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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Alto Impacto Youth

Serving In Costa Rica
August 4, 2022
Staff: Connie Mairena, Josué Toruño Madriz

We're in Talamanca!

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 5, 2022 12:23 PM

We got here! After driving through the country and having some rest, we're more than ready to get into the mountain! 

Llegamos! Después de cruzar el país y descansar un poco, estamos listos para ir a la montaña!

We're in Talamanca!

Caribbean Breakfast

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 5, 2022 12:33 PM

There's nothing better than gallo pinto and a cup of coffee in the morning.

No hay nada como un buen pinto y una taza de café para empezar el día. 

Caribbean Breakfast


by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 5, 2022 11:47 PM

We went to the supermarket to buy everything needed for food distribution.

Fuimos al supermercado por todo lo que vamos a necesitar para distribución de alimentos.


Making the Bags

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 5, 2022 11:53 PM

Each one of us had the opportunity to pray over two bags that are going to be a blessing for the families we are going to visit this week.

Cada uno de nosotros tuvo la oportunidad de orar por dos bolsas que van a ser de bendición para las familias que vamos a visitar esta semana.

Making the Bags

Praying Over the Bags

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 8:02 AM

We prayed that God would bless the families we are going to visit and that they witness the miracle of multiplication through these bags.

Oramos para que Dios bendiga a cada familia que vamos a visitar y ellos puedan ser testigos del milagro de multiplicación através de estos diarios. 

Praying Over the Bags

First Half into the Jungle

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 8:12 AM

The first half of the trip to the jungle was in the van: we crossed bridges, rivers, and mountains. What an adventure!

La primera mitad the viaje a la jungla fue en la buseta, cruzamos puentes, ríos y montañas. Qué aventura!

First Half into the Jungle

Ready for the Hike!

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 9:48 AM

Here we go! We couldn't be more excited, expectant, and equiped for this moment.

Aquí vamos! No nos podríamos sentir más emocionados, a la expectativa y equipados para este momento.

Ready for the Hike!

Second Half

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 12:26 PM

We had to hike an hour to get to the church we are going to stay and serve at this week. We crossed more rivers and got to know a little bit about how people live here. 

Caminamos una hora hacia la Iglesia en la que nos vamos a quedar y servir esta semana. Cruzamos más ríos y conocimos un poco de cómo viven las personas aquí. 

Second Half

This is It

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 2:02 PM

We're finally here! This is Alto Jabuy's church, our home for the week and the place where we hope God uses us in great ways!

Finalmente estamos aquí! Esta es la iglesia de Alto Jabuy, nuestro hogar por la semana y el lugar donde esperamos Dios nos use en gran manera!

This is It

The Community

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 2:08 PM

There's a soccer field next to church, and when we got here we found the men of the community playing soccer and having fun.

Hay una cancha de fútbol a la par de la iglesia, y cuando llegamos nos encontramos a los hombres de la comunidad jugando un partido y divirtiéndose.

The Community

Time of Fellowship

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 2:16 PM

We had a time sharing together and preparing details for the week. We feel blessed to be able to share this experience with each other and let the Holy Spirit use us.

Tuvimos un tiempo para compartir juntos y preparar detalles para la semana. Nos sentimos bendecidos por poder compartir esta experiencia juntos y dejar que el Espíritu Santo nos use. 

Time of Fellowship

Instant Click

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 2:56 PM

What an amazing moment to capture! Since they met, we've seen Pastor Amado and Pastor Dimas talking, sharing, and planning their lives and ministries. We're excited to see the fruit of these conversations and this new friendship.

Qué momento tan maravilloso! Desde que se conocieron, hemos visto al pastor Amado y al pastor Dimas hablando, compartiendo y planeando sobre sus vidas y ministerios. Estamos emocionados por ver los frutos de esas conversaciones y de esta nueva amistad. 

Instant Click

Food Distribution

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 2:59 PM

We got to a neighborhood in the middle of the jungle to meet people and share God's love with them.

Fuimos a un vecindario en medio de la selva para conocer personas y compartir el amor de Dios con ellos. 

