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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Bethel Lutheran Church

Serving In New England
June 24, 2023
Community: West End- Providence
Partner: Mestizo Community Church, Providence Church of Christ, Vida Abundante
Staff: Tori Snyder, Rachel Spenst, Jacob Kauranen, Adriana Alicea Arroyo, Hannah Mark

Welcome to Providence!

by Hannah Mark | June 25, 2023 10:28 AM

We made it to Providence! We started off the morning with worship and an amazing teaching about the Holy Spirit from Pastor Rick at Mestizo Church! 

Welcome to Providence!

Kid's Camp

by Adriana Alicea Arroyo | June 25, 2023 1:16 PM

Inviting some people/kids to Mestizo Church's kids' camp. We are looking forward to meeting more people and having such a blessed week. As well as looking forward to making new relationships!
Kid's Camp

VBS Prep

by Tori Snyder | June 25, 2023 5:12 PM

Arts and Crafts crew!! 

Today we split up into our VBS to plan out our stations!! 

VBS Prep


by Tori Snyder | June 25, 2023 5:13 PM

Our giant game crew were enjoying prep time!! The kiddos in these communities are going to have a ton of fun running around with these guys! 

Learning About the Community

by Rachel Spenst | June 25, 2023 5:37 PM

After church this morning, we had the opportunity to hear from Pastor Rick about our partner church, Mestizo Church, and the community of Providence. The church was started to meet the needs of the diverse population of this city and began by meeting in a park. Now, the church is major part of the community, partnering with local ministries and schools which we will get to join forces with this week. We are eager to get to meet and serve the many immigrants and refugees in Providence in continuation of the amazing work these ministries have begun here.
Learning About the Community

The Boys... and Hannah

by Tori Snyder | June 25, 2023 7:18 PM

We got invited to the Connect Fest tonight by one of our Partners for the week Providence Rescue Mission!! 

The concert was a great time of fellowship and fun as a team. Starting the week off worshiping the Lord alongside a few hundred other believes! 

Such an encouragement!! 

Praise God for this opportunity! 

The Boys... and Hannah

Ice Cream

by Tori Snyder | June 25, 2023 7:19 PM

The ice cream truck tonight was bussin! 
Ice Cream

Concert Vibes

by Tori Snyder | June 25, 2023 7:19 PM

Enjoying our time waiting for Austin French to get on stage!
Concert Vibes

All Smiles

by Tori Snyder | June 25, 2023 7:21 PM

Don't worry we aren't just here for fun! We are happy to serve Connect Fest tonight as soon as we wrap up. We get to be on the stage crew!! Tearing down all the equipment and tables. 

Often this event is a few individuals doing all that by themselves and takes a few hours. Stay tuned to how fast the 60+ of us can tear down and clean this venue up! 

All Smiles

PPM & Jenn

by Tori Snyder | June 25, 2023 7:23 PM

Some of our PPM staff cheesin with Jenn from the Mission who invited us all to the event!! 

You're the best Jenn! Looking forward to serving alongside you this week! 

PPM & Jenn

Lift Your Hands Up!

by Hannah Mark | June 25, 2023 9:00 PM

Praise and worship with Austin French was the best!

Lift Your Hands Up!

Clean Up Time

by Hannah Mark | June 25, 2023 9:10 PM

After the concert we helped with trash clean up, taking down tents, and more!
Clean Up Time

Mutual Blessings

by Tori Snyder | June 25, 2023 10:56 PM

Helping tear down tonight was such a practical example of what mutual blessings can look like in our lives. 

Our team came here to serve alongside the local church by working and partnering with them and other ministries. One of our ministries this week blessed us by inviting us to this awesome event, and we were able to bless them with our many hands in helping take down everything. 

How beautiful is the church?? 

We are ready for what God has for us tomorrow as we hop into VBS and work projects!

Mutual Blessings

Austin French

by Tori Snyder | June 25, 2023 10:58 PM

Ladies: "Can you ask Austin French if he can take a picture with us?" 

Thanks to Fuse Ministries our ladies (and some of our guys) got their wish and got a great group picture with the mainline artist for the night! 

Thanks for leading us in worship tonight Austin! Blessings on your continual impact in the music industry.  

Austin French

Praise Him

by Jacob Kauranen | June 26, 2023 5:05 AM

Praise Him, young men and women. Praise him, old men and children. Let them praise the name of the Lord. His name alone is honored. His glory is higher than the earth and the heavens.

