love for Jesus was so encouraging!

Worship and the Word

The Weed Eaters

by Anna Morgan | March 3, 2022 11:48 PM

This morning Jonathan, Riley, and Matthew got started weed eating around the Anchor House. Another group primed, caulked, and sealed the exterior walls. They are pretty hardcore!
The Weed Eaters

It's Like Washing Feet

by Anna Morgan | March 3, 2022 11:52 PM

Jana, Carlos, and Kylie were able to serve and help at Ms. Loni's home this morning. Ms. Loni has fibromyalgia and has had multiple falls lately, so having some help cleaning her home was a huge blessing!

While we were cleaning, we thought about how Jesus washed His disciple's feet. It wasn't a pretty or glorious job, but the act of doing it was so meaningful. In the same way, deep cleaning a kitchen, bathroom, or doing laundry isn't glamorous, but we wanted to be used to serve Ms. Loni and the Lord! 

It's Like Washing Feet

Roof Gang!

by Anna Morgan | March 3, 2022 11:54 PM

This group has dubbed themselves the "Roof Gang." They have worked tirelessly and diligently on the roofs of the homes at Habitat for Humanity. They have done excellent work, and we are all pretty proud of the work they have accomplished! 
Roof Gang!

Youth Group

by Anna Morgan | March 4, 2022 9:45 AM

We ended the night by joining in with the church's youth group. It was an awesome time in worship, hearing a message, and playing an epic game of dodgeball!!! 

Matthew said it felt like family! 

Youth Group

Tea Party

by Makenzy Nine | March 4, 2022 6:39 PM

This morning Katie and Caleb played with and cared for 13 kids, while Maddie assisted in the nursery with 5 babies! They served in this way to give the children's mothers a chance to enjoy a restful women’s breakfast retreat at Christian Fellowship Church. 

Tea Party

Big Progress!

by Makenzy Nine | March 4, 2022 6:46 PM

We worked on "Lot 29" yesterday afternoon and were able to get the final piece of siding put up! We have been working on Lot 29 with roofing and siding for a few days. 

Big Progress!

The Garden with Uncle Paul

by Anna Morgan | March 5, 2022 2:37 AM

This morning those of us who didn't go up to the garden on Monday were able to go today! We got to meet Uncle Paul, and he is simply incredible. 

We were able to tour the property and try new Hawaiian fruit. We all have our favorites. 

We were also able to do some garden work alongside the students. The students work in the garden to learn how to grow crops and take care of the land. It was so fun getting to do it with them. 

The Garden with Uncle Paul

The Ukelele

by Anna Morgan | March 5, 2022 2:39 AM

Uncle Paul mentioned that he knew how to play a Ukelele. We asked him to get it out. He did, allowed some of us to play a little on it, and then gathered the students and lead us all in a song. What a special time.
The Ukelele

Pineapple Pastors

by Anna Morgan | March 5, 2022 2:41 AM

Wally and Zach were matching in their pineapple shirts. We have lovingly named them the Pineapple Pastors. 
Pineapple Pastors

Ice Cream!

by Anna Morgan | March 5, 2022 2:43 AM

We ended the evening with dinner out on the town and some ice cream.
Ice Cream!

Off to Camp

by Makenzy Nine | March 5, 2022 11:09 PM

This morning we went to two laundromats cleaning off the dirt from this last weeks important work. Once that was done we drove to the North Shore to spend our afternoon. There we ate, swam, and shopped! 

Tonight we are heading up to Camp Halekoa where we will be spending the night till Thursday. 

Our service will be limited while at camp and we will post as we can. 

Off to Camp

On the Mountain Top

by Anna Morgan | March 6, 2022 4:35 PM

We made it safely to camp last night and got settled in. The camp is amazing, it has a rustic and homey feel to it. 

We experienced an amazing night of devotions from Emma and Jonathan and spent time in worship. The Holy Spirit's presence was powerful. It was truly a night we won't soon forget!

On the Mountain Top

Good Morning!

by Anna Morgan | March 6, 2022 4:36 PM

We woke up to the beauty of the camp that we couldn't see when we arrived in the dark. Wow! We ate breakfast and headed to Kauai Christian Fellowship for church this morning.
Good Morning!

Wow oh Wow, Waimea Canyon!

by Anna Morgan | March 7, 2022 8:47 PM

On our way back to camp, we stopped at the Waimea Canyon lookout. This is the "Grand Canyon of the Pacific." It is breathtaking! 