Food Distribution

Pray for the Elders

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 6:42 PM

We went to the house of the village's Grandma to pray for her and honor her as the respected member of the community she is. 

Fuimos a la casa de la Abuelita del pueblo para orar por ella y honrarla como miembro respetable de la comunidad. 

Pray for the Elders

One People

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 7:08 PM

Having the time to talk to families and to listen to them allowed us to realize that within opposite realities of life, we share similar struggles and afflictions, and that means we also share the same God and the grace in Him. 

Teniendo la oportunidad de hablar con estas familias y también escucharlos nos permitió darnos cuenta de que en medio de diferentes realidades de vida, compartimos pruebas y aflicciones, y eso significa que también compartimos el mismo Dios y la gracias en Él.

One People

Food Distribution Hike

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 7:10 PM

This was one of the trails we had to hike in order to get to the houses.

Este fue uno de los senderos que tuvimos que caminar para distribuir alimentos. 

Food Distribution Hike

Humble Requests

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 6, 2022 7:19 PM

When we were coming out of the jungle, one of the families called us asking for a prayer for their little girls. That's all they were asking for: a prayer; and that melted and changed our hearts.

Cuando estábamos saliendo del vecindario en la selva, una de las familias nos llamó pidiendo una oración para sus niñas. Eso era todo lo que nos estaban pidiendo: una oración; y eso cambió nuestros corazones.

Humble Requests

Fine Exterior

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 8, 2022 1:24 AM

The guys took over the fine exterior of Pastor's house and did a wonderful job. It's a blessing to have skilled workers on our team!

Los muchachos se encargaron de repellar el exterior de la casa de los pastores e hicieron un trabajo hermoso. Es una bendición tener dones en nuestro equipo!

Fine Exterior

Painting the Church

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 8, 2022 1:34 AM

The girls and some locals started painting the church with this beautiful blue, and took care of every detail. 

Las chicas y algunos locales empezaron a pintar la iglesia con ese lindo azul, y se encargaron de cada detalle. 

Painting the Church


by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 8, 2022 1:38 AM

Working together is a blessing for us; their willingness to spend time with us makes us feel valued and honored. 

Trabajar juntos es una bendición para nosotros; su disposición para compartir tiempo con nosotros nos hace sentir valorados y honrados. 


Work with Excellence

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 8, 2022 1:43 AM

We really enjoy serving God and His people.

Realmente disfrutamos servir a Dios y a su pueblo.

Work with Excellence


by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 8, 2022 10:09 AM

We taught the kids 5 steps to pray and had a great time playing with balloons as well.

Les enseñamos a los niños 5 pasos para orar y tuvimos un buen tiempo jugando con globos también. 


One More Game!

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 8, 2022 10:11 AM

Pastor Dimas came at the end of VBS to play with the kids and taught them a new game!

El pastor Dimas vino al final de la actividad con los niños para jugar con ellos y les enseñó un juego nuevo!

One More Game!

Meaningful Moments

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 8, 2022 10:14 AM

The girls connected with the teenagers and enjoyed a beautiful moment together playing and laughing as friends. 

Las chicas conectaron con las adolescentes y disfrutaron de un bello momento juntas jugando y riendo como amigas.

Meaningful Moments

We Go Where God Sends Us

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 9, 2022 12:28 AM

We went on an hour hike to deliver just one bag of food to a family, but hearing their testimony and seeing their way of life was worth it. 

Tuvimos una caminada de una hora para entregar una sola bolsa de alimentos en una casa, pero ver su testimonio y su manera de vivir valió la pena.  

We Go Where God Sends Us

God, Please Bless Them

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 9, 2022 12:33 AM

We prayed for healing and provision over these families; we feel the Holy Spirit will work on their lives and their children. 

Oramos por sanidad y provisión sobre estas familias; sentimos que el Espíritu Santo va a trabajar en sus vidas y sus niños. 

God, Please Bless Them

Extreme Makeover

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 9, 2022 1:01 AM

After two days of projects, we had the first half of the church building ready with the new colors, and it looked beautiful!

Después de dos días de proyectos, terminamos la primer mitad de la iglesia con los nuevos colores, y se veía preciosa!