Psalm 148:12-13
Praise Him

Vacation Bible School!

by Rachel Spenst | June 26, 2023 11:16 AM

We kicked off our week of ministry with VBS at two local parks this morning, in partnership with Mestizo Church. We had an amazing time getting to know the kids who came, playing games, making bracelets, learning about God's love and forgiveness, and eating yummy snacks with them.

Vacation Bible School!

Dorcas Day 1

by Adriana Alicea Arroyo | June 26, 2023 3:44 PM

Today we got to meet Max and hear his story on how he had found Dorcas International as well as what Dorcas is. He explained how refugees are brought to Rhode Island and how Dorcas finds a new home and a new opportunity for that person/ family. Away from persecution, fear and war. With their main role being to help them with the first couple of months of rent as well as a furnished apartment. 

Today we were able to organize and label some furniture and home goods. To be able to find things to bring to the apartment tomorrow for the family that are on their way! 

Dorcas Day 1


by Rachel Spenst | June 26, 2023 8:53 PM

Another group of our team members went to Providence Rescue Mission this afternoon. We organized their "thrift store" room to make space for more clothing donations so they can be available to people in the community. With great teamwork and efficiency, we were able to complete that and also sort bread and soda donations. Last but not least, we had the privilege of hearing from the founder of the mission about the heart behind the ministry and their desire to reach the struggling members of the community with the love of Jesus. Praise God for the work He is doing here and for the opportunity to be part of it!


Back to Elementary School?!

by Hannah Mark | June 27, 2023 6:38 AM

One team went to RFK elementary school to help prepare for students back in the fall! We built desks, whiteboards, cleaned out closets and organized classrooms! It was so amazing being able to serve here!

Back to Elementary School?!

Snack Time!

by Hannah Mark | June 27, 2023 9:30 AM

The snacks at yesterdays VBS were a big hit! We made dirt pudding cups with crushed up cookies and gummy worms. They were so yummy!
Snack Time!

Pulseras y Legos!

by Hannah Mark | June 27, 2023 9:34 AM

We made bracelets or “pulseras” and played with legos for yesterdays craft! We had so much fun coming up with creative designs!
Pulseras y Legos!

Did Someone Say Ice Cream?

by Hannah Mark | June 27, 2023 9:40 AM

Yesterday the RFK elementary school team went to Dairy King for a treat after finishing their projects! Here are Tate, Alex, and Landon enjoying some cotton candy ice cream!
Did Someone Say Ice Cream?

That’s A BIG Circle

by Hannah Mark | June 27, 2023 9:52 AM

Last night’s team meeting was so much fun! We started off going around the circle sharing a weird or random experience to get to know one another better. Then, we reflected on our experiences from VBS and the projects from the day.  We then concluded with some time in prayer!
That’s A BIG Circle

Rain or Shine

by Hannah Mark | June 27, 2023 9:59 AM

Because of the rain today’s VBS is being held inside, but that doesn’t mean 4 square can’t happen!

Rain or Shine

How Has God Shown Up?

by Hannah Mark | June 27, 2023 10:09 AM

This group is going around sharing how God has shown up recently in their lives! 

Philippians 2:13

”…for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

How Has God Shown Up?

Show Us Your Antlers!

by Rachel Spenst | June 27, 2023 10:17 AM

To get the energy going this morning, we sang a song about a moose, led by Tori! The song had some super fun actions to go with it and we loved seeing everyone's moose antlers.

Show Us Your Antlers!

Painting Reminders

by Rachel Spenst | June 27, 2023 10:31 AM

Hanna, Brady, and Anna are leading the kids in crafts this morning! We're painting crosses to remind us of what Jesus did to save us and how He is always with us. Some of this artwork will also become decorations in apartments for refugee families through Dorcus International!

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

Painting Reminders

Kitchen Cleanup

by Hannah Mark | June 27, 2023 1:23 PM

Today a group of us are staying at our partner church Mestizo and helping deep clean, organize, and do outdoor work! Here is a group washing dishes and scrubbing the stove!

Kitchen Cleanup

Pull it Up!

by Hannah Mark | June 27, 2023 1:33 PM

Here is Landon, Addisu, and Ed doing an amazing job weeding outside the church! Good job making a lot of progress!

Pull it Up!

Serving With a Smile

by Rachel Spenst | June 27, 2023 6:27 PM

Cheerful smiles from Campbell, McKenna, and Liv as we served this afternoon! At Providence Rescue Mission, we got to organize a container full of donations for the ministry and clean the parking lot. What a blessing it is to continue serving and building connections with this ministry!

