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Israel: War

PPM Disaster Response: Israel: War

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On October 7, Hamas carried out multiple, deadly attacks on Israel. The scale of violence and destruction exchanged are devastating; with continuing acts of terrorism and war through the area. This is currently ongoing. 1,200 have died in Israel and 1,055 have died in Palestine, with the death toll continuing to rise.

PPM has many partners throughout the region, and we continue to pray for them and for Peace to prevail. We will be updating this page as we receive prayer requests from our partners.

(Photo Credit: CNN)

Updates From The Field

Supporting Those In Need

by Jess Janicki | November 21, 2023 12:52 PM

In the middle of these difficult times and hard days, some of our partners have started to say, "In war, no one wins, but everyone loses." They have begun to see the toll that the war has brought. The country is being ravaged, many are losing their homes and the loss of life continues to rise. 

Our partners have felt the need to start a relief effort, for both sides, for the afflicted and the displaced. They have felt that Jesus has taught them to sympathize and help those in need. They have begun to bring food, water, clothes, medicine, building supplies and even helping to pay daily bills for the 1 million refugees and others affected by this war. 

They are asking for prayer, but also financial support. Please continue to pray for this to end, and pray that the church will stand strong. Pray that these needs can be met so they can show the hope and love of Jesus to those who are hurting so badly. 

If you are feeling led to give for help with relief efforts, subscribe to our updates to be notified when that becomes available. 


by Jess Janicki | November 9, 2023 2:20 PM

Thank you for praying! It means so much and is the most powerful thing we can do at this time. Our partners are standing strong in the Lord, and are hopeful that God will bring peace swiftly. Here is a list of prayer requests:

  • Release for all the hostages
  • Pray for all who are affected by this, on both sides. Pray that the violence would stop and innocents will stop being put in the middle
  • Pray that the Church would continue to be a light in the darkness and that people will come to know the hope and love of Jesus Christ through the Church
  • For those who are struggling to process what is happening and what they are seeing
  • For those who have lost jobs, or cannot go to school
  • For the 1 million refugees who are living in tents in the desert (One of our partners is working to help bring them food, clothing, and supplies to rebuild their homes)
  • For the Church, as they continue to meet, minister, prayer and lead small groups in their communities

Meeting Together

by Jess Janicki | October 23, 2023 12:34 PM

Prayer and Worship meetings are still happening, despite what is going on around them. Our partners, and all the Christian churches in the region continue to meet, pray and worship as they ask the Lord for peace for both sides and all people involved. 

  • The Church in this region needs encouragement. Please pray that God will lift them up in the midst of the chaos. Pray for both Arabs and Jews
  • There was an explosion at an Orthodox Church in Gaza where more than 400 Christians were taking shelter, as of now, 16 were found dead. Pray for their families and that church can come together to support and love one another
  • The fighting in the north continues against Hezbollah as well as in the south against Hamas. Pray for sounds minds and for the hate and violence to end
  • "This war does not stop taking victims of innocent children and women from both sides. Please pray that the war will come to an end, we are already tired of the whole situation." - Partner Pastor
  • Pray for continued release of hostages being held by Hamas
Meeting Together

Worship and Prayer

by Jess Janicki | October 18, 2023 2:44 PM

Powerful times of prayer and worship are happening across the churches in the region. Prayer services are sometimes lasting hours, and the presence of God is felt strongly. Our partners continue to pray for peace for all people, and are asking us to do the same. 

  • 70,000 residents from 28 settlement from the northern region have been asked to evacuate their homes, and are residing in hotels and apartments. Please pray for them as they have had to leave their homes for the time being
  • Continue to pray for the situation in the south, where 1 million residents have been asked to evacuate
  • Pray that all parties involved will have clear and level heads as they talk
Worship and Prayer

Continued Prayer

by Jess Janicki | October 16, 2023 2:50 PM

Thank you for praying!  In this time, we remember God's faithfulness and His goodness. He reigns above it all and is sovereign. We believe He will bring peace and through this, will bring people to Him. He works everything for His good, and His glory. 

This is what we are hearing from our partners. Your prayers mean so much to them.  Below you will find more prayer requests:

  • Prayers for the Christian church to stand firm and continue to be a beacon of Hope during this difficult time
  • Prayers for safety and protection for those serving in the Military
  • Prayers for safety of the people on both sides and for the church
  • Prayers that the church can safely go back to doing ministry in their communities
  • Prayers for those who have lost loved ones
  • Prayers for families who have loved ones serving in the Military

  • Prayer Requests

    by Jess Janicki | October 13, 2023 12:56 PM

    We have been hearing from our partners, and it's such a blessing to learn they are safe. They are so thankful to hear that you and so many others have been praying for them. They appreciate your love and support, and it means so much to know that the body of Christ is coming together to pray for Peace in the region.

    Here are some of the current prayer requests we have been receiving:

    • Prayers for "everyone who lost a relative or a soldier in this war. May the Lord Jesus strengthen us.”

    • Safe release of the hostages

    • Healing for the injured

    • Comfort for those who mourn the death of loved ones

    • For innocent people to be protected

    • For governments to find a long term resolution for peace quickly and an end to violence in the region

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