Extreme Makeover

House Project

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 9, 2022 1:06 AM

We also had three out of four of pastor's house walls ready to paint, and some of the brothers from the community came to help us paint the walls. 

También tuvimos listas para pintar tres de cuatro paredes de la casa del pastor, y algunos hermanos de la community vinieron a ayudarnos a pintar. 

House Project


by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 9, 2022 1:11 AM

We knew a lot of the members of the church here had never had a donut, so we decided to prepare them one of our favorite desserts back in Nambí: homemade donuts!

Supimos que muchos miembros de la comunidad nunca había comido una dona, entonces decidimos prepararles uno de nuestros postres favoritos en Nambí: donas!


VBS Part 2

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 9, 2022 1:19 AM

We shared a really wonderful teaching and fun games with the kids; they really opened up to us and we could tell they were having a good time learning about God. 

Compartimos un tiempo maravilloso enseñándoles a los niños y jugando con ellos; se mostraron muy abiertos con nosotros y notamos que sí estaban teniendo un buen momento aprendiendo de Dios. 

VBS Part 2

We are Rich!

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 9, 2022 1:29 AM

Pastor Dimas taught from his heart; excited, recharged, and full of the Holy Spirit, and a lot of the brothers and sisters from the community were blessed by the Spirit through this teaching. 

El pastor Dimas enseñó desde su corazón ; emocionado, recargado y lleno del Espíritu Santo, y mucho hermanos y hermanas de la comunidad fueron bendecidos por el Espíritu por medio de esta prédica. 

We are Rich!

Thank You Pastora

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 10, 2022 10:45 PM

We decided to start our last day of ministry by bringing provision to the pastoral family, and we felt joyful for being able to do it. 

Decidimos empezar nuestro último día de ministerio trayendo provisión a la familia pastoral, y nos sentimos gozosos de poder hacerlo. 

Thank You Pastora

Blessed Leadership

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 2:04 PM

In our last day of food distribution we went to houses where we got the opportunity to share and pray for part of the leadership of the church.

En nuestro último día de distribución de alimentos fuimos a casas donde tuvimos la oportunidad de compartir y orar por parte del liderazgo de la iglesia. 

Blessed Leadership


by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 2:13 PM

We had a wonderful bonfire and marshmallows, which they call "burbujas". Children, teens, adults, all enjoyed and laughed together. We felt like they finally embraced us and gave us their complete trust. The Holy Spirit was surely among us!

Tuvimos un maravilloso tiempo de fogata y marshmallows, que ellos llaman "burbujas". Niños, jóvenes, adultos, todos disfrutamos y nos freímos juntos. Sentimos como si finalmente nos aceptaron y nos dieron su confianza por completo. El Espíritu Santo de seguro estaba entre nosotros! 


Pure Joy

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 2:18 PM

To be able to see these smiles and how much they were enjoying while learning about Jesus filled our hearts with His love. 

Poder ver estas sonrisas y lo mucho que disfrutaron mientras aprendían acerca de Jesús llenó nuestros corazones de Su amor. 

Pure Joy

What a lesson

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 2:25 PM

Their responsibility and commitment with God's creation is something to admire; even little children picked some of us to join them picking up trash.

Su responsabilidad y compromiso con la creación de Dios es algo de admirar; algunos pequeños nos llevaron a acompañarlos recogiendo basura. 

What a lesson


by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 2:26 PM

At the end of VBS we had a piñata to celebrate with kids. 

Al final del ministerio de niños tuvimos una piñata para celebrar con ellos.


See you soon!

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 2:36 PM

We prayed over our new friends in Talamanca and said see you soon! We blessed them in the name of Jesus.

Oramos por nuestros nuevos amigos en Talamanca y dijimos hasta pronto! Los bendecimos en el nombre de Jesús. 

See you soon!

New Relationship

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 2:57 PM

It's a blessing to experience how God uses missionary pastors, local pastors, and PPM staff to expand His Kingdom.

Es una bendición experimentar cómo Dios usa pastores misioneros, pastores locales, y staff de PPM para expandir Su Reino. 