Serving With a Smile

Helping Hands at the House

by Rachel Spenst | June 27, 2023 6:37 PM

One of the fun things about having such a large group is that we get to serve in lots of different places this week! Another group of us got to go to Miss Edwina's house today to help her move and sort through things. Miss Edwina is an essential part of Grace's House, which is a safe home for women that is an extension of Providence Rescue Mission. We loved getting to know Miss Edwina and spending time making bracelets with her granddaughter!
Helping Hands at the House

Dorcas International Apartment Time!

by Adriana Alicea Arroyo | June 27, 2023 11:03 PM

We got to take a small group to an apartment, that needs to get ready, for the family that are coming to America. We were so excited to help bring in furniture and even set up a place for a family to live in! We are looking forward to seeing the end results!

Dorcas International Apartment Time!

Home Sweet Home

by Adriana Alicea Arroyo | June 27, 2023 11:08 PM

After we finished getting the family's home ready we were not only able to leave welcome home letters but we were able pray over the family and home. 

Home Sweet Home

Happy Birthday Dylan!

by Hannah Mark | June 28, 2023 8:56 AM

Happy Birthday, Dylan!!! After last night’s meeting we celebrated Dylan’s birthday with some Oreo and Reese’s ice cream cake! It was an awesome celebration! 

Psalms 118:24

“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Happy Birthday Dylan!

Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge!

by Rachel Spenst | June 28, 2023 9:01 AM

Game time! Nothing like a giant group activity to start our morning of VBS!

Mighty Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge!

Every Move I Make...

by Rachel Spenst | June 28, 2023 11:42 AM

...I make in You! 🎵 Thank you to Lily, Emily, Lyla, Landon, and Reece for leading the kids in Bible stories and songs!

Every Move I Make...

God is Faithful

by Rachel Spenst | June 28, 2023 3:24 PM

For our last day at Providence Rescue Mission, we got to clean their chapel and dining area for their guests to enjoy. Then, we got to hear a testimony of how God has been at work in David's life. David graduated the program here at the mission and now works as an RA, overseeing other men currently in the program. What a blessing to hear about God's faithfulness!

God is Faithful


by Adriana Alicea Arroyo | June 28, 2023 3:54 PM

Today would sadly be our last day helping Dorcas International. But we didn't waste any time! We were able to help 2 other families by deep cleaning and adding some furniture into their new apartment. We were so blessed to be able to help another family to come into a furnished and clean home. May God continue to bless this family on their journey!


Pizza in the Park

by Rachel Spenst | June 28, 2023 6:34 PM

Perfect night for a picnic in the park! Praise God for this gorgeous weather!!

Pizza in the Park

Slime Time

by Rachel Spenst | June 29, 2023 11:38 AM

Today's the day everyone has been waiting for: making slime for our VBS craft! We had a blast helping the kiddos create slime in their favorite colors.

Slime Time

We Love Kids Camp!

by Rachel Spenst | June 29, 2023 11:45 AM

What a great week of VBS! We had so much fun playing and learning with the kids who came. We will miss them but are so thankful we met them and got to love on them!
We Love Kids Camp!

Water Balloons!

by Hannah Mark | June 30, 2023 10:53 AM

For the final activity of VBS at Donigain Park we had a water balloon fight! Everyone had so much fun (and were soaked by the end too)!

Water Balloons!


by Hannah Mark | June 30, 2023 10:58 AM

On our way back home! It was an incredible time serving and seeing the Lord move in Providence this week. Blessings on your summer and life on mission Bethel Lutheran Church!


Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 30, 2023 11:57 PM

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June 28, 2023 9:14 AM

Praising G-d for all His Love given to others though your serving


June 28, 2023 9:06 AM

AWESOME how G-d is using each one of you to Bless others and show His Great Love!


June 25, 2023 1:24 PM

Praying the Holy Spirit will FILL each one of you to overflowing

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Lasting Relationships With The Local Church

First Presbyterian Church, Houston

Florida | June 20, 2024

Hang 10

FBC (Ferris) Youth

Florida | June 20, 2024

Youth Night

First Baptist Church of Emery

Poland | June 20, 2024

Rec Day!

Rooted Youth Ministry

Minneapolis - Saint Paul, MN | June 20, 2024

El Yunque

First Presbyterian Church, Anderson, SC

Puerto Rico | June 20, 2024





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