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Praying Pelican Missions Logo

Canyon Hills Community Church

Serving In Florida
May 6, 2023
Community: Port Charlotte
Partner: Wintergarden Presbyterian Church
Staff: Douglas Buchanan, Janet Buchanan

Breakfast Church at Wintergarden Presbyterian

by Janet Buchanan | May 7, 2023 9:23 PM

Breakfast Church starts at 9:30. While everyone is enjoying breakfast under a large tent out in the sensory gardens on the church property.  The sanctuary is being renovated due to the damage made from Hurricane  Ian. Worship began around 10ish with singing and an excellent sermon on The 23 Psalm.

Breakfast Church at Wintergarden Presbyterian

Disaster Relief Has Many Hats

by Janet Buchanan | May 8, 2023 2:46 PM

Disaster relief has many hats but this hat was worn by Ms. Lisa. Sunday afternoon we arrived at Ms. Lisa’s home to help with many small repairs she needed done to her home after the hurricane hit. We were able to complete many of the items on her list but most of all we got to hear her stories about how God was faithful in all her trials. (Ms Lisa is the woman in the group picture with her Easter hat on)

Disaster Relief Has Many Hats

Morning Devotions in the Gardens

by Janet Buchanan | May 9, 2023 6:43 AM

Can you think of a better place to spend time with God than the Gardens full of God’s creations? We all met under the gazebo to start our day off by asking God to direct our paths and give us opportunities to be witnesses  for Him. 

Morning Devotions in the Gardens

Garden at Wintergreen

by Janet Buchanan | May 9, 2023 6:47 AM

Just a glimpse of God’s creation. The Dragon Fruit flower   It has to be pollinated by hand to produce the fruit. Interesting fact… they use a paint brush to do this. 
Garden at Wintergreen

Habitat for Humanity

by Janet Buchanan | May 9, 2023 6:51 AM

Half of the team went to work on a house for a young woman and her three children with Habitat for Humanity. They are looking forward to helping out this week. They call themselves the A team. 
Habitat for Humanity

Hat of Friendship

by Janet Buchanan | May 9, 2023 9:11 PM

An Elderly gentleman, who had just finished chemo treatments, needed some touch up work in one of his rooms and our leader was just the right one for the job. Disaster relief isn’t all about working on the home but also uplifting the person who lives there. Loren was able to share some special conversations as well as pray together. The next day a team went over and not only painted the wall but the entire room. 

Hat of Friendship

Adventure in the Everglades

by Janet Buchanan | May 9, 2023 9:16 PM

Yes, our group decided to go to Wooten’s Everglade Alligator Sanctuary to ride an air boat through the Everglades. We actually did  a 720* turn in the boat!  It definitely was a highlight to our day.
Adventure in the Everglades

Alligators to Behold!

by Janet Buchanan | May 9, 2023 9:20 PM

We actually got to hold a 4 year old alligator that weighed approximately 20 lbs. Just about everyone on our team got up enough courage to do it. Of course then there are those who put there lips on the line!
Alligators to Behold!

The Faces of Habitat for Humanity

by Janet Buchanan | May 10, 2023 8:07 PM

Today we framed the interior walls of the house. 

The Faces of Habitat for Humanity

Prayer over the House

by Janet Buchanan | May 10, 2023 8:10 PM

After we finished our work we took the opportunity to put scripture on the walls and then the habitat workers and our team prayed  for the the mother and children who will one day occupy their new home. 
Prayer over the House

Food Pantry

by Janet Buchanan | May 10, 2023 8:41 PM

The fruit and vegetable trucks came early this morning and we helped prepare bags of groceries for the following day when they will be given to over 430 families. 

Food Pantry

Food Pantry is ready for service

by Janet Buchanan | May 12, 2023 11:27 AM

After preparing several boxes to be distributed to the community, we were ready to start the line running. 

Food Pantry is ready for service

Job assignments

by Janet Buchanan | May 12, 2023 11:32 AM

Some of us registered the people, some put the boxes of food in the cars, while the rest of us continued making more and more boxes of food. It was like a well oiled machine. We started at 12:00 noon and didn’t finish until 4:30. What a blessed day. 
Job assignments

PPM Disaster Relief Storage

by Janet Buchanan | May 12, 2023 11:35 AM

The name fit perfectly!  It was a disaster!  One team member took it upon himself to clean up the disaster. 
PPM Disaster Relief Storage

Terri’s House

by Janet Buchanan | May 12, 2023 11:40 AM

Our team was committed to getting as many jobs done as possible so we sent a crew out to demolition a porch for Ms Terri before the Food Pantry was to begin at 12 that afternoon. 
Terri’s House

Last but not least

by Janet Buchanan | May 12, 2023 11:43 AM

It was back to sweet Ms Lisa’s house to lay a new piece of carpet she so much wanted. She was so thankful for the help and we were so blessed to help her. The smile on her face was priceless!
Last but not least

God uses all out talents

by Janet Buchanan | May 13, 2023 9:58 AM

Our last night at Wintergarden Church one of our team members used his plumbing abilities to fix the sink in the church kitchen. 

God uses all out talents

Final Gazebo Devotion

by Janet Buchanan | May 13, 2023 10:09 AM

Each morning we met at the gazebo to start our day with our Lord.  This morning Pastor Devin joined us for our devotion and final Goodbyes. Doug, our PPM team leader, challenged us to be aware that only what we do for Jesus will last. 
Final Gazebo Devotion

Wintergarden Tree Blessings

by Janet Buchanan | May 13, 2023 10:17 AM

The team presented Pastor Devin with a tangelo tree to be planted in their Wintergarden. They wanted to thank her for being such a gracious host. We hope the tree will bare fruit just as we trust God will bless our week with spiritual fruits for the community of Port Charlotte.
Wintergarden Tree Blessings

Continue Your Impact

by Praying Pelican Missions | June 5, 2023 11:57 PM

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Lasting Relationships With The Local Church

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