New Relationship

Last group picture!

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 3:07 PM

We all wanted a picture, so most of us gathered and shared one last memory together. 

Todos queríamos una foto, entonces la mayoría de nosotros nos juntamos y compartimos un último recuerdo.

Last group picture!

Leaving Talamanca

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 3:15 PM

Spending a week serving the Lord in the indigenous reservation was an honor for us; we bless these people and pray they seek God in everything they do. We'll be back!

Pasar una semana sirviendo al Señor en la reserva indígena fue un honor para nosotros; bendecimos a estas personas y oramos para que ellos busquen a Dios en todo lo que hagan. Vamos a volver!

Leaving Talamanca

Rec Day

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 3:16 PM

We spent the day in the beautiful Caribbean coast. 

 Pasamos el día en la hermosa costa caribeña.

Rec Day

Caribbean supper

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 3:24 PM

Pastor Horman arranged a beautiful concert for us while we were eating. We felt honored and welcomed by his church. 

El pastor Horman organizó un hermoso concierto para nosotros mientras comíamos. Nos sentimos honrados y bienvenidos por su iglesia. 

Caribbean supper

Time to go home

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 3:27 PM

Pastor Horman prayed for us and blessed us as we went on a long ride back home. 

El pastor Horman oró por nosotros y nos bendijo antes de tener un viaje largo y seguro hacia nuestros hogares.

Time to go home

Post-credit picture

by Josué Toruño Madriz | August 17, 2022 3:30 PM

To close with the best, a picture of Pastor Dimas with one of the gifts from church that we took home.

Pasa cerrar con lo mejor, una foto del pastor Dimas con uno de los regalos de la iglesia que nos llevamos a casa. 

Post-credit picture

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Buck Buckner

August 8, 2022 2:10 PM

So exciting to see those faithful and dedicated carrying Gods message to those needing his Blessings. Thoughts and prayers to all and continued Grace from God in your journey.

Ashley Adkins

August 8, 2022 4:46 AM

I love seeing young people have a heart for Jesus and a willingness to go spread His word. I pray that each of you has an incredible week of ministry in the Talamanca.

Nancy Sylvester

August 7, 2022 2:07 PM

These photos and accounts of your day make my heart so happy. Praying that God continues to move in and through each of you as you humbly serve our Lord. Can not wait to hear more. ❤️

Rick Adkins

August 6, 2022 12:31 PM

Romans 10:13-15 - 13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” When I look at the photos and read the descriptions, this text just keeps coming to mind. How beautiful each of you are as you carry the good news of Jesus Christ to others.. May God pour into you as you pour out onto others the love and grace of Jesus. Proud of my brothers and sisters, inspired by each of you and can not wait to hear the stories of how the Holy Spirit was alive and working in all that you are doing. Blessings and love!!

Jonathan and Caroline Preusser

August 6, 2022 7:56 AM

We are praying for you all as you serve and do God's work. May Jesus be glorified in all you do. We love and miss you! ❤️

Scott Weaver

August 5, 2022 9:00 PM

So excited for you all! Can't wait to hear the stories of how God uses you all this week. We will be praying for you!

Kim Weaver

August 5, 2022 2:51 PM

Hi everyone! Hope you are doing well. I’m praying you will see God moving this week. Let him use you as his hands and feet. I miss you all and I will continue to pray for you.

Carolyn Cloutier

August 5, 2022 2:24 PM

Praying for you all! May God give you His strength, patience, and love. God will make a huge impact on this community through YOU! 🧡

Thomas Critelli

August 5, 2022 1:55 PM

Praying for this life changing week for you guys! Go be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Charles Fox

August 5, 2022 1:25 PM

What joy it brings me to see all of your smiling faces. Praying that each of you have a powerful encounter with God this week! Love you all!

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Lasting Relationships With The Local Church

First Presbyterian Church, Houston

Florida | June 20, 2024

Hang 10

FBC (Ferris) Youth

Florida | June 20, 2024

Youth Night

First Baptist Church of Emery

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Rec Day!

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El Yunque

First Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC

Puerto Rico | June 20, 2024





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