Wow oh Wow, Waimea Canyon!

Pastor Rick

by Anna Morgan | March 7, 2022 8:49 PM

Pastor Rick drove up to camp to make sure we were settled in and knew some of the secret local spots to see some amazing scenery. He also spent time sharing about his vision and heart for the next generation. We are so grateful for his and the church's hospitality, love, grace, guidance, and partnership!
Pastor Rick

Camp Clean Up

by Anna Morgan | March 7, 2022 8:51 PM

We spent the morning cleaning the camp and preparing it for a long summer of activities. The camp hasn't been used since 2019 because of COVID restrictions, but groups are coming soon to experience this incredible place! So, we have had the honor to get it prepared for them. We have cleaned cabins, the dining room, the kitchen, and have planted new grass where a septic system was just set up. It is looking great!
Camp Clean Up

The Waterfall Trail

by Anna Morgan | March 7, 2022 8:53 PM

This afternoon we went for a 4-mile hike to see some waterfalls. The hike ended with this overwhelmingly beautiful view! 
The Waterfall Trail

Bringing a Word

by Anna Morgan | March 10, 2022 1:45 AM

Each night one or two students have shared their testimonies and a challenge or encouragement with the group. The students put so much effort and prayer into what they have shared. 

Bringing a Word

Last Day at Habitat!

by Anna Morgan | March 10, 2022 1:48 AM

We had our last day serving at Habitat for Humanity! We worked as hard as we could to complete the tasks in front of us for the homes we were working on. We learned so much in our time working with the amazing people serving with Habitat. 

We ended our time there celebrating with ice cream the 984 total hours we served and worked on the worksites and at ReStore. 

Last Day at Habitat!

Salt Ponds Beach

by Anna Morgan | March 10, 2022 1:49 AM

We ended our long work day with some time on a nearby and beautiful beach! 
Salt Ponds Beach

A Spectacular and Muddy Adventure

by Anna Morgan | March 10, 2022 1:52 AM

This morning we went for a hike along the ridge close to camp. The views were breathtaking! The trails were muddy and we definitely slipped and slid while hiking along the trail. 
A Spectacular and Muddy Adventure

Deep Clean Time

by Anna Morgan | March 10, 2022 1:56 AM

We spent time this afternoon deep cleaning the camp. We did everything from washing the walls - inside and outside, deep cleaning bathrooms, the kitchen, the yard, and the dining room. Cleaning is not our favorite thing to do, but we know the Lord is glorified as we push through and do it for Him! We had a great attitude, cheered each other on, and made so much progress!

There will be groups coming to stay here throughout this year. We want to prepare the place for them to experience the best of Camp Hale KOA.

Deep Clean Time

Time for a Luau!

by Anna Morgan | March 10, 2022 2:01 AM

Tonight we experienced the Smith Family Luau. It was fantastic! We got to tour the gardens, eat a delicious dinner, and watch a variety of traditional Hawaiian dances. We had a blast!
Time for a Luau!

Packed and Ready

by Anna Morgan | March 11, 2022 9:12 AM

We packed up and cleaned the camp this morning, ready to start our travel day. We loved our time at this camp in the mountains. It's a special place. 

Packed and Ready

Prayed Up

by Anna Morgan | March 11, 2022 9:14 AM

As we headed out, we felt led to stop at the Habitat for Humanity site to pray over the homes we have been working on and the other homes in the community. We pray that those in the homes would know and love Jesus and that His love and Spirit would be evident. 
Prayed Up

The Best Way to End a Trip

by Anna Morgan | March 11, 2022 9:21 AM

We stopped by the beach one last time, and there we experienced the best way to end the trip: Will was baptized! 

During the week, 2 students were SAVED and one was baptized! Thank you, Jesus!

The Best Way to End a Trip

Pastor Rick!

by Anna Morgan | March 11, 2022 9:22 AM

Pastor Rick graciously offered to help get everyone and the vans to the airport. Before we loaded up, we spent time sharing our highlights from the trip and praying over Pastor Rick, who has become our friend. We pray the influence and ministry of the church continue to grow and impact Kauai!
Pastor Rick!


by Anna Morgan | March 11, 2022 9:26 AM

What an incredible 2 weeks! We made it on our plane and are heading home! The Lord showed up. He has stirred our hearts and set the foundation. This trip is a catalyst for what He wants to do in our lives moving forward. We are expectant and grateful!

Thank you, Fayetteville for an amazing 2 weeks!


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